Chapter 26: Lockhart's Educational Philosophy

"Professor Lockhart, are you also taking the Hogwarts Express? Why don't you go in now? Can you give me an autograph? After reading your book, I have many doubts in my mind. Can I ask you for advice? About ghouls, professor, can you tell me..."

Lockhart was watching a large number of young wizards pouring into the Hogwarts Express when he suddenly felt a chirping sound coming from his ears, directly interrupting his memories of his previous life.

Lockhart frowned lightly, lowered his head, and looked at the little witch with thick and messy brown hair who was tugging at his sleeves. Although he was unhappy, he still said calmly, "Little witch, please be quiet! Speak slowly, don't be in a hurry!"

"Okay, Professor. I'm so lucky to have met you before going to class. By the way, after reading your latest book, I wanted to ask..."

Hearing Lockhart's calm tone, Hermione immediately slowed down her speaking speed, but a lot of questions still popped out of her mouth.

Lockhart had a headache when he heard this. He just wanted to be quiet for a while; this little witch was too active. Looking at the little witch who had questions written all over her face, Lockhart sighed softly. Then, "Silencio!"

With a flick of the wand, under Hermione's surprised gaze, a silent spell instantly made Hermione unable to make any sound. Suddenly, Lockhart felt a sense of silence in his ears. This feeling was simply too good.

"Don't worry, I will break the curse for you later, and I can also answer your questions. But... Take your time, don't rush, one question at a time," Lockhart said slowly, looking at the anxious little witch.

Seeing Hermione nodding crazily, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction, took his wand, waved it gently, and lifted the spell.

"Professor, I..."

"Before you ask any more questions, would you like to tell me your name first?" Lockhart quickly interrupted, seeing the little witch about to ask more questions.

Hermione was stunned for a moment, then immediately replied, "Professor, my name is Hermione Granger. I am a second-year student at Hogwarts, Gryffindor House..."

As Hermione began to introduce herself eloquently, Lockhart felt a little desperate. He lightly raised his wand and cast another silencing spell. Hermione stopped talking immediately.

As if realizing her behavior was not pleasing, she asked timidly, "Professor, did I do something wrong just now?"

Lockhart smiled with some relief; she still knew that she had done something wrong. However, his previous life as a university teacher allowed him to say in a gentle tone, "Miss Granger, asking questions is good behavior. But don't rush. Take your time. I am a professor and you are a student. If you have questions, as long as I understand them, I will definitely answer them. So, think carefully first about what your three biggest doubts are."

Hearing Lockhart's gentle tone, Hermione nodded, and then a flash of thought appeared in her eyes. Seeing this, Lockhart nodded slightly. Sure enough, there are many problems in educating children. The best way is not to tell them the answer to every question directly. Instead, let them be guided, let them choose valuable questions, and even think about the questions and answers. Cultivating their ability to think deeply is the key. Of course, it can also make himself comfortable. Otherwise, there would be too many questions for him to bear, and he is not a question-answering machine.

As for this little witch, she is Hermione, one of the Golden Trio. Although Lockhart was a little surprised, he didn't care much. He had met Harry Potter and Dumbledore, but Hermione? She's not his student yet! In his previous life, he also taught some celebrities who were still in school. They still asked him questions, and he gave them homework. He didn't think it was a big deal. Just kidding, he is in the academic circle, not the entertainment circle. Does it make sense to think that he has done these? Except for good project research that interests him the most, everything else is just cloud.

Soon, as a large number of young wizards entered the Hogwarts Express, the flow of people in front of them dropped rapidly. Lockhart glanced at Hermione, who was still thinking, patted her shoulder, and said gently, "Miss Granger, you can enter the train now. You can continue to think and list the three questions you think are the most valuable. I will give you detailed answers later."

Hearing this, Hermione was stunned for a moment and then nodded heavily. She glanced at Lockhart and watched him walk towards the train, following closely behind.

Soon, Hermione followed Lockhart into the professor's box at Hogwarts. After entering the box, Lockhart looked helplessly at Hermione, who was following him. He pointed to the seat opposite and motioned for her to sit down. Then, he waved his magic wand, and soon, a cup of tea and a cup of honey were placed on the table in front of them. Lockhart picked up the tea he had prepared earlier, took a sip, and said to Hermione, "Miss Granger, please drink a glass of tea first. You just asked so many questions in one breath, you must be thirsty."

Hearing the faint smile in Lockhart's tone, Hermione cautiously picked up the tea in front of her and took a big sip to relieve her inner tension. After seeing Hermione drink, before she could ask any questions, Lockhart wanted to take over the right to speak directly and said, "Do you know why I asked you to choose the three most valuable questions? I have always thought that the number three is a wonderful number. It is neither too much nor too little, but just right. If there are too many questions, and in order to answer them all, we have to reduce the quality of our answers, which ultimately only reduces our gains. If you ask too few questions, even if I respond seriously, it will be difficult to gain the maximum benefit. Three questions are just right, neither too much nor too little, allowing every wizard to think carefully and give the highest quality answer. So, the correct way to ask questions is to ask a small number of high-quality questions. Ask too many questions at once, and no professor will be able to give you a high-quality reply. Do you understand me, Miss Granger?"

Hermione was stunned for a moment, as if she was a little shocked by the concept Professor Lockhart had just shared. She had never thought so much and so deeply. She just thought that the more questions she asked, the better. The more knowledge she had, the more secure she would feel. Therefore, she always wanted to ask more questions and learn more knowledge.

Lockhart saw a look of thought on Hermione Granger's face instead of a look of grievance. He nodded slightly. This little witch is indeed very smart. Students like her in his previous life would only feel aggrieved when they heard what he just said, as if he was scolding them. Only those good students who really use their thoughts and listen to what they say will think carefully and practice it. Such a student, in his previous life, would have been enough for him to become his research assistant. In his previous life, he was relatively well-known in academic circles, and many graduate students were willing to become his assistant. What he said to Hermione before was his educational philosophy when he taught at the university in his previous life.

Control input! Everything must be restrained, stay sensible, and don't be greedy. As the saying goes: "Never bite off more than you can chew!"

Chapter 27: The Source of Magic!

"Thank you, Professor Lockhart, for your explanation. It was very detailed. I will definitely keep in mind what you just said," Hermione said excitedly, putting away the notebook she had just taken notes in and placing it in her small bag.

Lockhart had just finished answering Hermione's three questions and felt a little parched. He took a sip of tea from his cup. Hearing the gratitude in Hermione's tone, a smile appeared on his face as he replied, "Alright, that's it for the questions. You should join your friends. Studying is very important, but it also requires a balance between work and rest!"

With that, Lockhart gestured with his hand, and Hermione reluctantly left the professor's box. She had originally planned to stay as long as the professor was willing to speak, hoping to get to know him better and ask more questions.

Gilderoy Lockhart had been her idol even before she met him, having become a fan through the six books he wrote. After meeting him, a simple conversation made her even more of a fan.

Professor Lockhart answered her questions in a very detailed and vivid manner, citing several interesting cases. She understood and memorized the knowledge points very easily, achieving such learning efficiency and effectiveness.

He was exactly the ideal professor in her mind, even exceeding her expectations. He was better than Professor Snape and even somewhat superior to Professor McGonagall, Hermione thought silently.

With some regret, she left the professor's box and walked towards the Gryffindor box. Lockhart watched Hermione's departing figure, his eyes half-squinted as if deep in thought.

From their exchange, it was clear that Hermione had great potential. He didn't dare to fully believe any plot he had in mind. As a researcher, he would only make judgments after verifying things himself.

However, she was a bit young, so he could only say that she had the potential to be cultivated. After all, it had only been an hour, and there had been cases where things didn't turn out well. If she could really listen to what he said and practice it, it wouldn't be a bad idea for Lockhart to accept her as his disciple.

The disciples he spoke of were not the workers he had mentioned to Dumbledore before, but fellow practitioners whom he could teach Kamar Taj magic, runes, and even bring to the Marvel world to pursue the truth together.

Researching magic cannot be accomplished by one person alone. Only by gathering collective efforts and conducting large-scale, systematic, and in-depth research can world-class results be achieved. This had been the case since ancient times, just like the weapons in his previous life - nuclear bombs, atomic bombs, etc. None of them were the result of a single person's effort.

Meanwhile, Lockhart looked closely at the train. He was quite curious about how the wizard conductor drove this magical train. Soon, Lockhart walked to the front, looked at the small bronze door opposite, and knocked three times.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Soon, the small bronze door opened. Lockhart was a little surprised. Inside was actually a house-elf!

"Professor Lockhart, is there anything Vada can do? Vada is delighted to help the Professor!" said the house-elf, wearing tattered clothes and with a somewhat ugly face.

Especially when he saw it bending down so hard that its head touched the dusty ground. He frowned slightly as he was a bit of a germaphobe.

"Clean!" Lockhart waved his wand lightly, the tip flickered, and in an instant, the stains on Vada's body quietly disappeared.

The house-elf saw that he was clean and jumped up very happily. "Thank you, thank you, Professor Lockhart. Thank you so much."

Looking at Vada, who wanted to get close to him, Lockhart immediately took a step back. He had no intention of having a close hug with the house-elf, so he directly asked, "Vada, do you drive the Hogwarts Express? Is there anyone else who helps you?"

"No, Professor Lockhart, Vada has always driven the Hogwarts Express. Vada loves this work and is very happy."

Seeing Vada dancing a little, Lockhart said in a commanding tone, "Vada, show me the Hogwarts Express Control Room."

Vada tilted her head but quickly nodded vigorously and replied loudly, "Okay, Professor Lockhart."

Soon, following Vada, Lockhart bent down and entered the Hogwarts Express Control Room. After entering, Lockhart looked at the space, which was at least twice as spacious, with some surprise. This should be the traceless expansion spell, Lockhart thought silently.

Immediately, he looked at the center of the entire space with interest, where a dark purple ball was emitting a large amount of magic power, and bronze pipes connected from the ball to all directions.

Lockhart guessed that the power of the entire Hogwarts Express came from this dark purple ball, or more appropriately, the source of magic power. The surrounding pipes should be used to circulate magic power and provide operating power for the entire express.

He asked Vada next to him and got a definite answer. His guess was not wrong. When Vada drove, he actually controlled the deep purple magic source in the middle. He controlled the speed of the Hogwarts Express by regulating the flow of magic. If restrictions were completely relaxed, the express speed would increase; if restrictions were tightened, the speed would slow down. Complete restriction meant stopping the train to allow the little wizards to get on or off.

Lockhart walked to the source of magic, and although the urge to study it welled up in his heart, he still knew what was appropriate. There were so many little wizards on the train. If there was an accident due to his research, all sorts of trouble would come to him. So, he decided to observe first and then ask Principal Dumbledore for permission to study it. As a professor, he should find it easy to ask, right? Lockhart thought silently.

Suddenly, Vada next to him touched him lightly, causing him to come back to his senses. He followed the direction of Vada's finger and looked out of the opposite window.


Harry Potter?

At this moment, Harry Potter felt extremely unlucky. He had been happily staying with the Weasley family, preparing to enter platform nine and three-quarters and then arrive at Hogwarts. In his imagination, everything should have gone smoothly just like last year.

But, he didn't know what happened, but he and Ron couldn't enter platform nine and three-quarters. The Hogwarts Express was about to depart, but he and Ron were trapped.

Seeing the terrible situation, Harry and Ron quickly thought of a solution. Finally, they set their sights on the magical car they drove. After many twists and turns, they drove the magic car and finally found the Hogwarts Express.

However, the two of them were almost hit by the train, and Harry even nearly fell out of the car. Harry, who had just come to his senses, suddenly realized that he seemed to see a familiar figure on the train.

Professor Lockhart!


Chapter 28: The Magical Version of Artificial Intelligence!

Lockhart looked at the flying car that was almost hit by the train and at Harry Potter, who almost fell out of the car. He immediately recognized the scene.

He remembered that this seemed to be part of the original plot. Harry Potter couldn't take the Hogwarts Express, so he had to rely on the Weasleys' magical car. As a result, they were almost hit by the train. Fortunately, Ron reacted quickly, and they survived. Otherwise, the two of them would have ended up at St. Mungo's Hospital.

Thinking back to the magic car he had just seen, Lockhart felt a bit of interest spark within him. The Weasleys were a pure-blood family, and pure-blood families generally had their own heritage, often passed down for thousands of years. It was said that Arthur Weasley liked to study Muggle objects, and now Lockhart saw this magical car. Maybe their family's heritage was related to alchemy.

Considering this, Lockhart pondered for a moment, his mind spinning rapidly. He couldn't research the Hogwarts Express, but maybe he could take a look at the car first. And it just so happened that the Weasley family were all fans of his books. Lockhart wouldn't miss such an opportunity.

As for Harry Potter, who had just been in danger, Lockhart didn't take it too seriously. They would turn out okay in the end, and besides, he wasn't Harry Potter's nanny. Why should he care too much? Although Harry's talent wasn't low, in Lockhart's eyes, if it weren't for Harry's connection with Voldemort, Hermione was worth more. At least Hermione had the potential to be a research assistant.

Well, Harry could also participate in his research, just as a research subject. The savior was born from the collision of the magic of love and the unforgivable curse. The research value was immense!

That evening, in the Great Hall at Hogwarts, after stepping off the Hogwarts Express, Lockhart went to his office and lounge to place his luggage and some books. He would most likely settle in at Hogwarts. Don't ask why; if the school hadn't allowed him to do so, he would have settled in the library directly. Maybe he could discuss with Dumbledore about taking a part-time position as a librarian, saying that he noticed the librarian, Ms. Pince, was working too hard and wanted to help. That way, there should be no misunderstanding.

Lost in thought, Lockhart sat in the professor's seat in the Great Hall, watching a large number of young wizards pour in. He sighed slightly. Wasn't this just the freshman assembly? It was the same old thing. As a former university professor, he hated the freshman assembly speeches made by school leaders. They took a long time, used official language, clichés, and big words, and had an impassioned tone. But when it came to asking for more research funds, the passion disappeared. Those great research projects of his had to be abandoned, and Lockhart felt quite regretful.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart continued to focus on the freshman assembly at Hogwarts. Comparing the luxurious auditorium to the university auditorium of his previous life, he had to admit it was better to have magic. In the past, such a scene could have been done, but at a very high cost. At Hogwarts, they could decorate so luxuriously with a wave of a wand. The entire auditorium was very bright, thanks to the tens of thousands of candles floating in the air. There were also some magical chandeliers hanging above. In the middle of the auditorium, long tables were filled with young wizards, with golden plates and silver goblets sparkling in the candlelight. But what amazed Lockhart most was the ceiling of the Great Hall. The entire ceiling seemed to be enchanted. Looking up, he could see a bright and beautiful sky hanging above.

Lockhart was most delighted by this scene of a vast starry sky. The vast universe and tiny human beings could stimulate his thirst for knowledge. Soon, the most classic sorting scene at Hogwarts played out under Lockhart's watchful eyes. Professor McGonagall moved a stool onto the podium, then placed a patched and somewhat worn hat on it. Seeing the Sorting Hat, Lockhart's desire for research suddenly rose again.

It was said that the Sorting Hat was enchanted by the four founders of Hogwarts with magic and infused with their ideas. It could judge the suitable house for a young wizard based on their characteristics. In Lockhart's eyes, judging the ability of the academy was secondary. The most important thing was that it was an intelligent item. Even if there were limitations, it still meant that it had a certain amount of computing power or deduction ability. Lockhart believed that an advanced magical civilization must have matching computing power or deduction capabilities. Only in this way could they continuously innovate magic technology.

In Lockhart's eyes, the Sorting Hat was clearly the prototype of magical artificial intelligence. As a researcher, the conscious use of tools was the most basic quality. The greatest role of tools was to amplify a researcher's capabilities hundreds or thousands of times. Lockhart felt that he urgently needed artificial intelligence to boost his work.

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty, But don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all. There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you Where you ought to be. You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil; Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind; Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap! You're in safe hands (though I have none) For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

The Sorting Hat loudly sang its exclusive Sorting Song. The sound was a bit hoarse and unpleasant, making Lockhart frown slightly. However, he still stared at the Sorting Hat with great admiration.

After the singing, it was time for the sorting ceremony.

"Next, whoever's name I call will sit on the stool, put on the sorting hat, and wait for the sorting."

"Jody Philip."

As Professor McGonagall's somewhat stern voice sounded, a large number of young wizards found their own house. After watching for a while, Lockhart looked around boredly at the professors sitting around him. Well, Principal Dumbledore hadn't appeared yet. Filius Flitwick, the professor of Charms, was just as he remembered: a little short but exuding a strong aura of magic. He was worthy of being a duel champion in his youth.

The Divination professor, Sybill Trelawney, had somewhat fluffy hair and was wearing a dark green witch robe. A bone hanging in the middle of her neck, possibly used for divination, added to her somewhat arrogant demeanor. She was worthy of being a Divination teacher, but looking at Snape three seats away, Lockhart sighed softly. His face was full of gloom and severity, revealing an aura of indifference and meanness. Just four big characters written all over his face – Stay away from me!

Snape was a master of potions, and Lockhart planned to build a good relationship with him, hoping to obtain potions from him and even learn how to refine them. Judging from Snape's posture, it might be a difficult task.

Chapter 29: Dumbledore's Request

"Now, let's welcome our new professor, Gilderoy Lockhart, who will be teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts," Dumbledore announced. Lockhart, who had been feeling a little bored, immediately became energetic upon hearing his introduction.

He quickly stood up and bowed gracefully to the many young wizards.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Amid loud applause, Lockhart smiled brightly at the students. Perhaps it was his fame, or maybe it was his handsome face, but the applause from the young wizards was intense. After standing for a moment, Lockhart sat back down in his seat, and the applause slowly subsided.

As Dumbledore continued the meeting with a smile, Lockhart grew bored again and started looking for opportunities to chat with Professor Sprout next to him about magical plants.

"Lockhart, do you remember the knowledge about magical plants that you learned in school?" she asked.

"Uh, Professor, actually, I still remember some," Lockhart replied.

"Which ones, Lockhart?"

"Well, I remember mandrake and gillyweed," Lockhart said hesitantly, looking a little embarrassed.

It's so pitiful, Lockhart thought. Even the original Lockhart's adventure experience was stolen, and his combat spells hadn't been practiced for a long time. Not to mention all this magical plant knowledge. He himself had only been studying runes, combat spells, and the like recently, and had not thought about magical plants at all.

"Professor, I once saw a magical plant called golden clover. It can be used to restore magic power and is also a symbol of good luck. I don't know if you have seen it before."

Hearing Lockhart's question, Professor Sprout recalled it carefully and asked with some confusion, "Is there really such a plant? Why have I never heard of golden clover?"

Well, of course, she hadn't heard of it. This is a magical plant from the Marvel world.

"Of course, I've seen it with my own eyes. I'll contact my friends and send you a sample after a while. You can study it then," Lockhart replied, immediately piquing Professor Sprout's interest. She had to study this unknown magical plant carefully.

Taking this opportunity, Lockhart quickly changed the subject and started talking about his adventures. He was quite good at this and had written seven books, using vivid language and interesting cases. Professor Sprout laughed and let the conversation flow naturally. Lockhart quietly looked at the system panel.

Character recognition: Pomona Sprout (39/100)

Well, he had only chatted for a while, and the recognition was quite good. When the time came, he would send some magical plants from the Marvel world. Reaching a recognition level of 50 should not be a problem. At that time, at least rewards such as knowledge could be obtained quickly through draws.

Feeling excited, Lockhart raised his voice slightly, attracting the attention of Professor McGonagall next to him. Seeing her serious gaze, Lockhart smiled sheepishly and said, "Sorry, Professor McGonagall!" before immediately lowering his voice when communicating with Professor Sprout.

Snape, who was next to him, noticed this scene, glanced indifferently, and then continued to look at the young wizards in his house. After a while, the freshman meeting finally ended in Lockhart's eyes.

But what he didn't notice was that Snape and Professor McGonagall had disappeared without a trace. Even if he had noticed, he wouldn't have cared because he only wanted to end this boring meeting as soon as possible.

It was finally time to eat, and Lockhart was eager to try Hogwarts' food. Picking up a fork and tapping the gold plate, a large amount of food appeared. Lockhart started eating immediately. The food at Hogwarts tasted good, although it wasn't as good as his own cooking.

After eating and drinking, all the young wizards, including the professors, were ready to go back and rest. Suddenly, Lockhart felt someone tap his shoulder from behind.

He turned around quickly. "Professor McGonagall, what's the matter?" he asked in surprise when he saw her serious face.

"The Headmaster said he has something to ask you. Please come to the office with me," she said in her usual, somewhat old-fashioned tone. Lockhart nodded and followed her towards the principal's office, wondering what could be so urgent.

He hadn't even started classes yet, and the only extraordinary thing he had done recently was wanting to study the Hogwarts Express. He just looked at it and didn't take it apart.

Soon, they walked into the corridor on the eighth floor and headed towards the principal's office.

"Dragon's milk cheese!" Professor McGonagall spoke the password, and the gargoyle moved aside.

Lockhart followed her towards the stairs and soon entered the Headmaster's office again.

Looking at Dumbledore, who was writing at his desk, Lockhart stood aside and watched quietly as Professor McGonagall left the office. Soon, Dumbledore put down his quill, raised his head, and looked at Lockhart with a gentle smile.

"Lockhart, you are here," Dumbledore said.

"Yes, Headmaster. Is there anything you need me to do?" Lockhart asked curiously.

"It's not a big deal. You can read this newspaper first," Dumbledore said, handing Lockhart a copy of the Daily Prophet.

Lockhart picked up the newspaper and saw the eye-catching headline: "Seven Muggles discover flying vehicles, the Ministry of Magic takes urgent action."

After reading the article, Lockhart raised his head in confusion and asked Dumbledore, "Headmaster, is there anything I can do to help?" Isn't this an accident caused by Harry Potter? What does it have to do with him?

"Indeed, there is something that needs your help," Dumbledore nodded and said gently. "Harry caused some trouble, although it has been dealt with. But I think he needs to improve his combat experience to withstand unexpected risks that may occur in the future. And you, as a professor who teaches Defence Against the Dark Arts, and also an adventurer, should have rich experience in this area. Can you help me train Harry?"

Although surprised by Dumbledore's request, Lockhart nodded and said, "Okay, Headmaster. But I would also suggest organizing a dueling club. I can teach them some dueling methods and experiences, and at the same time, the young wizards can practice with each other. This will have the best effect."

The main reason, Lockhart thought, was that tutoring Harry alone would inevitably mean answering all the problems Harry encountered, which could easily delay his own research time. He didn't have much time to begin with. If he opened a club, he would just share some methods, techniques, and experiences, and then they could practice on their own. Professors could also be invited to participate, giving him an opportunity to build good relationships or learn from their experiences.

After hearing Lockhart's suggestion, Dumbledore nodded slowly, "Lockhart, your suggestion is very good. You can arrange your own time for the dueling club. If you need any resources, you can directly contact Professor McGonagall."

Hearing Dumbledore's last words, Lockhart's eyes instantly lit up. To apply for resources, he just had to contact Professor McGonagall directly. Then he had to think about what he needed now, no, what the young wizards needed.

As for creating the dueling club, he was not in a hurry. He had been teaching for a long time. At least, let him get to know all the young wizards first before organizing it, or wait until he came back from the Marvel world. In short, time was his, and he was not in a hurry.

After a few brief words, Lockhart said goodnight and left the Headmaster's office with brisk steps.


After Lockhart left, Dumbledore waved his wand and the door slammed shut. Suddenly, the portrait of Principal Black next to him asked, "Training dueling experience? Albus, why don't you find Filius? He was a duel champion when he was young. Why Lockhart?"

Chapter 30: Lockhart Looks Upright!

Facing Principal Black's question, Dumbledore did not answer directly. Instead, he took off his half-moon glasses, wiped them gently, and said, "I discovered something when I was communicating with Harry just now. Harry was riding in the Weasley family's modified flying car and almost fell off. Lockhart must have seen this scene."

Upon hearing this, Principal Black fell silent, waiting for Dumbledore to continue.

Dumbledore sighed softly. "I chatted with Lockhart before and found that his talent is indeed exceptional. However, I discovered that besides his passion for magic research, he seems indifferent to other things. It appears he has been immersed in his own world and does not care about things that do not concern him. Just like when Harry almost fell earlier, Lockhart saw that Harry was safe, so he didn't make any move. Even just now, he didn't mention the incident at all, as if he didn't see anything."

Hearing this, Principal Black, known for being the most unpopular, said in a somewhat mocking tone, "Oh, I understand now. Our Principal Dumbledore wants to change Lockhart's attitude. Are you trying to pull him into your little group? Dumbledore, you are still the same!"

In response to Principal Black's mocking tone, Dumbledore smiled, put on his half-moon glasses, and did not reply.

At that moment, if Lockhart had heard the exchange between the two, he might have felt aggrieved and complained. However, because he knew the plot, he wasn't worried about Harry Potter at all and therefore didn't mention it.

Lockhart walked toward his lounge with brisk steps. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that the duel club Dumbledore asked him to organize had great potential.

Do you need to prepare a magic potion to prevent the little wizards from getting hurt? Do they need to prepare corresponding magic items to hone their dueling skills? Do we need to invite some other professors and set an example for them in dueling?

A series of preparations appeared in his mind. Although it was a bit much, it made him feel very happy. He liked this kind of work, especially sharing dueling experiences with the young wizards.

Such a great opportunity. As long as Professor McGonagall approved the application, and as the organizer and founder of the club, he could get these resources in advance and make reasonable plans.

As long as he completed Dumbledore's mission, even if there were some minor mistakes in the process, he wouldn't say anything more. After all, if the water is too clear, there will be no fish. If you want the horse to run fast, how can it be possible without feeding it more food and grass?

As Lockhart thought about it, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. A list of resources had already been made in his mind. It depended on how he convinced Professor McGonagall to sign off on it.

Late night at Hogwarts.


With a subtle sound, the door of Lockhart's lounge opened quietly. Lockhart walked out and closed the door gently behind him. Looking at the deserted and quiet corridor, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction.

Then he cast an Invisibility Spell on himself, and his figure quietly disappeared. Looking at his now invisible self, Lockhart felt a surge of excitement. When he came to Hogwarts, he had to experience the classic night tour. Of course, night travel was not the purpose. The most important thing was the Room of Requirement!

There were many magical places in Hogwarts, and the Room of Requirement was definitely one of the best. If he had to talk about the pinnacle of magic in the world of Harry Potter, Lockhart believed that the magical castle of Hogwarts deserved the title. The most magical place in the entire school was the Room of Requirement. He had been curious about it for a long time.

In his previous life, technology was typically materialistic, emphasizing that matter determines consciousness. In this life, magic was a typical idealism, emphasizing that consciousness determines matter. The Room of Requirement changed with the user's consciousness, vividly showing the wonder of magic in the Harry Potter world. In Lockhart's opinion, if he could thoroughly study the Room of Requirement, his magic would be qualitatively improved. Therefore, before coming to Hogwarts, he had compiled nine conjectures on how the Room of Requirement changes, preparing to verify them one by one and study slowly.

With his thoughts turning, Lockhart walked quietly deeper into the corridor.

Third floor!

Fourth floor!

Lockhart took the stairs two at a time and walked briskly toward the upper floor.

The Room of Requirement was on the seventh floor. He remembered that it was related to a tapestry, but which tapestry was unclear. However, when he went to the principal's office before, he saw a tapestry of a troll beating Barnabas the Barmy. It was also the largest tapestry in the corridor. He speculated that the entrance to the Room of Requirement might be related to this tapestry.

Even if it wasn't, it didn't matter. He had been counting silently in his mind before. There were only five tapestries in the entire corridor on the eighth floor, and he could only experiment four times at most. The entrance would definitely be found, and it would only take some time at most.

Well, he had made detailed preparations for the Room of Requirement. A faint smile appeared on Lockhart's face as he kept reviewing his plans in his mind. He just liked the feeling of having everything under control.


Da da da.

As soon as Lockhart reached the sixth floor, the sound of rapid footsteps suddenly reached his ears.

"George, run quickly, Snape is coming."

"Go forward, pass two intersections, and turn left. There's a passage there. You can go that way."


Lockhart hid as George and Fred sped past him, hearing their hurried conversation. His face changed slightly.


Lockhart cursed secretly and quickly followed George and Fred, avoiding Snape together. It would be very embarrassing if Snape discovered him. But the further Lockhart walked, the more he felt something was wrong. He always felt that something was amiss.

Then, he turned around behind George and Fred.



Lockhart patted his head, an embarrassed look on his face. He was so stupid. He was not a student; he was a professor. When students go out at night, that's called a night outing. It's against school rules, and they are naturally afraid of being caught by a professor. But if a professor goes out at night, that's not called a night outing; that's called patrolling.

Immediately, Lockhart touched his body with his wand and released the Invisibility Spell. Then...

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Lockhart waved his wand, and George and Fred, who were running away in front of him, were instantly captured by the Levitation Charm and floated in front of Lockhart.

He glanced at the struggling twins, feeling the resentment in their eyes. Then he looked at Professor Snape walking toward him.

Lockhart said with an upright face, "Professor Snape, I caught two little wizards wandering at night. What do you think their punishment should be?"