Twin Flaming Blades (3)

Arthur's curiosity grew, and he pressed on. "And the wheel, Lily. What did the rankings mean? From F to S, and that mysterious [???] near the S rank. What does it signify?"

Lily pondered for a moment, tapping her finger on her chin. "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. But my divine wisdom whispers to me that the rankings must be a measure of the potential of the weapon or skill. Perhaps it signifies their latent strength or their unique qualities or something. Beyond that, it's still a mystery."

Arthur chuckled, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "Well, what if my wheel glitches again, and I end up with an S rank skill or weapon?"

Lily's expression turned deadpan, and she shot him a glare. "If you dare." Then, her eyes started swirling scarily. "If it did happen though, yeah, I guess I would have no choice but to kill you."

Arthur's smile turned upside down. "Damn. I suppose I'll have to tread carefully then." They shared a moment of laughter.