Wrath of Earth and Blood      

Gralnok struggled to his feet, ears ringing, ribs broken, and blood spewing from his mouth.


"W-what the hell happened?" he croaked.


His answer came in the form of a shadow. Looking up, he saw General Grommash towering over him.


"Y-you . . ." Gralnok couldn't finish his words as his skull was pulverized by a single strike from Grommash's club.


The last thing he saw was a memory, fleeing from the clutches of slavery alongside Kraggul. Their pasts were marred by relentless pain and bitterness at the hands of their oppressors.


Being of a weaker race, they were condemned to servitude by the stronger ones. But Kraggul was the one who ignited the flame of hope, a beacon for a brighter future where Goblins and Hobgoblins would dominate the Spirit Realm.


When they escaped, they vowed to prove their strength to the world, to show that their race could rule if they set their minds to it.