mafia don

Chapter 6

Jackie kicked the gun that was directed towards Baxley, the man shot the gun in the process and the bullet hit the wall. Jackie gave him a jaw cut punch that sent him flying off his feet landing heavily on the floor.

Baxley elbowed the man's rip who held her neck from behind she smacked him down to the floor then marched his shoulder twisting his arm until it left it's stuck, she marched his head countless times till he was no longer breathing.

She faced Jackie who was glaring at her then patting her shoulder. "Thank you"she showed gratitude and Jackie smiled at her, even though she is cold hearted she never jokes about being kind or giving credits to those who deserve it.

"Guys let go the cops are on their way here"Giselle yalled. Like that they start to retrieve leaving the building the same way they came in, Baxley climbed on a motorbike while Jackie, Giselle and Bella went into a huge black van with Jackie seated on the driver's seat. Amira climbs on another motorbike like that they start to drive before they knew it three cops were behind them. They increased their speed so did the cops like that they split. Jackie, Giselle and Bella went straight and a cop followed them without stopping while Amira , when leaving another cop, started to chase her, Baxley turned right and the last cop on a motorbike trailed behind her.

She drove in her normal high-speed escaping every moving vehicles, she drove straight towards a cross road she looked at the traffic light and in five seconds the it will turn red, she glanced at the cop through the rearview mirror than increased her speed crossing the cross road at exactly one second before the red lights turns on the cop who didn't pay attention to the traffic light drove onto the road just when a huge ven was about passing by and it knocked him off his motorbike.

The van turned out to be the one that Jackie was driving . She didn't stop for anything but continued driving without glancing back. The cop who was chasing after them stopped for his college. Amira drove past them when the cop who was chasing after her saw his colleague bleeding. He stopped his vehicle then rushed to the cross road where everyone gathered.

The girls in the van giggle with joy."lost em motherfucker"Bella said.

"I thought lady black rose got shot"Giselle held her chest dramatically, fainting.

"Thanks to Jackie she wasn't,"Bella said.

Jackie just kept quiet without contributing in any of their discussions, no doubt they were newbies.

Jackie's mind wasn't in any thing they were saying no lie she was dem scared when that man pointed his gun at Baxley and was ready to pull the trigger on her, her heart stopped beating for a moment after she saw the condition Baxley was in. She doesn't understand what is wrong with her but she cared so much for Baxley this past few days. She took a deep breath and released before focusing back on the road.

Few moments later the five girls who went on the mission stood In Front of black dragon, Bella and Giselle looked excited. This was their first mission and they pulled it off well . No doubt they will be given opportunities to go on more missions.

"Girls you did extremely great today, your payments will be funded into your accounts, Bella and Giselle this is your first time going on a mission and you did just great you guys were amazing."he congratulates them and waved them off.

"Black rose wait"he called she stop on her track than titile her head to him without turning back.

"What?"she asked rudely, like she didn't know what he was about to say.

"Don't even think of talking me out of it, I won't listen"she added. Black dragon sighed.

"I won't, I heard from someone that Reggie is back"he said and she turned fully towards him.

"Jackie"she muttered only to her hearing.

"So?"she asked.

"Are you really going to kill him?"he asked amshe only glanced at him with a blank face.

"Our conversation ends here boss"with that said she walked out without swearing him a glare.

"She called me boss and she acts like the boss"he muttered.

Outside black dragon's chamber. Baxley walked out and met Jackie standing waiting for her outside the chamber while laying on the wall. She wanted to stop and talk to her but changed her mind.

"Baxley, Baxley wait"Jackie holds Baxley's wrist.

"I told you to do one simple thing and you went to announce it to the world?"Baxley asked irritated

"See you have to hear me out ok, I tried finding information about him and trust me it was hard. He isn't just any rich billionaires random guy you can track his past life. I needed highly skilled hackers so I asked black dragon and you won't believe who your Reggie is' 'Jackie said.

"He is not my Reggie"Baxley corrected almost immediately.

"Whatever"Jackie gave an eye roll then brought out her phone. "Here"Jackie dragged her to a corner, she started showing her some research on her phone. Ontop the research was DON FROM THE ITALIAN MAFIA '' she said and started to scroll through different men and it stopped in Reggies photo the last one in the gallery. Baxley immediately took the phone from Jackie.

"You see, he is no match for you so back off"Jackie took back her phone.

"Is that supposed to be a warning?"Baxley asked.

"Maybe, I am just showing you this for your own good. Reggie isn't someone to mess with as you can see. And he might have something under his sleeves so you need to watch out because if he really loves you like he claimed, Nothing will stop him from tracking you down after he saw you the other day"she said and pocketed her phone.

"Good luck sister"she said and walked off.

"Interesting"Baxley muttered. Truth be told the casseno family was the one she wanted to join after quitting this job but now her plans as been ruined but there is always a plan B. She smirked and walked