Floppy Ears and Sunshine Bunny's New Glove

Once upon a time there was a bunny.

Now, this was no ordinary bunny, this bunny was pink with long skinny arms and long skinny legs. This bunny had long floppy ears and I think that was how he got his name. His name was "Floppy Ears".

Floppy Ears was thrilled to help his little sister, Sunshine Bunny, celebrate her birthday. Saturday was the big day and her family were all gathered and sang Happy Birthday to her. Then she got to open her presents, one that she opened was a new ball glove. She had been wanting a ball glove for weeks, and now she had a brand new one all her own. Seeing her with the new glove Floppy Ears was excited to help her learn how to use it.

After they blew out the candles on her birthday cake, it was time to play. Floppy Ears took Sunshine Bunny outside to the backyard. He showed her how to put on the glove and hold the ball correctly. Then, he began to throw the ball gently towards her.

At first, Sunshine Bunny struggled to catch the ball. But Floppy Ears was patient and encouraging. He kept throwing the ball, saying "You can do it, Sis! Just keep your eyes on the ball and reach out with your glove."

As the afternoon wore on, Sunshine Bunny started to get the hang of it. She began to catch more and more balls, and Floppy Ears cheered her on with every successful catch. They played for hours, moving further and further apart as Sunshine Bunny's confidence grew.

By the middle of the afternoon, Floppy Ears and Sunshine Bunny were both hot and tired. They decided to take a break and head inside for a snack. As they munched on cookies and sipped juice, Sunshine Bunny turned to their mom and exclaimed, "Mom, I'm so glad I have a brother like Floppy Ears! He's the best teacher ever! I love playing catch with him."

Floppy Ears beamed with pride, happy to have been able to help his sister learn something new. He knew that he had made her birthday even more special by teaching her how to catch. And he couldn't wait to play with her again soon.

With a smile, he looked at Sunshine bunny and said, "Next time maybe I can teach you how to bat."

The end.