45. Leaving the Forest

After learning the skill of Body Hardening and resting for 15 minutes, they all returned to hunting. With his new skill, Zion found it was a lot easier to fight.

He could harden his legs, which would boost his agility, although that seemed weird. I mean... he hardens his legs into a metal-like substance. You would think that would make him slower.

Or he could even harden just his claws or teeth, causing his bite and slashing attacks to do more damage.

A bonus he found was if he hardened his tail, the fur became as hard as spikes, and so instead of just being blinded by fur, he stabbed into the faces of the beasts.

Due to that, he caused extra damage, usually only like 3 or 4 damage, but it was still handy.

Soon enough, the least of the time went by as they pulled their final beast into the bag. They felt the area around them shift, 'Ah... here it is.' Zion figured this was the teleport totem Sir Ivan mentioned.

They were blinded by a bright white light for a second and felt the faint feeling of moving, similar to being in an elevator, Zion noticed, before they could see the carriages and other students around them.

Sir Ivan stood at the front with four other adults who seemed like adventures, "Alright, everyone. The ones who have the spacial bags, bring them to one of the adventures beside me, then we shall return to the Academy." He spoke loudly as always.

A few students were confused, one even raising his hand, "Sir Ivan, I thought this was a contest. Who won?" He asked.

Ivan noticed many of the kids agreeing with this question, so he asked, "Would you rather we sit here for hours to count and score every single beast, or would you rather we return to the Academy where you can rest and find out the results tomorrow?"

His question made everyone shut up. It was already quite late, and everyone was tired from the constant fighting and moving. They were still only kids, after all.

There was not another word as the kids with the bags stepped forward and gave them to the adventures, then went back to their groups.

After all the bags had been given, Ivan then got them all to get back into the carriages so that they could return.

Once they had returned, all the students were happy to get a chance to rest. However, none dared move before Sir Ivan permitted them.

Ivan glanced at all the waiting, exhausted students and couldn't help but chuckle internally, "You're all dismissed."

His words had the immediate effect of causing all the students to relax and rush off.

Even Zions group was no exception. They looked at each other then Jacob spoke up, "Thank you all for accepting me to your group. If you guys hadn't, I wouldn't have had a chance to see something as amazing as... a skill book." He whispered the last part so that the last few remaining stragglers wouldn't hear it; however Ivan still heard and raised an eyebrow but didn't make a move.

"It was awesome having a proper tank with us." Aala smiled.

Ithil nodded, "Indeed. You often protected me at the right moments, so I appreciated that."

"I have an idea, guys. Jacob, if you would like, how about for any future group missions, you join us." Sarah smiled. She had seen the exceptional help having a tank provided, so she quickly decided.

Zion nodded at her, '"Perfect idea. I agree. Jacob, we would love for you to join us."' He gave his usual toothy smile.

Aala clapped lightly, "I like that idea too."

"We have already adjusted to working with you and the same the other way. It would be the safest and easiest way." Ithil nodded after thinking for a moment.

Jacob looked at them with wide eyes, then grinned and lightly banged his hand across his chest, "You got my shield then! I'd be happy to work with you guys again."

"Perfect. Well, it's time to rest. See you all tomorrow." Sarah smiled, and they all said their farewells before separating.

Sarah and Zion returned to their dorm, and Sarah went for a nice bath while Zion laid and looked at his status.


Race: Oracle Rainbow Fox

Name: Zion

Level: 12 (EXP: 580/2000)

Rank: D

Magic Affinity: None

(Fire: 55% - Red

Water: 4% - Blue

Earth: 68% - Orange

Wind: 10% - Green

Lightning: 23% - Purple

Ice: 0% - Pale Blue

Light: 0% - White

Dark: 0% - Black

Space: 30% - Yellow)

HP: 525/525

Mana: 470/470

STR: 34

AGL: 39

CON: 37

DEF: 34

INT: 47

CHA: 42


Bite (E) (Lv8/10) - Slash (E) (Lv8/10) - Analyse (SSS) (Lv6/10) - Pounce (D) (Lv8/10) - Kick (E) (Lv8/10) - Tree Run (D) (Lv5/10) - Dash (E) (Lv7/10) - Tail Flick (E) (Lv4/10) - Triple Strike (D) (Lv4/10)


Mind Talk (B) (Lv8/10) - Prediction (C) (lv2/10) - Dispelling Eye (D) (lv1/10) - Body Hardening (C) (Lv1/Lv5)]]

'Interesting... Body Hardening only has five levels. Does that mean it's harder to level up? Or just that it only has a small growth rate?' He tilted his head, very curious.

He decided he would see if he could go to the library to learn some more things.

After all, the library here was much more extensive than back at the Veilstone Manor. He had been a few times in the lasst 2 years and still hadn't covered more then 10% of it. Sarah soon came out and saw Zion spaced out again. She had noticed he did this occasionally, but it never seemed terrible, so she didn't worry about it.

She rubbed his head, grinning wide, "Tomorrow's scores will be interesting. I kind of want to know the scores of those stupid head nobles." She grumbled softly.

Zion glanced at her and chuckled, '"Calie and Krakow. It definitely will be interesting. Alright, now get some rest."' He laid his head down as she moved into the bed, and soon they both fell asleep.