The Strongest (5)

The Strongest (5)

Lily watched her brother, curiosity shining in her eyes as she leaned in closer, genuinely interested in his choice of stat points. "So, Arthur," she began, "which stat point are you thinking of allocating? If you were an ordinary mage-type, I'd probably recommend Wisdom or Intelligence to boost the offensive power of your magic skills. But since we suspect your mana, or in this case, prana pool is enormous or even limitless, it might not be the best choice. What's your plan?"

Arthur considered his options carefully. He knew he had about 16 unallocated stat points at his disposal. The recent battle with the Corrosive Slimes had highlighted the importance of using these points wisely in this unpredictable world. Stinginess wouldn't serve him well in a place where survival meant adapting and growing.