The Balancing Act      

"I see . . ." The counselor's eyes narrowed into slits, and Rain avoided them at all costs.


The Counselor leaned back in her chair, scrutinizing Rain. "Depression is a serious issue, Mr. Weathers," she said slowly. "Are you seeing a therapist?"


Rain blinked, not expecting the question. "N-no, ma'am."


She sighed, her expression softening slightly. "You should consider it. But for now, I need more details. What exactly has been happening that made you feel this way?"


Rain's mind raced. He hadn't expected her to take him seriously. "Well, it's just . . . everything. School, home, feeling isolated. It's been overwhelming."


The Counselor nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, Mr. Weathers. I believe you need some support. I'll arrange for you to meet with the school therapist. In the meantime, make sure you keep up with your classes. And if you need to talk, my door is always open."


Rain couldn't believe his luck. He nodded vigorously. "Thank you, ma'am. I appreciate it."


The Counselor sighed heavily. "Poor child. So you've been suffering from depression all along."


". . . Uhm?" Rain blinked, his eyes darting to the Counselor's face.


Her eyes were full of pity, and Rain felt a pang of guilt for lying.


"A lot of boys and girls are under immense pressure nowadays, and that can lead to depression. Many come to me with cuts on their hands, saying that they don't want to live anymore."


The Counselor pulled a card from her bag and handed it to Rain. "I want you to attend these sessions, even if it's just once a week. The support group here at school are professional psychologists, and students don't have to pay a dime. Get yourself there and have them help you."


Rain took the card, feeling a mix of relief and dread. "Thank you, ma'am. I'll make sure to go."


The Counselor smiled warmly. "Good. And remember, you're not alone. There's always help available, and it's okay to ask for it."


Rain nodded, the weight of the card heavy in his hand. As he left the office, he couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt. He had dodged a bullet, but at the cost of a lie that might come back to haunt him.


Outside the counselor's office, Rain paused, staring at the card. It had the name and address of the support group, along with a phone number. He tucked it into his pocket, knowing he had to at least pretend to attend. His double life was becoming more complicated, and he needed to find a balance before everything fell apart.


Walking back to class, Rain felt the stares of his classmates. Nathan shot him a questioning look, but Rain just shook his head.


There would be time to explain later — if he could come up with a convincing story.


He slipped back into his seat, his mind racing. The reality of his school life clashed with the intensity of the Spirit Realm, and he knew he had to tread carefully. One misstep, and everything could come crashing down.


Teacher Henry's voice droned on in the background as Rain tried to focus. He had to keep his grades up and not draw any more unwanted attention. He had to find a way to manage both worlds without losing his sanity.


After class, Nathan cornered him. "Okay, time to explain, buddy. What happened? Why were you absent for days? What did the counselor say?"


Rain sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, I told her I might be depressed, and she gave me a card for a support group."


Nathan's eyebrows shot up. "Depressed? I see. Now, tell me the truth. Why were you really absent?"


Rain shrugged, forcing a laugh. "I had to say something. I couldn't tell her the truth that I'm playing video games all day."


Nathan frowned. "Ahuh. Don't be like that, man. We're friends, right? We've been playing video games forever, but not once were you absent."


Rain shrugged. "I just found a really cool game that hooked me." He couldn't tell Nathan the truth, even if he was his friend.


The Player Association warned them not to disclose the truth to the public, as it might cause serious panic. The Association was still conducting research and experiments to determine if it was safe to reveal such matters to the public. For now, players should just play in secret while leaving the politics to the professionals.


Nathan wasn't convinced, and it showed on his face. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted when a commotion drew their attention.


"Hey, look . . ."


"That's Alice, right?"


"Whoa. Look at the ride."


The latest edition of a white Royce pulled over on the wide road, and out stepped a very handsome man in a simple black shirt and pants. His wavy short grey hair and striking eyes made him look godly.


The handsome man walked over to Alice, who seemed to be waiting for him. Without a word, the two got into the car and drove off, leaving everyone gossiping and envious.


"That's Alice's rumored boyfriend," said Nathan, clutching his heart dramatically. "Augh, the heartbreak. There goes the campus crush."


Rain only pressed his lips tight. Every class had their maiden, and Alice was that maiden in theirs. Not only that, she was also one of the beauties at school.


Of course, it would be hypocritical for Rain to tell anyone that he didn't have a crush on her because Alice was that attractive. Her quiet demeanor and elegant style added to her charm.


Everyone in class had a crush on her, but right now, Rain really didn't care. He was worried about his troops! He had been in class for more than six hours, and a day had passed in the Spirit Realm! He had to get home fast!


"Nathan, I'll see you later! I have something important to do!" Rain said, quickly bolting away.


"Hey!" Nathan wanted to stop Rain but failed and could only watch his friend go with a pout on his face. "I guess he's really hooked on that game."


When he reached his apartment, Rain collapsed onto his bed, staring at the ceiling. He needed a plan, a way to manage everything without losing control.


But for now, he just needed to go back to his territory, ASAP!