Kyla and Celine plans

When they were done eating, they left the restaurant, "enter the car, I will drop you off" Celine offered.

"No, thank you, I will just take a cab," Kyla replied.

"I insist" Celine said and led her to the car, she was the one driving.

Kyla had no choice but to enter the car and Celine drove away.

"Miss S, I was wonder...."

"I told you to call me Celine," she interrupted.

"Sorry Celine, so I was wondering, hope I won't be caught while doing that?" Kyla asked.

"Of course, you will be fine, just do your best," Celine assured.

"Even if you get caught, trust me I will protect you" she added.

"Okay, Celine, thanks" Kyla replied.

"You are welcome, that is the least I could do for you" Celine said.

She stopped at Calvin's residence and Kyla got out, bid her goodbye and wanted to walk away but she bumped into something.

"What the hec..", she trailed off when she saw something she bumped into.