Chi’s Prowess      

When the Raklings sprang into action, Rain's heart leaped into his throat. Chi, however, reacted instantly; her agile reflexes and slender frame enabled swift movement.


As the first Rakling lunged with incredible speed, Chi effortlessly sidestepped. Her lithe figure danced around, swiftly seizing a nearby Raptor that had been innocently flying nearby, oblivious to the imminent danger.


In a single, fluid motion, Chi hurled the struggling creature toward the Rakling's face with precision.


The collision was both unexpected and effective. The Raptor, panicked and defenseless, exploded upon impact against the Rakling's stony nose, releasing a putrid stench that instantly filled the air.


The Rakling recoiled in disgust, its primal instincts overwhelmed by the foul odor emanating from its injured snout. This brief distraction bought Chi the precious seconds she needed.


Seizing the opportunity, Chi executed a daring maneuver. With agility that defied her size, she darted underneath the Rakling's massive bulk. Her steel claws extended like deadly talons, and she raked them across the Rakling's exposed underbelly.


The Rakling bellowed in agony as Chi's claws tore through the soft flesh underneath, leaving deep gashes that oozed dark ichor.


Rain stood transfixed, awestruck by Chi's prowess. Reflecting on her evolution into a Lightbringer, he realized their journey had been relatively smooth thus far.


The Giant Barren Lizards from before had swiftly fallen to her strength, and now the Raklings. Rain wondered how she would fare with a sword and bow in hand.


Despite the Rakling's superior size and strength, Chi was nimble and strategic, exploiting every weakness of her opponent.


Meanwhile, the second Rakling sensed that the tables was turning against it, and hesitated for a moment before deciding that survival outweighed its companion's fate.


With a panicked screech, it turned tail and fled into the nothingness, disappearing as swiftly as it had appeared.


Chi emerged from beneath the fallen Rakling, her breath coming in short, controlled bursts. She glanced around warily, her sharp eyes scanning for any sign of further danger.


Satisfied that the immediate threat had passed, she straightened up slowly, her body tense and ready for another attack if needed.


Rain approached cautiously, his admiration for Chi's courage and skill mingling with concern for her well-being.


"Chi," he called softly, unsure if she was injured despite her apparent victory.


Chi turned to face Rain and her face beamed with delight and pride.




Rain sighed in relief. "I'm glad you're alright."


He then noticed a shallow cut on Chi's forearm where a Rakling's tooth had grazed her skin. "You're hurt!"


Chi glanced at her arm and with a swift wave of her hand, the wound closed and she appeared good as new.


"Whoa. Healing magic really is handy," Rain remarked, especially since they lacked potions or herbs for wound care.




"Sorry, I should have thought about those Raklings before cooking that meat."




"Ah, you don't know what cook meat is?" Rain grabbed some cooked meat in his inventory. "Here you go."


Chi quickly grabbed the meat from Rain's hand and chomped on it eagerly.




Chi's eyes sparkled with delight as she devoured the meal until there was nothing left.




She was asking for more, and Rain handed her another piece.


"I guess you prefer it cooked too, huh? It really brings out the flavor, doesn't it?"


Chi nodded enthusiastically, agreeing wholeheartedly.


"Still . . . the smell is a problem. Maybe we could mask it with the Raptors' sacs? Although the stench might be an issue for us too. Hmm . . ."


While Chi ate with gusto, Rain pondered ideas on how to fend off the problematic Raklings and other beasts drawn to the delicious aroma.


"Maybe we don't need to keep it so close to us," Rain muttered, eyeing the dead trees a few hundred meters away. "Perhaps we could rub the Raptors' sacs on those trees and rocks, spreading them around our shelter. That way, we wouldn't smell it directly, and at the same time, it could mask our scent and the aroma of cooked meat."


Rain snapped his fingers. "It's worth a shot."


Chi remained focused on her food but nodded in agreement with Rain's plan. 'Whatever my Lord is planning, I agree wholeheartedly!'

Together, they surveyed the aftermath of the skirmish. The fallen Rakling lay motionless, its lifeblood staining the ground beneath it.


Rain took a moment to collect a few useful materials from the creature's carcass, mindful of their potential value back on earth.

He was getting the hang of this, if he did say so himself.

[Obtain, Rakling's Rock Hide x2]


[Obtain, Rakling's Meat x5]


[Obtain, Rakling's Bones x3]


Rain struggled to extract the Rakling's teeth, finding them stubbornly lodged. Chi noticed his difficulty and nonchalantly kicked the Rakling's jaw, causing the teeth to break loose.


[Obtain, Rakling's Teeth x10]


"Oh, thanks Chi! Looks like we have more meat to cook later tonight," Rain grinned, dangling the meat.


Chi hopped excitedly.

"Alright, Chi, you guard everyone while I spread these Raptor sacs around," Rain instructed. "I don't want those beasts lingering around here while we eat."



"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I won't go too far."


Chi hesitated briefly but complied with Rain's request, and got back to the others.


While Rain busied himself spreading the foul-smelling Raptor sacs a few hundred meters around the area, he also gathered wood from the dead trees to prepare for a fire later.

So far, his plan seemed effective; no Raklings had appeared while they cooked the Rakling meat.


However, Rain and Chi remained vigilant.


As the sun began to set, Rain eagerly returned to the Salty Marsh to check on the salt solution. If his theory proved correct, he would proceed with his next plan. It was crucial that it worked.


"It should work . . ." Rain muttered to himself as he checked the salt solution.


But it was empty.

There was no salt.