
Nathan's immediate and only real concern was the overall physical strength. He wanted to build a body strong enough to handle the full brunt of Peerless Perception. 

Unlike Rivalry Reconnaissance, which gave Nathan information about his rivals and potential rivals in an easily controllable stream, Peerless Perception gave Nathan information about everything all the time. Information poured in like an overflowing river. Even with a dam built from his experience, he could only manage the flood of information and limit it to a trickle, lest his body break from the overpour.

Nathan's body had transformed in the process of evolving his skill. But it had only laid the foundation for his future growth and removed the mortal limitations all non-awakeners suffered from.

Besides, Rivalry Reconnaissance was a skill that had put Nathan almost at the top of the world. And his use of it had let him contend with the top.

Peerless Perception was a complete evolution of that skill.

It wasn't something someone with the body of a not-so-athletic teenager could handle.

But it wasn't an uncommon story.

People awakened with skills too strong for their current selves all the time.

"Dad! Come in here!"

There were two ways to adapt to a too-powerful skill.

Terrence was curious about what his son wanted. They hadn't talked since Terrence walked out after Nathan's revelation. Terrence wasn't sure what to think, but it seemed Anita had accepted it, so he would go with the flow for now.

It also sounded like his son wanted help with something. It was the least Terrence could do when Nathan had solved the earlier incident with the group of people causing a ruckus.

Nathan hadn't only chased them away or gotten them arrested. As soon as things cleared up, rumors spread about their restaurant and how the son of the restaurant had gotten beaten up by troublemakers.

Some came to check out the restaurant, while others came to show their support to their neighbors.

They had already made up for the losses from having to close the other day and pausing deliveries. It might even be the push the restaurant needed to gain more widespread fame and recognition.

After all, no one who ate Anita's food could complain about it.

"Do you need my help with anything, you brat?"

Terrence popped his head through the door to Nathan's room and looked curiously at his son, who stood in the middle of the room.

"Yeah, come over here."

Curiously, Terrence walked over to stand in front of his son. But before he could ask what Nathan wanted, Nathan had already picked up Terrence and put him on his shoulders like a large, very large, sack of potatoes.


"Stop squirming already!"

Nathan just tightened his grip on Terrence and started squatting.

Since they didn't have any weights, he couldn't go to the gym, and bodyweight exercises weren't enough, Nathan made do with what he had at hand. As it just so happened, the only thing heavy enough but easy enough to move was his father.

Much to Terrence's embarrassment and emasculation, Nathan continued using him as prop for various exercises. While Terrence recovered psychologically, Nathan would gorge himself on his mother's cooking before continuing.

It wasn't as extreme as people with physical reinforcement or regeneration skills, but every awakener, especially ones whose skills taxed their bodies, had a high metabolism and recovery.

Nathan still needed to sleep. But he spent almost all of his waking hours training and eating. Occasionally, since the restaurant had suddenly grown popular, he would also help his mother with either cooking or serving guests.

But the restaurant wasn't that large, even if the queue extended around the corner. And Terrence's presence, even if he was slowly losing it, kept the customers in line and helpful. Most of them made sure not to stay too long, cause too much trouble, or create messes. They even stacked their plates and such to make it easy for Anita and Nathan to clear the tables and allow for new guests.

However, as happy as she was to work hard for her restaurant's success, Anita was getting more and more tired.

"I'm thinking of hiring one or two waitstaff."

After another tiresome but satisfactory day of serving customers, Anita gathered Terrence and Nathan at a table.

Terrence didn't have much of a reaction. But Anita wasn't looking for one from him, either. She looked at Nathan.

He nodded.

"Alright. I might be paranoid, but the Vijang Syndicate might use it to get to us, so I'll do the hiring and vetting. Just focus on running the restaurant."

Anita nodded, satisfied.

Nathan didn't waste any time and started making a sign to tell people they were hiring.

The sign said no experience was required and that anyone was free to apply. They just needed to talk to him during working hours.

It was a strange method for hiring. But it worked for Nathan. With his Peerless Perception on full blast, he could glean all the details he needed to know.

He didn't tell this to Anita, but he was considering looking for someone who had the potential to awaken or someone who was already awakened and could defend the restaurant while he wasn't home.

The latter alternative was unlikely, especially if he wanted someone useful. But not all awakeners were heroes, and not all received a living wage even if they were. Nathan didn't want to hire a hero if he could help it. But if it were someone working out of the naive goodness of their heart, they would protect his parents to the best of their ability.

Nathan was also reluctant to entrust his parents to someone else. But he didn't have much of a choice. The least he could do was pick someone useful.

He hadn't tried using Peerless Perception to scrutinize people yet. But if it was anything like what he thought an evolution of Rivalry Reconnaissance should be like, it would tell him everything he needed to know and then some.

Nathan was almost looking forward to it.