Secret boy

Noor came out of the room. "I think, it's a time to repay back for your kindness." Noor whispered to herself. 

In Abadi fort, General Usman was training new trainers. "How's their training going?" Noor asked. "Want to see?" General Usman asked in reply. Inodded my head in Yes. General Usman ordered, "Soldiers! Take positions." All the trainers were standing in row and columns. "All of you know me. I am Defense Minster, you can call me Pasha minister." I introduced herself. "Ok, Pasha minister!" All soldiers shouted in one voice. Noor ordered them to show what they learned. Training area was looking like battle field with courageous soldiers. I was detecting their weak points when I saw that secret boy too. The boy whom I sent inviatation. He wasn't even holding sword properly. Nooreen told General Usman to sent that boy in her study-room. Noor's behavior towards that boy, make other's think , "Who is he?"

In Noor's study, A cute boy entered. He was wearing uniform of Abadi's soldiers( JAMA means over-lapping coat, trouser and sash warping around his waist). He has thick eyebrows, lil bit chubby face, long eye lashes and thin red lips. He's around 5 feet 5 inch tall. " Don't you wanna be a soldier, Alibaba?" Noor asked politely to that boy. "How do you know my name?" He asked in reply. I smiled under my veil on his cuteness. "Alibaba, 20 years old, living with his grand-mother in the Toba village. I know more than your name." Alibaba was shocked. 

"How do you know about me this much?" Alibaba was curious. "If you want to be powerful, you should know about every breathe of your friend and enemy." I advised Alibaba. " I don't understand it?" Alibaba was confused by Nooreen's word. " You are weak, I'll teach you personally too. From tomorrow, you will take extra lesson from me too." Noor said and point him to leave. When Alibaba was about to leave, I stopped him, " My every word contains an important lesson for you which will be useful in the future. Never forget what I say to you."

I was investigating Fifth Queen' s murder case secretly. One thing was confirmed after meeting physician that she didn't died because of her disease. Physician told Noor, " Queen's disease was just fatal but that can't led her to death. I checked her every day, she was close to be fully fine. I think, someone poisoned her after seeing this blood. " Physician suggested Noor to visit his friend AL-Rumi, who was expert in making antidote of poison and detecting them. 

Two weeks later, Noor trained Alibaba basic sword techniques. I decided to take him with her to meet Al-Rumi. I gave a false but reasonable excuse to King Shams and he allowed me to go on journey but ordered, to came back in 1 week. Normally, Noor went on journey with General and a pack of security soldiers. But she had her reason to take Alibaba with her without any security soldiers and general.