My role model turned to be Calvin's cousin

"And how are you going to convince them ? Uh by telling them what happened today ! ?" she asked.

"Not by playing this," Dorothy said, and put on the recording on her phone. It was when Averly admitted to sleeping with Kelly's boyfriend.

"The model Queen admits to her crimes" Dorothy said and burst out laughing. Calvin also joined her in laughing. The two ladies got angry and left the table for another one.

"Did you know that this would happen and record it ?" Calvin asked.

"No, I mistakenly pressed the recording app, and it started recording," Dorothy replied.

"I am glad you showed them where they belong, shameless ladies" Calvin said.

After dinner, all the families started going one after the other, but not without leaving a gift for them. It is the tradition. It was after everyone was gone that Calvin's parents were seen, and they were holding a tattered Kelly.

"What happened to you ?" Averly asked.

"You looked like someone attacked by a wild beast" she added. 

Kelly rushed at Averly and gave her a punch in the face. She tried to give her another one, but Calvin came, and got her away from Averly.

"Go to your room," Calvin ordered Kelly.

"We are not done" Kelly said to Averly and went up to her room.

"Let me show you to your room, Doll" Calvin said, and took Dorothy's hand.

"Are we sleeping over ?" she asked.

"Yes, sorry it is also tradition" he replied.

Calvin took her to his own part of the house and showed her the room she would be sleeping in.

Dorothy was so impressed by the design of the room.

"Here is your phone" Calvin said, giving her the phone he took from her when they were coming.

"Sleep tight and sweet dreams" Calvin said, and closed the door of the room.

Dorothy sat on the bed and opened her phone. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the two hundred missed calls Mia called her.

"What could have happened if she called me two hundred missed calls ?" Dorothy thought.

She dialed Mia's number immediately, and she picked up the first ring.

"Dorothy Benson, where were you ? I have been calling you forever !" Mia exclaimed.

"Sorry but Calvin was on my phone", Dorothy apologized.

"I am going to kill your husband if I get him for not telling you that someone was calling you. So how did the dinner go" she asked.

"It went well" I replied.

"I will be coming in the morning to see you" Mia said.

"We are not back yet, and I don't know if we will be back tomorrow. It is their tradition to sleep over after dinner," Dorothy said.

"OK, when you come back, let me know" Mia said.

"I will have a good night," Dorothy promised.

"OK, OK, good night" Mia replied, and the phone went off.

"Dorothy went to the bathroom and showered and laid on the bed to sleep.

In the kitchen, Calvin was seen drinking a wine straight from its bottle.

"Cal used a glass," Averly said, entering the kitchen.

"There is no glass" Calvin answered.

"Don't worry, I will get a glass for you" she said, and left the kitchen.

She came back with two wine glasses and gave one to Calvin. "Thanks," Calvin said, and collected the glass from her.

"Pour some wine for me" Averly said, placing her glass on the table.

Calvin poured the wine into both glasses and they began drinking. 

As they continued drinking, Calvin started to feel very dizzy. He tried to get up from the chair but stumbled and fell on the floor.

"Are you okay, Cal ?" Averly asked, sounding worried.

"I am fine" Calvin replied, trying to get up, but he couldn't.

Just then Marley went into the kitchen to drink some water. She saw Averly struggling to pull Calvin up and went to help her. They helped him out of the kitchen and went to the guestroom, they got to the room where Marley was sleeping and got him inside.

He was laid in the bed and Marley took off her clothes, "here" Averly said, giving her a drug.

"This is Aphrodite, I have already put a little of it and a sleeping pill on the glass I gave him. Make sure you take a little of Aphrodite to make things easier", Averly ordered.

"Thanks" Marley said and collected the drug.

"Sleep with him and all your wishes will come true. Have fun" Averly said, and left the room, closing the door behind her. Just as she took a step away from the door she heard the sound of Marley moaning loudly and smiled.

"Let's see how you will react to this, Dorothy" she muttered, and went to her room.

The next morning, Dorothy was woken up by the sound of birds chirping in her window. She grudgingly got up from bed and went into the bathroom, did her business and went out.

She dressed got out of the room.

"Good morning Aunt Doro", Kelly greeted.

"Good morning Kelly, how are you ?" Dorothy asked.

"I am fine, I was just about to come to your room" Kelly replied.

"Any problem ?" Dorothy asked.

"No, I just wanted you to help me with my homework" she replied.

"Which subject ?" Dorothy asked.


"Oh, that is my favorite subject. Where is the homework ?" 

"In the living room," Kelly replied, and they started walking to the living room.

Calvin's parents were having their breakfast in the living room while Averly was there drinking juice.

Kelly led Dorothy to the couch where her homework was and Dorothy started helping her out with it. After ten minutes had passed since Dorothy and Kelly went into the living room, Marley stormed in.

"How was your night ? Marley, hope it was magical ?" Averly asked, winking.

Marley replied to her by giving her a thunderous slap on the face. The wine glass she was holding fell on the floor and broke into pieces.