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Storm crunched on a banana cookie, her legs crossed on each other on top of Kaden's table as she counted down to the minute, to the second, that Kaden will come here. She had been waiting for thirty minutes already. 

After Avery had left, she had dallied around in the garden for a while, touching flowers here and there, taking in their diverse scents, making a guess at their names, and when she hadn't heard Kaden call out to her yet, through his voice or through the phone, she had sighed and sauntered out of the garden, a bit bored. So bored that she had even gone to training grounds to see the place that she would try to convince Kaden to let her train in.

 It had been empty, but the field was massive, so massive with the training equipment scattered here and there, scattered yet looking somehow orderly as if the training people were divided into groups.