Upgrades, People. Upgrades (3)

Lily didn't need words or explanations. The smirk that emanated from Arthur's expression and the satisfied sigh that escaped his lips already told her what had happened. He had done that on purpose to annoy her. 

A vein popped on her head. She was ready to beat the crap out of her brother before she realized that the same uncomfortable, and in-pain expression appeared on his face again. 

He hasn't completed his advancement to the Adept rank yet. 

"Lucky bastard." 

Lily decided to leave it at that, before turning to herself. Arthur would most likely reach the Adept rank at least before the world's evolution which was in the next hour. And, her [Divine Wisdom] told her that if he did manage to reach it, this [Halo] of his would definitely and at least, bring his overall power up to the next letter grade. His stats would outright surpass her if she didn't do something.