Am I you?

I shielded my ears on the truth as I know it would hurt;

and yet I willingly listen to a lie.

I tell people I don't really believe in God;

and yet I shout His name whenever I feel like the world is coming down on me.

I say I love myself no matter what;

and yet I change for someone who will never love me back.

I say I'm not okay;

and yet I deny the help that I need.

I say don't mind criticism;

and yet I get mad if someone points out where I went wrong.

I say I like walking and feeling the warmth of the sun on my face;

and yet I like it better if it's dark and quiet where I can just sit and contemplate life.

There are many things that contradict the things I say. And the worse part is it was also me who contradicts it. I subconsciously oppose my own belief and morale that it was hard for me to tell who I really am.

I am a stranger in my own home; I am a shadow of my own reflection.