chapter Seven

Chapter seven


I dressed very corporate today, looking at myself in the mirror over and over again and adjusting anything that seems out of place. I don't know what is making me anxious, but I don't want him to see me this morning and decide that I should go back to my house. You can never tell what my boss is thinking behind his cold face. I have only ever seen him smile a few times, and those times it went as quickly as it came.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smirked, plotting my sweet revenge against Natasha in my mind. She didn't see this coming, and she was going to be very surprised that I was called back by the boss.

I took my bag and went out of the front door and locked it. I hailed down a cab and got into it; I am not using the subways today.

I was excited, and it made me remember my first day at Kenzie Tech. That was what today looked like to me. I pulled out my earpiece and inserted it into the phone and put it in my ears. I played my favorite song, and I started swaying to it inside the cab.

I got to the office and entered inside, and I could feel the gaze on me from all corners. They were expecting me to scurry off, but instead, I held my head high and moved toward my boss's office. I didn't bother to greet anyone because it will make it more awkward; I know the boss has not yet announced that I would be joining them back.

I almost got to the bend leading toward the office when Natasha stopped me and stood in front of me, her hands on her hips, her face in a deep frown. I met her eyeball to eyeball, refusing to back down.

"Where did you think you were going? Or should I say, what gave you the right to think you can come into the office anyhow and go wherever you like?" she asked in a firm tone.

I looked at her from her head to her toes and decided to answer her. "Natasha... I never knew you are such a wacko until today. I think with the little knowledge you have, you should know that it is not every day an ex-employee dresses in a corporate dress going toward her office. I don't have time for your stupid inquiries, so I urge you to kindly step aside and let me pass before I unleash my wrath on you."

She raised her hand to bring it upon my face, and I moved with reflex and held it there. I dropped her hand forcefully and gave her a leveled gaze.

"How dare you?!" she shouted, making an attempt to slap me again, and I heard a voice.

"Can someone tell me what is going on here??" We all looked back, even Natasha had quickly brought down her hand back to her side, and I smirked.

"Why is the office in chaos? Why are you all standing around as if you all have nothing to do?" Ryan asked. He looked over to my side, and from the way he scrutinized us, he could guess what happened himself without asking.

"I am sorry for not telling you all that Miss Donna will be joining us back, and Miss Natasha, next time you want to stop anyone, please do it in a more polite way," he announced, and it brought a smile to my face.

He strolled to my side, avoiding eye contact with me, and we both made our way to the office without uttering a single word.

We got to the office, and he stood by the door. My table was in front of his office, and I could see him from my table.

"Tara... I am glad you could make it to the office today, and I also want to say I'm very sorry. I hope we will be able to work with each other," with that said, he went into his office.

I brought out my phone and took a picture of my face and the office and sent it to Becca. I don't know what is wrong with her, but I hope with time she will come around.

I looked around the office, and I remembered the incident of that night; he was really my first, and I don't know how he was able to keep a straight face because all the memories flooded back to me afresh as it looked as if I was seeing the office for the first time.

Scenes started playing in my head, and I shook it off and buried it deep down in my mind. I should not let that distract me. I went out of the office to pick my box, and I could see different departments forming a group of their own, all having something to say, which I know is about me.

The moment they saw me, they all became quiet. I looked at all of them one after the other and picked up my box and went back to my office. They can gossip all they want; I don't care about any of that. The only thing I care about is working here, and I have achieved just that. I would have loved to tell them what happened between me and the boss to fuel their gossip, but it would have been a catastrophe for the company.

"Tara!!" I stood up and went into Ryan's office. "I want you to go through my schedule and shuffle it if necessary and let me know what I have on the ground today and sort out the file for Mr. Benson; I am going to need it today."

"Yes sir," I left his office with the schedule and sat with it as I got busy.

I heard a ping on my phone again and saw a message from Dammy today.

"How are you doing??" I paused what I was doing and replied to him that I was fine. It was very sweet of him to ask of me like this.

I started sorting out the schedule and removing anyone I think wasn't possible and shuffled it to another date.

A lady walked up to me while I was working. I looked up at her, and she was very beautiful with high cheekbones and long, silky hair. She had on a gown that clung to her, and I was wondering who she came to see dressed like this.

"How can I help you, ma'am?" I said politely.

"I am here to see your boss. Just tell him his girlfriend is waiting for him."

I was so shocked and surprised; it felt as if I had been slapped directly on the face.