79. Meeting the Eldest Brother

Before they knew it, they had been at Lotoria Academy for a year now. It was also approaching when students could leave to visit their families.

Lotoria Academy was different from others when it came to going home. At others, you could go home every six months; however, at Lotoria, it was every 12 months.

Sarah was packing away the few things she always took when she returned home. Although still clearly young at 14, Sarah was beginning to show slight curves, and her muscle tone was quite good compared to other girls unless they also chose to be physical attackers like her.

Zion himself hadn't changed much in the last year. His beast form only really changed when he evolved, and although his human form ages like a human does, he still was small and cute.

He guessed it might be a thing of being a fox but hoped it would change when he turned 16 or 18. Being a shrimp for the rest of his life... he would instead dump his human form and stay as a beast!