Someone like you!

Ganger member attacked with dager. Nasir used his body as sheild to protect Iris. He grabbed the dager, his hand started bleeding. He loosen his grip as he saw Nooreen came there. But in a result, dager injuried Iris's arm, Iris shouted in pain. Time stopped for a moment, a drop of blood fell on ground. Noor's eye's were bloodshot." How you dare to injury her!!!" She shouted in anger, with the speed of light she attacked on enemy. She was single-handedly tearing through enemies like a mad lioness. She was mumbling same line on every attack, " How dare you?" After killing many enemies, Now my sword was on the neck of the one who injured Iris. " I..I am sorry! Let me go," Gang member pleaded for mercy. I cut off his hand which he used while using dager. "Think before attacking next time because, Noor will pluck out that eyes which look at princess with evil intentions."

Noor ran toward Iris when she heard a thud sound.Iris had been fainted, her body was burning. Nooreen took her to nearby physician through carriage." Is she okay?" I was so worried because Iris is so weak to handle this. "She is okay. She just have a fever because of pain.I dressed her wound,no need to worry." Physician explained Iris's condition and left. Now, Noor, Iris and Nasir was together in a shabby room. Iris already came back to her senses but I was still worried for her and was checking Iris temprature. 

"Calm down,Noor! She is okay now." Nasir tried to comfort Noor but it turned out wrong." You are right! She is okay now but you..., You tried your best to kill her." I took step towards Nasir furiously." What?" Nasir was confused. " Do you even know what could have happened if I had not come on time. What would I answer to both of you father? Your childish behaviour could be the reason of all of us death." I was extremely furious because I can't let it go easily. "He tried his best,Noor" Iris said. "I was shocked because of sudden attack, what else could I do?" Nasir explained his situation."What mmm...'' I snatched Nasir's sword and throw it on ground. "You should fight, Do you have this just for showing? Actually, I was fool who believe that someone like you, could protect princess." Noor words were sounded like throwing embers to Nasir. "Someone like me?'' Nasir asked in curious tone. ''Yeah, like you, Dumb- he!" Iris stopped Noor before she could complete her sentence or you can say curse. "Noor, he's a prince of Qarsh!" Time stopped for a moment to me, I dropped on my knees but my head was up, infront of Nasir. "I am sorry! It's my fault to misbehave." I said this because I promised to be loyal to Royals and left from there. Nasir was completely shocked because of Noor's sudden action. "What just happened?" He asked to Iris."Phew! It worked. Only Abu ji can calm her if she become furious or..." Iris stopped talking. Nasir asked in curiosity," Or...?"