Prime Minister donation goes wrong.

The host of the event, a scrawny looking man with a blond hair went up to the stage.

He took the microphone and said ." welcome ladies and gentlemen to this wonderful event called. "Donations for the prime minister's family".

"As we all know that as citizens of this beloved country, we should care for the family of our late prime minister who are left alone in this cruel world" the host said.

"Now we will hear from the family members and then the donations will commence, remember that this family has no one to look upon except us the citizens" he finished and left the stage.

"This event is so useless and time wasting, didn't the prime minister left assets for them or investment?" Levi said.

"Shh or the ambassador will hear you and sack you" Edward said.

"Fool, as if we are really working for him"Levi muttered.