Floppy Ears Sweet Celebration

Once upon a time there was a bunny.

Now, this was no ordinary bunny, this bunny was pink with long skinny arms and long skinny legs. This bunny had long floppy ears and I think that was how he got his name. His name was "Floppy Ears".

Floppy Ears was over the moon with excitement as he walked out of his classroom with his report card. He had been waiting for this moment for weeks, and it was finally here. He had passed his grade with flying colors!

His mom, who was waiting in the pickup line, couldn't help but smile as she saw the big grin on Floppy Ears' face. "How did you do, buddy?" she asked, as Floppy Ears proudly handed her the report card.

"It's perfect!" Floppy Ears exclaimed. "I passed with an A!"

His mom beamed with pride. "That's amazing, son! I'm so proud of you. Let's celebrate with a special treat."

Floppy Ears' eyes lit up as his mom pulled into the parking lot of the local ice cream shop. "Can we get ice cream?" he asked, bouncing up and down in his seat.

His mom laughed. "Of course, we can. And your sister can come too!"

Sunshine Bunny, who was sitting in the backseat, clapped her hands excitedly. "Yay! Ice cream!"

As they walked into the shop, Floppy Ears' mom asked him what flavor he wanted. Floppy Ears thought for a moment before deciding on a banana split. His mom smiled and ordered one for him, knowing it was the biggest treat on the menu.

Sunshine Bunny, who wasn't old enough to be in school yet, didn't have to worry about choosing a flavor. She simply ordered a chocolate sundae, and her mom added a cherry on top.

As they sat down at a table to enjoy their treats, Floppy Ears' mom asked him to tell her about his favorite part of school year. Floppy Ears thought for a moment before saying, "I loved learning about fractions in math class. It was so cool to see how they work!"

Sunshine Bunny giggled and took a big bite of her sundae. "Mmm... this is so yummy!"

Floppy Ears grinned at his sister and then looked at his mom. "Thanks for taking me and Sunshine to get ice cream, Mom. This is the best day ever!"

His mom smiled and hugged him tightly. "Anytime, buddy. I'm always happy to celebrate your successes."

"Next year," Floppy Ears asked with a grin, "when I get great marks, can we come back for another Banana Split?"

The End