Floppy Ears Halloween Adventure

For Olivia and Sunshine Bunny who gave the inspiration for this story.

Once upon a time there was a bunny.

Now, this was no ordinary bunny, this bunny was pink with long skinny arms and long skinny legs. This bunny had long floppy ears and I think, that was how he got his name. His name was "Floppy Ears."

It was October 31st and it was time for Floppy Ears to go out trick or treating.

He started walking across the front yard and he say a black tiger looking for him. He hid behind a tree and watched it go by.

Then he saw the tiger lay down on the sidewalk and "meow". He laughed to himself, "that's not a tiger it is a kitty, our neighbour's cat."

As he walked across the lawn Floppy Ears saw that someone had set a trap to catch him. They had put a net across the sidewalk to keep Floppy Ears from going on.

As he got closer he realized that a spider had built a web across the sidewalk. "That's not a net it's just a web to catch bugs!" Floppy Ears wasn't scared anymore.

As he walked around the corner he saw a monster watching him. He slowly walked toward it. He saw the monster's bright yellow eyes and he slowed down.

Floppy Ears was a little scared but knew he had to go past the monster.

"Nice monster." he said as he came closer.

"You're not a monster," said Floppy Ears, "you're a jack-o-lantern."

Floppy Ears walked over to the jack-o-lantern and patted it on the top.

"Well mister jack-o-lantern" began Floppy Ears, "you must love Halloween. Grampy and I carved a pumpkin like you at his house and it is sitting on the front step."

"I'd like to stay and chat with you but I have to get home, we are having a Halloween party and I don't want to miss it."

Floppy Ears walked away from the jack-o-lantern and around the corner. In front of him he saw something move.

At first he couldn't tell what it was. Then he realized that he had come up behind a real live ghost.

Ghosts are scary so Floppy Ears waited behind the ghost to see where it was going.

The ghost slowly turned around and then it spoke to him.

"Hi Floppy Ears" said the ghost.

"Ah, hi..." replied Floppy Ears.

"Are you having fun tonight?" asked the ghost. As the ghost talked Floppy Ears realized that it was his friend Tommy dressed as a ghost.

"Ha, ha, ha," laughed Floppy Ears, "I thought you were a real ghost."

They talked for a few minutes and then Floppy Ears started home.

By the time Floppy Ears arrived home the spider had been very busy blocking the front door and window to his house. Rather then ruin the work the spider had done Floppy Ears decided to climb in the back window.

As Floppy Ears climbed the ladder to his room a witch came up behind him. After everything he had seen Floppy Ears just waved to the witch and called out "Good night."

Once inside, Floppy Ears told his little sister and his mom all about the adventure he had that night and all the interesting things he saw.

The End.