INIIDF-Chapter 12 Dreams of Humanity

As they stepped into Hogback's opulent mansion, a maid approached to greet them, her demeanor a mix of courtesy and efficiency. With JoAnna's assistance, they carefully guided Cindry, whose ankles had swollen, to her designated room, ensuring her comfort above all else.

"Save the chatter for later, you two!"

Hogback's dismissal of Liam and Robin was brief, his tune humming with a cheerful bounce as he hastened to retrieve a medical kit from his quarters.

"He's quite the wealthy one, isn't he?" Liam remarked, sinking into the sumptuous sofa with genuine awe evident in his tone.

Robin, seated nearby, leaned in to whisper, "Are you seriously considering..."

Liam cut her off, his surprise palpable. "Is there any doubt?"

Robin fell into a contemplative silence. Despite Hogback's unattractive appearance, she couldn't find fault in his actions toward them, unlike his treatment of Cindry.

"He hasn't shown any wrongdoing, has he?" Liam casually prodded, "For someone living in such luxury, it's only fair to relieve him of some of that burden! And remember, I've never claimed to be a saint!"

"What sort of person does that make you then?" Robin asked softly.

"Still figuring that out, but I might lean toward becoming a pirate hunter eventually. Gotta eat, you know!" Liam mused, stroking his chin in contemplation. "But who knows? In the end, I might just embrace the pirate life! There's something about the open seas that calls to me!"

The thought of facing the formidable figures of the Grand Line, those who dared challenge the very heavens, filled Liam with excitement. With a Stand like his, a tool of great power, it seemed almost wasteful not to pursue the path of strength.

"Why waste a life in this world?" He pondered aloud.

"If exploring the seas is your goal, you could consider joining the Marines," Robin suggested.

Liam raised an eyebrow at her unexpected suggestion. "Where did that come from?"

Robin remained silent, her thoughts drifting to her destroyed hometown of Ohara, decimated by the merciless onslaught of the Marine's Buster Call. 

Her feelings toward the Marines were complex, tinged with neither affection nor outright hatred. Having lived a solitary life since childhood, marked by constant flight and fear, she found it hard to harbor strong emotions anymore.

But perhaps for others, the Marines represented safety and order.

"While the Marines may have their merits— following the path of justice, with titles, pay, and prestige... There's also the rigid hierarchy, the satisfaction of climbing the ranks. The Justice cloak of the Marines, despite its dubious reputation, does hold a certain allure. And there's something undeniably cool about the Admirals' stance..."

Liam rambled on, his words only half-grasped by Robin. Eventually, he reached a decisive conclusion. "But I don't want to be tied down."

Confusion flickered across Robin's features. "?..."

"Why serve under the Marines when I can be free as a pirate?" Liam declared confidently.

As they conversed, Liam suddenly sensed a presence approaching and turned just in time to see a shadowy figure hurtling toward him.


'B.I.B.' emerged once more from Liam's form.

With swift precision, it extracted the inverted triangle chip from its chest and implanted it back into Liam's body, its fiery red patterns guiding the movement.

Liam regained control of the powers bestowed by the Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi).

As instructed previously, the principle was clear: the Stand had to reclaim the Devil Fruit ability from Liam's main body upon retraction, ensuring that it didn't carry the fruit's power when released, thus evading interference from the Sea or Sea Stone upon its release.

With a flourish of his hand, Liam immediately employed his abilities to adorn Robin's face with blooming flowers, flesh extending across her features and even enveloping her nose, giving her the appearance of a colossal garlic bulb.

Robin: "..."

With a Ph.D.-like knowledge learned in history at the remarkable age of eight, Robin possessed an exceptional intellect and sharp observational skills. It didn't take her long to piece together the puzzle surrounding Liam's extraordinary ability to acquire and assimilate other people's Devil Fruit powers. 

The way he displayed moments of wielding the Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) and then suddenly not having it hinted at his unique talent, one that seemed to extend to self-application. She also suspected that his other ability, the ghost-like power, was lingering around him, invisible to her keen eyes.

Liam's frustrated outburst about his inability to read and write caught Robin's attention. Curious, she inquired, "What does your ghost look like?"

The idea of having a spectral companion intrigued Robin. To her, it sounded like having a constant companion, a friend who was always by her side.

Liam pondered for a moment before meeting her gaze. "It's like a towering figure clad in full-body armor."

Robin was taken aback. A figure in full-body armor? Wasn't that reminiscent of a guardian knight? Her envy deepened at the thought.

Pushing aside his embarrassment, Liam leaned closer to Robin. "Forget about that, Robin... Could you teach me to write a sentence? I... It's really embarrassing to admit that I can't read!"

The original inhabitant of this body, the young "Liam," had set sail on the pirate path at the tender age of eight, yet couldn't even decipher simple text. It was a frustrating realization for Liam.

Internally cursing his illiteracy, Liam waited for Robin's response.

Robin tilted her head slightly, offering a gentle smile. "Of course, what sentence would you like to write?"

Liam's unexpected request momentarily stunned Robin. She seemed momentarily lost in thought as if she hadn't anticipated Liam seeking assistance in this manner.


Armed with the newly learned sentence, Liam drove away his irksome Stand, 'B.I.B.'

Initially, he had entertained the idea of leaving a mark at the crime scene for fun, but grappling with illiteracy had proven to be a sizable obstacle. Today's lesson in literacy has become an unexpected priority!

Before long, Hogback emerged from his quarters, his medical kit in tow.

Cindry reclined on the sofa, her ankles swathed in bandages, the swelling significantly reduced. Despite Hogback's unsavory demeanor and questionable character, his medical prowess was undeniable. He was a medical authority even revered by Chopper, the ship doctor of the Straw Hats.

"Why are you still here?!" Hogback's exclamation broke the momentary silence as he noticed Liam and Robin lingering with the bloodied dog. These two ingrates had seemingly latched onto him. 

With Miss Cindry now in need of further treatment, Hogback whisked her away to another room, leaving Liam and Robin to stew in their embarrassment and quietly depart.


Meanwhile, the Gunpowder Gang was ablaze, flames engulfing the premises.

As the fire raged on, bystanders refused to stand idly by.

Some bravely rushed into the inferno to rescue trapped individuals, pulling out several members of criminal organizations, bloodied and incapacitated. Others mobilized friends to fetch water and extinguish the flames, while some sprinted to spread the alarm, summoning police or guards for aid.

Even journalists covering the street's recent gun incident hurried to the scene.

"Ka-Cha, Ka-Cha..."

The photographer snapped photos of the charred scene, revealing the chaotic aftermath within through billowing smoke.

Onlookers speculated and conjectured, surmising that this was yet another clash between rival criminal factions.

The journalist meticulously recorded key details in his notebook when suddenly, a cry rang out, "What's that? Stones... the stones are moving on their own!"

A collective gasp filled the air as everyone turned their attention to the source of the commotion.

Following the sound, they witnessed a remarkable sight amidst the smoky ruins: a charred stone hovering unsteadily in the air.

With a series of clicks, the stone moved towards a smoke-blackened wall, tracing strokes one by one.

"What... is that!?"

"It's writing, the stone is writing by itself!"

Spectators marveled at the inexplicable phenomenon unfolding before their eyes.

Suddenly, the chatter ceased, and a hushed anticipation settled over the crowd.

The journalist felt sweat bead on his forehead, the tension palpable as all eyes remained fixated on the miraculous spectacle. The stone continued its erratic dance, leaving behind a crooked line of words on the wall:

"A man's dream will never die! —Roger"

(End of this chapter)

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