The Calm Before the Storm      

Druger gathered the townspeople in the center made up table of their makeshift encampment, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows on the walls.


Despite the tension, the air was charged with a sense of grim determination. The room, usually filled with the sounds of laughter and the warmth of shared meals, was now a war council chamber, heavy with the weight of their collective resolve.


"Alright, everyone," Druger began, his voice steady and commanding, "we've reached the point of no return. Our objective is clear: reclaim our town from Lord Izumi and his battalion of lobsters. But this isn't going to be easy. We're up against a well-armed force with superior numbers. We need to be smart, strategic, and above all, united."


He paused, letting his words sink in. The citizens, a mix of men, women, and even some older children, listened intently, their faces hardening with resolve.