Wrath Of A God (4)

Ladon, panting and bleeding, tightened his grip on his lance. His mind was a whirlwind of fear and determination. They were cornered, but he wouldn't let them go down without a fight. He glanced at James, who was frantically reloading his gun, then back to the goddess of war. 

He expected her to at least be damaged a little, or perhaps even be killed from that shot, but she. . .she just dodged it?! Then, the goddess stopped in her path and suddenly snapped her head towards James who was so scared from the killing intent that he tripped and fell over himself. 

"Tripping over yourself now eh?" The goddess tutted. "A grown warrior we have here." She was playing with them. Everyone could see it, but the humiliated Ladon could not. 

And, so he charged to his death.