120. The Cause of the Beast Wave

As the battle against the beast wave continued, the scout/assassin team finally reached the location where the beasts kept attacking them from.

They had all dealt with at least nine different beasts in their three hour journey to this spot, increasing their time taken to five and a half hours.

They all gathered and froze as they stared ahead of them at the beast that was supposedly the cause of the beast wave.

In front of them, was a ginormous lion-like beast. It was the size of a two story building, its golden yellow fur had spots that were purplish-black.

A similar mist surrounded it and its eyes had become a deep purple that if you gazed at it for too long, left a shiver down your spine.

"There's our target. Now, for how we are going to attack it..."

The two swordswoman began to explain the plan but Zion wasn't listening as he stared at the lion with a frown on his face.