INIIDF-Chapter 53 Beautiful Moonlight

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After an exhilarating escapade, the pirates returned to their ship in satisfaction. Their captain, a hulking figure with a bounty of 210,000,000, feared by every naval base in the West Blue, suddenly let out a terrifying scream. 

The crew members felt a chill run down their spines. The scream was so unfamiliar and terrifying that they thought an enemy had boarded their ship and battle was imminent.

When the pirates realized that it was their fearsome captain who had screamed, they were all stunned. 

The captain, who was usually ruthless and enjoyed the act of killing with a cold and almost pathological pleasure, now had a terrifying expression of pain on his face, no different from those they had mercilessly slain. 

"Help..." Captain Tron Pilot's eyes bulged, and his bloodshot eyeballs looked like they might pop out. He took a few steps forward, enduring excruciating pain, but his subordinates recoiled in fear. 

Blood mixed with a white substance spurted from his eye sockets, nostrils, mouth, and even his ears. The sight was no less terrifying than the legendary evil spirits.

The crew was stunned. What had happened to their captain? Why was he suffering so much? One pirate, trembling and in tears, shouted, "I told you not to call so many girls!"

With a loud thud, the captain collapsed face up on the deck, his face covered in blood and remorse. The pirates looked at each other, unsure of what to do. 

Should they disband, divide the treasure and money on board, and go their separate ways? Or should they fight it out and elect a new captain to continue their pirating ways?

"What's that?! Look!" Someone shouted, pointing at the captain's body. The pirates saw something move through the congealed blood, writing a line of numbers on the deck: 


After finishing the number, the unseen hand even added a period at the end. The pirates felt a cold shiver run down their spines.

"Is it haunted?!" 

"God, was the captain...?" 

The pirates were terrified, some clutching their heads in horror. One trembling pirate said, "There have been rumors of the pirate king's evil spirit..."

Though the weather was fine, everyone felt a pitiless chill in their hearts. Suddenly, a pirate screamed, causing the others to scream louder in fear. 

The screaming pirate was their second-in-command, whose strong and ferocious appearance was almost equal to the captain's. Now he was clutching a limp arm, pale and sweating profusely. 

"The evil spirit is still here!" The others shouted. The invisible hand dipped into the blood again and slowly drew a large question mark on the deck near the deputy captain's severed arm. 

The usually dim-witted pirates suddenly understood the meaning of the question mark: How much is this man worth?

"What an evil spirit! Who are you?" The Vice Captain drew his long blade with his remaining hand and swung it through the air, shouting angrily, "Stop this trick! Die!!!" The next moment, he screamed again as his swinging arm was severed.

The Vice Captain screamed in agony as he felt what looked like a steel plate suddenly appear in his arm, crushing his flesh and breaking his bones. 

The other pirates were horrified at the vice-captain's appearance. One of them shouted, "19,000,000! The vice captain's bounty is 19,000,000!"

"Idiots..." The vice captain's heart skipped a beat, and just as he was about to curse, he felt the "steel plate" appear in his brain. 

He didn't have to do anything, just being there sealed his fate. At that moment, he understood why their captain, the only man he respected, had shown such a weak expression and screamed in pain.

The Vice Captain had heard such cries of death from many before, cries that used to give him pleasure. In his last moments, he realized that his own cries were no different from those he had once despised.

The other pirates watched in horror as an unseen hand wrote a number next to the Vice Captain's body: 19000000. 

At this point, the pirates finally realized what was happening. One of them, furious, drew his sword and shouted, "Damn it! Let's fight him!"

But as he turned to charge the side of the ship, his legs suddenly gave way and he tumbled to the deck, crashing into the railing with a thud. 

Drip, drip... 

An invisible hand, dripping with blood, floated toward him. The dark mask with white glowing eyes and a blood-stained chin moved in the black aura, slowly writing a large question mark on the deck next to the pirate with the broken legs.

The pirates were about to collapse. 


The screams continued to echo from the pirate ship that had left the flower ship. 

Time passed, and as the moon rose over the sea, its frosty light shone on the blood-stained deck of the pirate ship.






The deck was littered with pirate corpses in various grotesque positions. Next to each body, cold numbers were written in blood. 

In the past, these bounty numbers would have brought them joy and pride. Now, these numbers were just markers next to their lifeless bodies. 

At this moment, there was only one person left alive on the ship.

The lone pirate, the weakest of them all, stared blankly at the carnage before him, his eyes devoid of light. 

Who would have thought that the infamous Blood Hand pirate crew, known for their ruthlessness throughout the West Blue, would meet such an inexplicable end?

Is this the fate of pirates? Is this the sea?

The pirate felt nothing but despair. If he had known that this was the fate of pirates, he would have stayed at home and become a petty thief. Just then, he saw a trail of blood floating through the air toward him. 

Too exhausted to be afraid, he watched the invisible hand approach. But to his surprise, the hand did not bring death. Instead, it was writing on the deck in front of him: If you wish to live, follow my instructions and set sail.

The last pirate's legs gave way, and he felt warmth trickle down as he collapsed.

On the other side, on the flower ship, Liam yawned, fiddled with his earpiece, and said to the "Faceless Armor" next to him, "Do you think I'm a pervert?"

After a moment, a voice from B.I.B.'s armor answered: If you are, then so am I.

Liam smiled slightly and extended his fist to lightly strike the blue flame-covered fist of the Stand armor.

"Maybe... you're just a reminder of the world I left behind."

Soon after, Shanks opened the door and called, "Hey, Liam, get ready, we're about to dock."
