chapter ten

Chapter ten


Of all the worst news I could ever hear in my entire life, this had to be the worst. The doctor had to be playing, but a few results here and there showed me all that I needed to know.

I was pregnant, for Ryan.

I couldn't even stop the sad tears from dripping down my face, and I'm sure the doctor wondered why I was visibly hurt by this?

I decided to leave, so I could go home to cry in one piece. Just like that, flashbacks from everything settled in. Was Dammy aware of the pregnancy? How did he know where I worked?

I brushed the thoughts aside because if I began to ponder on them, they would weigh me down, and that was the least of my worries now.

Work. I needed to tell Ryan, and fast.

I felt better, and I eventually left the hospital after I confirmed that Dammy covered all the expenses.

As I left the hospital to flag down a taxi, Becca called. Finally, she had time for her friend. I checked my phone and I could see that she called me earlier, and multiple times. Did something happen?

Did something more important than the issue I just got myself in happen? Sigh. Just when I thought things couldn't possibly get worse. But then again, I had to confirm from her first.

"Becca, you called!"

"You're okay! Thank goodness. I called over and over because you didn't pick the first few times, and don't worry, nothing happened. I was just calling to check up on you, before you freak out, thinking of the worst that will certainly never happen "

"You have no idea what my own definition of 'worst' is, and the fact that it just happened"

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"I'm pregnant, Becca, for my boss. I'm in a serious pile of deep issues"

"What? How?"

She screamed at the top of her voice, obviously more upset that I could ever be.

"I'm on my way to the office from the hospital, and it gets worse."

"Oh no, what again?"

"I think Dammy already knows but I'm not sure. He's the one that rushed me to the hospital, and there was a hint of disappointment on his face as he left, just before the doctor broke the news to me"

"So what are you going to do now? Your boss is so evil"

"I have to confront him, wish me luck"

"Okay babe, good luck. I'm just happy I'm going to be an aunt soon"

"Oh please" I rolled my eyes. Such a crazy girl.

"I've got to go, see you later"

I ended the call as soon as the taxi arrived at my destination.

Luckily for me, I woke up on time so I was still able to make it just before the close of work. Knowing fully well that Ryan would still be around and probably upset that I wasn't available, I decided to go see him.

The office was still the same, except the workers had greatly reduced as the hours ticked by, and they were just staring.

I had no time to dwell on whatever may be the case, it was very usual so I let it go, and went straight to his office.

I was too upset to even knock, so I walked in to see him making a phone call. His face was buried in something he was reading while he listened as someone spoke. He barely even acknowledged my presence, and it made me even more angry.

At this point, I didn't care about my job, I just wanted him to deal with the repercussions of what he had done. Just the mere thought of being pregnant with his child made me so upset.

Just before I was going to shout at him, the call ended, and he looked up to receive me.

"You're back"

No expression, nothing.

"Yes, and there's a bit of a problem"

I was too upset to try to sweeten things up, so I went straight to the point.


I continued on, whether he gave me permission or not.

"Sir, based on whatever it was that we had some time ago, a result has come out of it, and the issue is that–"

"You're pregnant, I know that"

How did he know I was pregnant? Oh my God. For how long had he known?

He just stared at me as he gave me time to recover from my shock before he continued on.

"I've seen the way you work around here of late, I know a pregnant woman when I see one"

He stood up from his seat, holding a sheet of paper as he stood in front of his desk, then resting on it slightly.

He handed me the papers, then directed us to sit at the two cushions in his office, while I went over whatever it was that was in the content of the file.

The content of the file confused me, so I looked up at him to be sure that he knew what he was saying.

"It's exactly as you read it, Tara. Since you're pregnant for me, it's only fair that we say that we were dating when it happened, so that nobody has to know about it. I'll compensate you heavily, and we break out of it as soon as everything about the pregnancy dies down"

What the hell? He was actually proposing a contract marriage agreement? Ryan, was okay with agreeing to marry me?

It had to be a dream, because there was no way this was happening. No way.

"So, what do you say?"

"You're asking, but I'm not sure I have much of a choice"

He smirked.

"Good girl "

Now be a good girl and take care of my baby. Sign that, and give it back, then you can leave.

As I took a pen to sign it, different things were going through my mind. How long had he known this to draft out such an arrangement, and even had it printed out?

I gave it to him and turned to walk away, but he dragged me back and pulled me closer for a kiss.

When I tried to protest, he reminded me that I really shouldn't.

"You're mine now, it starts from here"