INIIDF-Chapter 69 Music Is The Most Ancient Language

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Robin woke up groggily, slightly sobered and instinctively touched her face first.

Then she thought about using the Flower-Flower-Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) - only to remember that the Flower-Flower-Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi) was no longer with her.

She sighed with relief. Noticing that the ship was no longer rocking much and seemed to be gradually coming to a stop, she left her room, exited the cabin, and came to the deck outside, where she also saw Liam.

The sea breeze mixed with a familiar melody.

"'Binks' Sake'..." Robin walked over to Liam. "It's a widely known tune, very popular with sailors and even pirates..."

Liam grunted.

In the gradually brightening dawn, the pirate ship slowly came to rest on the remote coast of Musexin Island.

On the shore was a rudimentary little wooden hut.

And in front of the door of the hut was an old, weathered wooden piano.

An old man, dressed in a simple flowery shirt, with gray hair, was casually playing the piano.

His ten fingers danced on the yellowed black and white keys, harmonizing with the sounds of the rising waves. He was humming indistinct lyrics:

"Bringing Binks' Sake~ to you..."

"Riding the whims of the sea breeze~ Sailing through the waves~"

Morley stretched his huge body lazily on the deck, causing the entire ship to sway as he stood up.

"You're in such a good mood, playing the piano and singing so early?" Morley said, "And so beautifully... Seems like you're reminiscing about someone~"

Pling! The old pianist's fingers stopped and he turned his head to look at Morley's huge figure on the deck of the pirate ship.

"Why are you staring at me?" Morley replied bluntly to the old man. "Do you like me that much?"

Robin suddenly realized that this giant Morley seemed to say that to everyone...

Unexpectedly, the old man just nodded, his wrinkled face breaking into a smile like a chrysanthemum. "Ah! I like you very much... Bringing you Binks' Sake~ day by day~ in the twilight of dreams~" He continued to play, the notes dancing with joy.

Morley stroked his beard. For a moment, he seemed at a loss, perhaps he had never been answered like that before...

"What about these people?" Robin turned and pointed.

Those pirates were now gathering on the deck, their faces turning pale.

"Wait a minute," Liam raised his hand and pointed behind the small wooden hut on the shore. "Someone is coming."

It was several people in black suits.

"They're from the syndicate..." Morley said. He was accustomed to wearing his Marine jacket open, revealing a belly covered in chest hair, and he even wore a skirt underneath, defiantly. 

As the black-clad men approached from the shore, they failed to notice that this guy was a Marine in uniform. They looked warily at Liam and the others on the pirate ship and addressed the old man playing the piano, "Old George, it's almost time. Hurry up and come to the wedding hall. The band is missing you..."

"A wedding..." Robin whispered to Liam, "It's the 'Dagger' people... Their old boss's daughter is having a public wedding today..."

Liam was confused, "Didn't you contact 'Bullet's' people?" 

He stopped talking and remembered 'Bullet's Old Boss', Capone Bege's unique hobby, and suddenly guessed something.

"That guy... is really evil! Perfect, this trip shouldn't be in vain," Liam muttered to himself.

Under the pressure of several men in black suits, the old man playing the piano reluctantly packed his things.

"Hey! You guys!" The men in black suits finally drew their guns and pointed them at Liam and the others at the bow, asking coldly, "You're pirates, right? What are you doing on this island?"

They weren't particularly interested in Liam and Robin, their attention was focused on the unmistakable giant figure - Morley.

Liam stepped forward on the bow, raised his hand, and shouted, "Wait a minute-!"


The black-suited men with guns were surprised. Then, in the dawn light, they saw the boy on the bow, whose face was unclear, suddenly raise his hand and seem to smile.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

As soon as the boy's voice faded, it seemed as if countless flowers blossomed on the wrists of these black-clad men, each sprouting a hand that quickly grabbed the weapons they were holding.

"What is this?!"

"A hand?!!"

The black-suited men cried out in shock, but Liam's arms, created by the Flower-Flower Fruit (Hana Hana no Mi), had already grabbed their guns, turned the barrels around, and pointed them back at the men themselves, shoving them into their own mouths.


Several men dressed in black were stripped naked and thrown into the sea.

Seeing this familiar banditry, Robin smiled faintly, quickly hiding it as Liam turned.

"Morley, take them to find the Marine base on this island," Liam said, "with so many people, only you can handle them all."

"I don't care..."

Morley said, casually picking up the pirates on the deck of the ship, without caring whether they were dead or alive.

Liam nodded. The black armor hovering on the side understood and immediately raised its right hand toward Morley walking ashore, and pulled a triangular chip from the inverted triangle "reactor" glowing white from its chest - a triangular armor with red flame patterns ejected, flying toward the giant furry chest, sending the fruit chip directly into Morley's body.

Morley squeezed his eyes shut. Liam was immune and reminded him, "Keep the bounty for me!"

"I know~" Morley's powerful voice replied coquettishly, hugging a group of pirates, taking huge steps forward, and walking along the edge of the island.

By this time, Old George, the piano-playing old man who had packed, had already changed into a slightly worn-out suit and was carrying a handbag, watching the whole process with a blank expression on his face.

Liam waved his hand, "I haven't had breakfast yet, I'm starving. Old man, let's go to the wedding together and see the fun."

"I know you, the young hunter named Giorno," Old George said slowly.

Liam walked over with Robin, "I didn't expect you to still like reading newspapers..."

Old George continued, "And the young lady beside you..."

Liam stepped aside, swaying in front of the slightly nervous Robin, blocking Old George's view for a moment. During this brief process, petals appeared on Robin's face, quickly transforming into a broad forehead, full cheeks, and a nose like a clove of garlic... just like the ugly boy Liam had made on South Chicago Island.

Old George looked closely at Robin's appearance and muttered, "Have I made a mistake? I must be getting old..."

"Long time no see, almost forgot," Liam said quietly, Robin withdrawing her hand.

Liam turned and smiled at Old George, "What's wrong with her?"

Old George shook his head and said as they walked, "I thought she was that 'Devil Child'... I was going to tell you to leave quickly. It's dangerous to be here with so many people on the island today..."

Liam and Robin followed the old man into the town on the island, curious, "Don't you like that Devil Child?"

At these words, Old George chuckled, "Kid, do you know how many remarkable people have come out of this island?"

"I really don't know."

"If you don't know, forget it."

"Hey!" Liam sighed, "Then why did you bring it up?"

Old George snorted, "The long history of this island is greater than the world government and the so-called Marines! What kind of people have not appeared, and what kind of things have not been experienced? Devil Child... Huh, if it's the Marines, just listen and forget. An eight-year-old girl wanted worldwide for 79 million Beli, those Marines really have no shame!"

"Hā hā, you're quite interesting, old man," Liam laughed, "By the way, why are you living alone by the sea, playing the piano and singing so early in the morning?"

"Just remembering an old friend..."

Old George led them into town, his voice full of vicissitudes, sighing, "That lecherous explosion-head said he was going to sea, but in the blink of an eye... almost thirty years have passed!"

"This is Brook's hometown?" Liam wondered, suddenly realizing, Musexin Island, Muzesin, the pronunciation sounds a bit like a musician...

The wind blew through Robin's short black hair, bringing waves of melodious music with it.

"This is the island of music!" Old George led them through the streets, "Music is the oldest language born in this world, on this sea. Just like the history of this island..."

"History?" Robin lifted her head next to Liam.

On both sides of the street, roadside shops and stalls, residents' homes... accordions, violins, bagpipes... different instruments, different music, interwoven in a disorderly harmony of musical rivers... and at the end of the river, the deepest part of this street, where the music was most intense, was the scene of today's grand wedding.
