INIIDF-Chapter 28 Setting Out

Back at home, Liam plopped down on the couch, saying, "Robin, help me pack two backpacks. Just a couple of changes of clothes will do. We're getting ready to hit the road."

Robin pursed her lips and nodded, and the change in the atmosphere within the city and the movements of the guards had left her uneasy.

Liam's decision to pack up and leave didn't come as a surprise to Robin; she had a sense of foreboding about it.

"I need to recover some stamina..." Liam rubbed his forehead.

After the intense workout and retrieving his Stand, the impact of "double the exhaustion," experience, and memories was quite strong. Once Liam gritted his teeth and endured, the situation would improve considerably. After all, humans are highly adaptable beings.

Or rather, Liam's body showed remarkable adaptability.

However, after a day of double training, while it was fine for a casual walk or a meal, continuing to exercise with such a tired body or dealing with potential battles would be too strenuous.

Naturally, Liam didn't believe that, at this stage, as his true self, there was any need for him to engage in battles.

Because he lacked the strength for direct combat.

Despite the excellent quality of this body and the noticeable improvements in strength after over twenty days of Stand practice, it was, in the end, just a boy a little over ten years old.

Not to mention facing off in combat against the guards or the big guys from legitimate criminal organizations; he probably couldn't even compare to Ace, Sabo, and Luffy of the same age.

The three brothers had undergone constant beatings from Iron Fist Garp since childhood, developing robust bones and muscles through daily battles with tigers, bears, and even Crocodile in the jungle. Their combat abilities were ferocious.

Before having the strength for a direct confrontation, Liam could confidently leave the battles to his Stand battle armor to launch sneak attacks. This was why Liam could safely allow his body to be so exhausted through daily training.

"The money is casually placed on my room's bedside table. It's not locked."

Liam relaxed on the couch as much as possible, and after a hearty dinner, he felt his stamina recovering rapidly.

"As for the books you read..."

Robin said, "I've finished reading them. No need to take them."

"It's fine if you haven't finished." Liam tapped his own temple with his fingers. "I've casually flipped through them when I had nothing else to do. Hmm, at least each one has been looked through once..."

He chuckled. "I actually have a somewhat unremarkable photographic memory skill."

Liam naturally didn't have a photographic memory.

But as long as it was something his eyes had seen, as long as it left a trace in his mind...

After being perfectly "copied" by Stand 'B.I.B., everything could be accessed by 'B.I.B.'s' mechanical-like intelligence, retrieving the corresponding memory fragments at any time and place. Even if Liam himself forgot everything, it didn't matter.

All the books Liam had casually read, almost like "quantum reading," could be retrieved by 'B.I.B.' and reproduced at any time.

Robin quickly finished packing, carrying one backpack on her back and holding another, handing it to Liam on the couch.

The neatly stacked stacks of Belly bills emitting an ink fragrance were placed in Liam's backpack.

At this moment, a hand penetrated through the front door and opened it from the inside.

Seeing the door opening on its own startled Robin initially. However, she then saw a suitcase floating in mid-air outside, entering the house.

She immediately realized that the one opening the door was Liam's knightly ghost.

This confirmed Robin's speculation. Liam's ghost could indeed ignore material obstacles, passing through walls and doors.

The dark battle armor walked to the front of the couch, placing the money box it had been carrying all along on the coffee table. With a click, it opened, revealing tightly stacked layers of Belly bills.

Robin seemed visibly surprised. She had no idea that 'B.I.B.' had annihilated the Chasing Wind pirate group and obtained the bounty. She thought Liam had sent his ghost again to extort money from a wealthy figure, similar to what happened with Hogback.

Liam casually glanced at the box of money. Although a bit surprised at why there was so much, he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Come back. Although your combat style now has little to do with strength, having a little extra won't hurt."

Liam lifted his chin, gesturing for the dark battle armor to return to his body.

What stood before him was released again after the evening workout. It had replicated Liam's body, which was already exhausted at that time. Due to its nature, even if it wore a "fatigued" debuff, it wouldn't consume stamina while moving independently. 

All the expenses during its independent activities would be settled when it returned to the body, utilizing the potential of the body.

During the time 'B.I.B.' went to collect money, Liam had eaten a full meal and rested until now, and his stamina had recovered somewhat.

'B.I.B.' extracted the fruit ability of the true self, returned to his body, and after a series of convulsions resembling water splashes on the couch, it was released by the body again.

"The commotion from this search is quite significant."

Liam rubbed his temples, quickly recalling what he had observed and heard during 'B.I.B.'s' money collection journey, gaining a rough understanding of the situation with the guards scattered throughout the streets and alleys.

An invisible, pitch-black energy emanated from him, forming a humanoid Iron Man-like battle armor. As it appeared, it immediately removed the Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) chip stored in its chest and re-implanted it into Liam's body.


Liam took a deep breath, rolled off the couch, and took out a portion of the money from the money box. Judging by the weight, it would probably amount to around 30 Million.

He stuffed 10 million into Robin's backpack and the rest into his own, leaving 20 million in the box.


Liam closed the remaining 20 million in the box and handed it to the dark battle armor by his side. "Operating funds. Stir up some commotion in the city."

While 'B.I.B.' went to create a diversion, he and Robin would take advantage of the chaos to slip away.

'B.I.B.' nodded, took the box, and floated away directly, this time through the wide-open door. Carrying the box didn't allow it to pass through walls.

Robin was quieter than usual, feeling a bit down.

The stable life during this period... had finally come to an end.

After some thought, Liam went to find the makeup kit of the former mistress of the house.

Using the Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) ability to create a dozen arms, Liam efficiently operated them simultaneously, giving both Robin and himself a simple makeover. The scene was eerily disturbing as if the table was covered with busy, slippery tentacles...

Liam also took the opportunity to give himself a short, spiky Soru haircut.

After performing Soru, he made a face at Robin, who couldn't help but laugh. She remembered that day when Liam did the same, giving her a short haircut without saying a word.

"It seems that only a truly handsome guy can pull off this hairstyle."

Liam looked into the mirror handed over by the arms created by the Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) ability, adding a bit of makeup to his face. 

Although the sketch of him by "Fireworks" had been destroyed by Stand, and after this period of training and nourishment, his overall image and temperament had changed significantly— precautions still had to be taken.

With a weird haircut, a change of clothes, and a bit of unique makeup on his face, Liam himself could hardly recognize himself.

Well, he never had a deep "sense of immersion" into his appearance after transmigrating...

"Flower Masks."

After finishing the makeup and changing clothes for both of them, Liam gestured with both hands, and suddenly, flower petals danced towards their faces, creating a second layer of disguise, or rather— facial transformation.

Instantly, the two who were originally cute and handsome turned into ordinary-looking children.

"It's a pity about a year's rent..."

Liam carried the backpack on one shoulder and looked at the furnishings inside the house, feeling a bit sentimental. Although he didn't develop much emotional attachment, it was inevitable to feel a bit emotional.

Finally, after a last glance, he beckoned to Robin, taking large steps out of the door.

"Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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