
I shrugged off my shirt and knelt down, pressing my palm firmly against the cool, dewy grass. The soil beneath my hand is depressed, its dampness enveloping my fingers.

"To put it simply, I'll channel a stream of Essence directly into your chest. All you have to do is circulate it throughout your body." I nodded and settled into a more relaxed position. The warmth of Clyde's palm against my back was a steady, reassuring presence, reminding me to ready myself.

"Once you've done that, I'll handle forming your core myself since I can't manage both tasks.

You'll sense it flowing through you; just concentrate and guide it with your will," he finished, his voice ending in a grunt. "And if you wish, try to get a portion of it in your abdomen to make it easier for me.

I replied with a low hum, closing my eyes and allowing the sensation to seep into my body.

I felt his hand twitch as if releasing a gate that had held back this potent essence. For my body, it was like a key unlocking a hidden door. My previously dark innards were now illuminated, permitting me to see the inside of my body; as strange as it seemed. It was as if I had eyes all over the insides of my body—peculiar, yet oddly familiar.

At first, a modest warmth spread through my veins, creeping into my muscles. Moments later, it evolved into a tingling sensation that scattered throughout my body. Following his instructions, I attempted to circulate it. No matter how I tried to direct it, the essence wouldn't obey my will. Troublesome little rats.

"Don't expect them to listen to you. Force it to move, don't ask and expect," Clyde advised firmly.

My hand tightened in frustration, my knuckles whitening. I focused inward, directing my consciousness to my abdomen. Instead of coaxing the essence to move, I pushed it. Then, I began shoving it with all my might. The effort was strenuous, each mote of essence resisting my commands. Sweat beaded on my forehead, my breath coming in short gasps. Yet, I persisted, driving the essence through the channels of my body.

This was nothing. My training was exceedingly more dreadful, straining, and difficult. Each battle was a thousand times harder and exhausting. I wouldn't let stupid balls of magic disrespect me.

Gradually, I felt a shift. The essence started to yield, flowing more smoothly under my forceful guidance. It surged through my veins like a river breaking through a dam, filling me with powerful vitality. The tingling sensation intensified, becoming a constant, electrifying current that invigorated every muscle and bone. My awareness expanded, embracing the rhythm of the essence within me. Each pulse was a confirmation of my growing control, a symphony of energy that resonated with my very being. Clyde's presence was a steady anchor, grounding me as I grasped the flow.

With a final, concentrated effort, I directed the essence to my core, feeling it coalesce into a potent, swirling mass. The process was both exhilarating and exhausting, but as the essence settled, I felt a profound sense of victory. I opened my eyes, meeting Clyde's gaze. His expression was one of approval and quiet pride, but subtle shock, even well-hidden fear. "You did well," he said softly. "Scaringly well," he added.

I snickered and relaxed, freely letting my sweat drip down my face onto my chiseled abs, eventually falling to the grass. "Now that we have more than enough essence concentrated in your abdomen which will serve as your core, I shall now form it for you." My lips curled again as we neared the end of the process. The meager essence that slept in my muscles empowered me. Despite its low amount, the growth in power I obtained was enough to discern clearly, even without it being completed.

Clyde's hand remained steady on my back, and I could feel his own essence flowing into me, a guiding force shaping the restless energy within. As he began to form my core, I concentrated on the profound power coursing through my body. The essence in my abdomen started to condense, swirling into a dense, vibrant core of energy. It was like a miniature sun, radiating warmth and power. My entire being seemed to echo with it, the power growing more tangible and fierce with each passing moment.

The sensation was overwhelming. The essence in my core felt like a living entity, throbbing with a rhythm of its own. I focused on it, attuning myself to its frequency, letting its power merge with my soul. As it solidified, I could feel my muscles tightening, and my senses sharpening. The world around me seemed more vivid, every detail more pronounced. My mind raced with the possibilities of what I could achieve with this newfound strength. The essence had transformed me, making me more than I was before.

The energy danced around my body like lightning, my previously exhausted state reversing my body into a new zenith I'd never experienced before. The mere thought of the new pinnacles I'd reach made me excited to fight, to kill.

I'll make anyone, or anything, obey my existence. I shall be the vassal of death, spreading his influence over these accursed lands. For I am not a hero or a fugitive, I am only a Warrior of Sin who dares to defy. I'm hungry for power, and battles.

**Clyde's POV**

I watched as Lourdes adapted to the essence with an ease that was almost unnatural. I had seen many attempts at forming a core, but none like this. Lourdes's rapid progress was both impressive and unnerving. His eyes, closed in concentration, revealed an inner world that I could only imagine—a world where he wielded power with unparalleled skill. The way he had forced the essence to move, not asking but demanding, spoke volumes of his raw potential.

Lourdes's body seemed to glow with an internal light, the essence coursing through him with a vibrant intensity. I could feel the power radiating off him, a palpable force that sent shivers down my spine. It wasn't just the amount of essence that he had accumulated, but the way he controlled it, bending it to his will with a determination that was frightening.

I assisted in many awakenings, but never before had it been this easy, and beneficial. Even a man who was now a Seventh Ember had numerous more problems and was far more difficult to awaken, and I thought he was far more than talent.

Lourdes was not human in my eyes, he seemed as if a reincarnation of a god with talent unimaginable. I hid it from my face, not daring to falter. I seemed happy and proud on the outside, and don't get me wrong I was. But inwardly, I was scared.

I had always known Lourdes was talented, the way he managed to parry my bolt of essence as a mere warrior, and to kill those assassins, but this was something else entirely. There was a ferocity in him, a burning desire that set him apart from others. A hunger that yearned for more. My approval was mingled with a growing apprehension. I couldn't shake the feeling that I was witnessing the birth of something extraordinary and dangerous.

The process continued, and I focused on maintaining the flow of his own essence into Lourdes, shaping and refining the core. As the final stages approached, I marveled at the sheer willpower he exhibited. Most would have faltered under the strain, but not him. Lourdes seemed to thrive on it, his energy only growing stronger with each passing moment. His face wasn't clenched, pale, or he was groaning. He was still-faced, the only testament of struggle were the beads of sweat covering his face.

Finally, the core was formed. I withdrew my hand, stepping back to observe the result. Lourdes opened his eyes. "You've done it," I said, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and caution. "Your core is formed."

Lourdes stood, the air around him seeming to vibrate with the residual energy of the process. He flexed his hands, feeling the fresh strength coursing through his veins. "Thank you, Clyde," he said, a confident smile playing on his lips. "I can feel the power. It's… incredible."

I nodded, unable to fully hide my concern. "Just remember, with great power comes one too many problems," I chuckled, as much as it was a joke, It was true. "Many factions or families will want your power, and if they can't have you, they wouldn't want anyone else having it. Of course, after we solve the bounty problem."

Lourdes's smile widened, a hint of something darker lurking beneath. "Oh, don't worry." He promised me. "I'll make anyone, or anything, obey my existence. I shall be the vassal of death, spreading his influence over these accursed lands."

I watched him, a mixture of pride and dread filling his heart. I had helped create a force to be reckoned with, but at what cost? Did I create a demon who will bring calamity? Or a being who will help this world.