The Other Gods (1)

The Other Gods (1)

"Also," Lily started. "You know, maybe this is just something out of the blue, but don't you think that the term 'Players' kinda has a ring on it?"

Arthur chuckled in agreement. "It does make the whole situation feel a bit more surreal, as if we're all characters in an intricate game with no clear rules. But, why do you ask?"

"I don't know," Lily said. "Just something I've been meaning to say."

". . .Okay, anyway," Arthur returned to his earlier question. "Have you heard of any other known [Gods] or even [Demi-Gods] in our city?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just wanna see if there are more of us in this city," Arthur said, his eyes hiding a dangerous glow. "And if there are more of us, I want to know if they're on our side or if they're people we need to be careful of."