Floppy Ears Baking Adventure

Once upon a time there was a bunny.

Now, this was no ordinary bunny, this bunny was pink with long skinny arms and long skinny legs. This bunny had long floppy ears and I think that was how he got his name. His name was "Floppy Ears".

Floppy Ears loved helping his mom in the kitchen, especially when they were baking cookies. He loved the smell of sweet treats wafting through the air and the feeling of getting his hands flour-covered.

One day, Floppy Ears' mom asked him to help her bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Floppy Ears was thrilled! He quickly got to work, helping his mom gather all the ingredients and measuring them out. He was careful not to spill a single grain of sugar.

Next, he helped his mom mix the ingredients together in a big bowl. He loved the way the dough came together in a sticky ball. Floppy Ears' mom showed him how to mix it until it was just right, and then he helped her scoop out spoonful's of the dough onto a baking sheet.

As they popped the cookies into the oven, Floppy Ears' mom asked him to keep an eye on the timer. He carefully watched as the minutes ticked by, and when the timer went off, he helped his mom take the cookies out of the oven.

But just as they were about to put the cookies on a plate to cool, Floppy Ears' mom said, "Wait, I think you deserve one for being such a good helper!" Floppy Ears' eyes lit up as he reached for a big, chewy cookie. But just as he was about to take a bite, he saw his little sister Sunshine Bunny walking into the kitchen.

Without hesitation, Floppy Ears broke his cookie in half and handed Sunshine Bunny a piece. "Here you go, Sis!" he said with a smile. His mom beamed with pride as she watched her two children share their treat.

"Wow, Floppy Ears, that's so kind of you!" she said. "You're such a thoughtful big brother."

Floppy Ears grinned from ear to ear, feeling happy that he could make his sister happy. He knew that sharing his cookie was more important than eating it all himself.

From that day on, Floppy Ears knew that baking cookies was not just about making yummy treats, but also about sharing love and kindness with others.

The End