INIIDF-Chapter 10 Ghostly Pursuit

Several members of the criminal organization hurriedly ran toward the chaotic crowd, completely ignoring the approaching pitch-black armor.

Liam, hidden in the crowd, subtly moved his fingers. Suddenly, multiple arms grew under the feet of some criminal organization members, grabbing hold of their ankles.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!… Thud!

Several Black-Clothed Persons instantly fell, emitting continuous cries of pain. One of them accidentally fired a gun, and as he fell, he hit his forehead, resulting in his head exploding.

With a thud, blood splattered on a passing lady's dress, causing her to scream and nearly faint in shock.

"Bastard!" The other Black-Clothed Persons were both shocked and furious. They attempted to get up, but felt something ruthlessly kick them in the face!

'B.I.B.' had eyes glowing white on its faceplate, looking cold and ruthless. Without mercy, it kicked every member of the criminal organization in the face, blossoming their faces in an instant.

"Who did that!"

"Ghosts, it's ghosts!"

The gang members with their faces covered in blood, struggled between anger and terror. However, they couldn't resist— indescribable hands sprouted from various joints on their bodies, temporarily binding them.

Meanwhile, the invisible wicked spirit freely assaulted them, taking advantage of this opportunity. The scene echoed with continuous screams.




In the chaos, members of the criminal organization fired their guns into the air.

But clearly, the wicked spirit attacking them was right in this direction, and yet, the bullets didn't hit anything…

Oh, no, they hit the residents.

"Wow!" A robust man resident's rough hand was pierced by a stray bullet, creating a bloody hole and prompting a piercing scream.

In the midst of the commotion, some people moved against the flow; it was the entertainment section reporter who had originally followed the dance troupe for an interview.

Now, in the middle of the dance routine, a street gunfight had broken out…

Lucky! The news was plentiful! The reporter quickly picked up the camera hanging from his neck and frantically snapped pictures of the chaotic scene on the street, clicking the shutter like mad.

"Shocking! West Blue Criminal Organization Creating Chaos to This Extent"

"A Discussion on Whether to Oppose Bad Customs…"

"Famous Stage Performer Victoria Cindry Encounters Street Gunfire, Could It Be?!"

The reporter continued snapping photos, and the flashing lights filled his mind with a rapid sequence of headlines.

However, what were these criminal organization members up to? The reporter took a few shots of the chaos and the dispersing crowd, then zoomed in on the faces of those bloodied and disheveled gang members.

They all seemed disoriented and it felt as if they had experienced something unimaginable, nervously operating something in the air, looking particularly neurotic.

A question mark slowly appeared above the reporter's head.

He took a few shots of the blood-soaked criminal organization members standing back to back, creating photos of them nervously facing the empty air. Silently, he drafted an article titled, "Exploring the Alienation of Ordinary People's Psychology in the Gray Life of Criminal Organizations."

Clearly, with nothing happening, this group of criminal organization members seemed to be staging a silent play.

"This bastard! We can't even touch them!" A little bro from the play-acting criminal organization was a bit overwhelmed.

Although Old Boss mentioned that the person they were supposed to catch might have Devil Fruit abilities like a ghost, who could have known it would be this tricky? They couldn't see it, couldn't touch it, only get beaten up?!

The leader, covered in blood, glanced toward the open-air stage. The two little ghosts they had targeted had disappeared without a trace.

Moreover, the situation here is already too chaotic. Stray bullets even injured ordinary residents just now… It's truly a headache! The organization was already suppressed and dared not offend the royal family and the authorities.

Now, newcomers with inflated heads are openly firing guns in the streets, making the situation a complete mess! If the injured residents seek justice from the Kingdom authorities, the King's guards will probably cause trouble for their organization again…

Damn it! The leader gritted his teeth, covered in blood foam, and roared, "Retreat!"

He turned around and saw that several little bros had already dragged the corpse with the exploded head and limped away with an Earth Walk technique.

"Wait for me! You assholes!!" The leader followed suit, leaving a street covered in blood.

The spotted bloodstains formed a trail…

An invisible ghost followed in these lingering bloodstains.

The injured Cindry, supported by her dance troupe sisters, with her ankle swollen into a lump, was helped onto a carriage heading towards Dr. Hogback's mansion-cum-clinic.

The carriage was exquisitely decorated, with a lingering fragrance, showcasing the distinct style of Dr. Hogback.

He emitted eerie and strange sharp laughter, saying to Cindry, "With my genius treatment, this kind of injury will be healed quickly!"

"Thank you." Cindry, in pain and covered in cold sweat, managed to squeeze out a fragile smile as she spoke.

Worried, her dance troupe member Joanna asked, "There won't be any aftereffects, right?"

Cindry is a prodigious dancer at just seventeen and her stage life is just beginning! She hadn't even stood on the grand stage in the spotlight yet!

"With Dr. Hogback's medical skills, there won't be any aftereffects," Liam reassured.

This was the exclusive zombie legion remodeling physician for Moria in the future, highly skilled in human body operations. This guy could even transform Cindry's delicate body into one with combat capabilities…

"Ha-ha-ha! You're absolutely right!"

Hogback, being praised in front of his beloved beauty, felt as satisfied as if he had taken a refreshing bath in a private pool after a twenty-kilometer run…

"But who are you, kid?!" Suddenly coming to his senses, he looked at the black-haired boy and the short-haired girl with a garlic-like nose (mainly wearing a dress; otherwise, it would be challenging to distinguish gender) who had gotten into the carriage together. He screamed, "Who allowed you to get into my carriage?!"

Joanna, a member of the dance troupe, was astonished. "Aren't they your companions, Dr. Hogback? These two kids reminded us that you are a doctor!"

"Ah…" Hogback seemed to recall; there was indeed such a thing.

"Ah, poor little dog…" Cindry looked at the stray puppy in Liam's arms, one leg completely stained red with blood. She pleaded, "Dr. Hogback, can you help it?"

"What a joke! I'm not a veterinarian, okay!"

Besides, these two kids looked poor as hell! How could they afford his treatment fees?

"You're a genius," Liam said.

Cindry, looking pitiful, begged, "Please… the puppy is so pitiful…"

"Ha-ha-ha! No problem, I've got it covered!"

Hogback laughed sharply, secretly thinking in his mind: After treating Cindry, I'll send these two brats away! They're both poor and dirty. How dare they spill dog blood on my carriage? Are they looking down on this genius?

On the other side, at the Gunpowder Gang base.

Several blood-stained criminal organization members dragged a corpse back, crawling and stumbling, in a hurry.

The Boss had just opened a cigar, lit it with a snap of his lighter, and was leisurely toasting it when he suddenly became greatly surprised. What the hell happened? They were only out for a short while, and now it's turned into this mess?


The leader, with a face full of blood, slammed the wanted posters and sketches on the table, leaving a blurry Blood Hand imprint, and shouted in pain, "Old Boss, that little devil…"

Several people explained the situation to him.

"Fools! Actually firing guns on the street…" Old Boss was shocked and angry. Pointing at the sketch of the boy with bloodstains, he asked, "Are you sure it was these two?"

"The boy for sure! The girl just…" The blood-soaked leader was saying something when he suddenly pointed across at Old Boss with a horrified expression.

Old Boss himself was shocked. The cigar in his mouth seemed to have been taken away by someone and was drifting in the air.

(End of this chapter)