Creation Points

John had spent billions of years cultivating a rich and diverse ecosystem of Terra. Over the eons, he created life in its myriad forms—plants, animals, and even the mighty dinosaurs. He even went as far as mastering the elements—controlling the weather. Now, he was ready to embark on his most ambitious project yet: the creation of humans, a species he envisioned as the pinnacle of intelligence and creativity. With great anticipation, John began the process. However, an unexpected obstacle loomed large.

"Insufficient Creation Points," a mechanical voice echoed in his mind. 

John stared at the notification in disbelief. "Creation Points?" he muttered to himself, bewildered. Until now, he hadn't even known such a thing existed. The concept was entirely new to him. Determined to understand this unforeseen limitation, he directed his thoughts towards the space where he thought the mechanical voice was at, asking for an explanation.

The mechanical voice responded promptly, with a tone that was both neutral and oddly comforting. "Creation Points are the fundamental units of energy required to bring new life forms into existence. For the meantime, you earn 1 Creation Point every 1,000 years."

"How many points do I have?" he asked, a hint of urgency creeping into his voice.

"Currently, you possess 1,239 Creation Points," the voice informed him.

John's mind raced. He had spent so much energy over billions of years perfecting Terra's flora and fauna. How could he have overlooked such a crucial element?

"And how many do I need to create humans?"

"For the creation of humans, with all their complexities and potential, you require 10,000 Creation Points."

John's heart sank at the disparity between his current points and the required amount. At his current rate of one point per thousand years, it would take him over eight million more years to gather enough Creation Points to create humans.

The prospect of waiting millennia upon millennia was daunting. John had envisioned the emergence of humans as a pivotal step in the evolution of his world—a species capable of complex thought, emotion, and innovation. The idea of waiting over eight million years seemed almost unbearable—a waste of time.

"Is there no other way?" John implored, hoping for some loophole or alternative method to expedite the process.

"There are no shortcuts or alternative methods within the current framework," the system responded. "This is the established protocol for the accrual of Creation Points."

John felt a profound sense of frustration and helplessness. His boundless creativity was now shackled by an arbitrary rule. He had imagined his role as a creator to be unfettered, only to discover that even he was subject to limitations.

"What is your name?" John asked the system, seeking a more personal connection with the entity he was conversing with.

"I am designated as the Celestial Regulatory Interface, but you may refer to me as CRI," the system replied. Its holographic projection flickered into existence.

Determined to understand the full extent of his predicament, John pressed further. "Who set these rules? What is the governing authority behind this system?"

"The rules are set by the Council of the Cosmos, the governing body responsible for maintaining order and balance within the universe. Their mandate includes the regulation of planetary creation and evolution."

John pondered this information. The Council of the Cosmos—a grand and imposing entity, no doubt. But what was their purpose in imposing such stringent limitations? Did they fear the potential of unchecked creation, or was it a measure to ensure thoughtful and deliberate development?

"CRI, what exactly are you?" John asked, his voice betraying a hint of curiosity mixed with a touch of apprehension.

"We are made by the Council of the Cosmos to guide Creators like you," CRI replied, its voice resonating with a sense of duty and dedication. The holographic projection of CRI shimmered with an aura of knowledge and wisdom, embodying the culmination of eons of technological advancement and cosmic insight.

"CRI, what is the reasoning behind these rules set by the Council?" John inquired, hoping to glean some insight into the cosmic logic at play.

"The Council of the Cosmos established these rules to prevent imbalance and chaos in the universe," CRI explained. "Creation Points are a measure of the energy and resources required to bring new forms of life into existence. By regulating the accumulation and expenditure of these points, the Council ensures that planetary evolution occurs in a controlled and sustainable manner."

John considered this explanation. While he understood the need for balance and sustainability, the rigidity of the system still felt constraining. He had always seen himself as a dynamic force of creation, yet now he was bound by a slow and methodical process.

However, John's contemplations were interrupted by a new and urgent message from CRI.

"John, you must prepare for war," CRI stated, its tone uncharacteristically serious.

"War? What do you mean?" John asked, taken aback by the sudden shift.

"You have already used up the 10 billion years of start-up development allocated to you. Now, you must face another planet in a competition to continue developing for another 50,000 years and to be promoted as a Tier 1 planet," CRI explained.