Sky Piercer

"You annoying bastard, are you sure you don't want to learn my Mystic Arts? I won't be able to fight you next time, either way, so you might as well get even stronger. Aren't you having trouble with some other guy nowadays?"

"Piss off. Do you think I have the time for that shit? I've seen you and your minions. The only thing you guys do all day every day is sit around, train, or spar. I feel myself dying inside just imagining it. Besides, I've got better stuff to do."

The Heavenly Demon chuckled at Nathan's blatant disgust.

"Better stuff? You mean going around picking fights with everyone?"

"It's got me this far. It's not my fault I prefer engaging with others to being alone with my thoughts."

"That's exactly why you should try it, you know. It doesn't just make you stronger proportionally to the effort you invest. It's a way to hone one's mental state and psyche. Why do you think that of everyone you meet, I am the only one who can stand you?"

"I just thought you were too stupid to care."

"See? When you start feeling seen, poked, or prodded, you go for personal attacks. You are a hollow soul. Mystic Arts will fill that up with mental training, power, satisfaction, and self-confidence."


"Unlike with skills, Mystic Arts improve. It's not just about learning to use a new limb. It's building a new limb, training it, and improving it before using it to alter one's fate or defeat one's foes.

"Unlike with ordinary strength training, there is no ceiling. You can reach the sky with sheer effort alone. The progress might be irregular, but it is consistent."

Nathan knew the Heavenly Demon wouldn't listen to a thing when they started preaching about their Mystic Arts, so he didn't even bother trying to get them to shut up.

"Mystic Arts reignite and refuel the spark of life within humans. It refines the essence of a person and fortifies their body and soul. Is there anything greater?

"Nowadays, immortality is more of a curse than a blessing. But Mystic Arts are the gateway to longevity. Mystic Arts are the condensation of the future evolution of humans brought to the past in a learnable form.

"With Mystic Arts, it becomes possible and impossible to rule the world. The moon and stars are no longer untouchable mirages above the sky. The sun is no longer alone in the sky."

"Is that why talent matters so much? Why half of your cultists are stuck at the first step?"

The Heavenly Demon shook their head.

"Even that is a part of the Mystic Arts. Someone without this so-called 'talent' will gain much more through struggling than someone with it. Someone with talent will climb a taller tree than someone without it, but their tree will be far from as steady. Talent or no talent are simply different paths to the same goal, both fraught with challenge, danger, reward, and growth, both physical and mental."

"Sounds like a whole lot of sophistry from someone who doesn't know what it's like to be untalented."

"Heh. Think as you wish. This isn't something one can discuss. It's merely two different ways to look at the world. Anyways, what do you think about learning a Mystic Art now? It's not like you're doing anything right now."

"I'm recovering. Stop bothering me."

"No way. I'm getting excited. I got this strong through Mystic Arts. You got this strong from fucking around. Imagine how strong you would become if you put in the right kind of effort."

"Sounds like a bother. What's it to you, anyway? You can barely keep up with me as is, and now you want me to get even stronger?"

Nathan could feel the Heavenly Demon's smile beneath their mask.

"Of course. My role is many. I have responsibilities befitting my position, one of which is the propagation and development of Mystic Arts. It is also a personal dream of mine to see the zenith of Mystic Arts, whether it be me or someone close to me who reaches it."

"Not interested."

"I can tell you are, you shy dog. I actually have a Mystic Art that is perfect for your unruly and rude temperament. It is one of the best if not the best Mystic Art I know. With it, you will become unrivaled, I'm sure of it."

"Where would the fun in that be?"

"Once you get a taste of supremacy, you won't ask such a question again."

Nathan just sighed.

"Good. It is a Mystic Art centered around the will to break free of the sky's suppression. In a way, it is a Mystic Art that goes against the Heavenly Demon. At the same time, it is also a representation of the Heavenly Demon's role.

"The Sky Piercer Codex is a Mystic Art that requires a strong will. The Sky Piercer Codex's goal is to live unfettered. Free. Uncontrolled. Unrestricted. Unrivaled. Unbound. Peerless.

"It is an arrogant Mystic Art. Even I, the Heavenly Demon am not free. I have obligations. I have mountains to surpass. I have chains tying me down. It is my fate to carry those while trying to break them. It is not my fate to break them.

"The Sky Piercer Codex makes fate itself crumble before it."

Nathan just shook his head. It seemed the Heavenly Demon had gotten even better at spouting loads of bullshit with a serious voice.

"If it is so good, why haven't you trained it to defeat me? How did you even make it, in the first place?"

"It is not my fate. And I didn't make it. I saw it in a dream. If I had to guess, it is because of you. This Mystic Art is yours and yours alone."


The Heavenly Demon shrugged. They didn't care if Nathan believed them or not.

"You will notice it as soon as you begin training."

"Looks like I'll never notice it, then."

The Heavenly Demon's dark eyes shone through their black mask as they looked straight into Nathan's eyes.

"No matter what happens in the future, remember this mantra."

After an uncustomary degree of seriousness, the Heavenly Demon started reciting the Sky Piercer Mantra.