Don't you dare me seline

"Don't mess with me Celine, you won't like the result" Calvin said and went into his residence.

Celine went and picked her gun from the floor, "nonsense" she muttered.

"So because I am taking it lightly with you Cal, just wait I am going to make you crawl back to me" she said.

She walked to the car parked at the other side of the road and entered the back seat.

"How did it go Miss S?" Tiger asked from the driver's seat.

"It didn't go well but I know it will soon" she replied.

"Drive me home Tiger" she ordered.

"Yes Miss S" Tiger said and drove the car away.

"I can't believe that you didn't tell me that today was your birthday?" Dorothy asked immediately Calvin came into the living room.

"It is no big deal Doll, forget about it" Calvin said and moved closer to her.

"It is a big deal Honey pie, it is your birthday we are talking about here, a once in a year event" she said.