
Chapter 51: Master and the Queen House

"Master Morin, I'm sorry to trouble you with this matter."

"As long as there is no problem with your potion, I promise to keep my word."

Although Master Morin's tone was a bit cold, Lockhart was quite satisfied when he heard that Morin agreed to his request. He immediately walked out of the library.

After exiting, he walked down a long corridor. Spotting Kaecilius in a short robe not far away, he quickly approached him with three books in hand and said gratefully, "Excuse me, Master Kaecilius. If you need anything later, and if you need my help, just ask."

In response to Lockhart's friendly words, Kaecilius smiled. Although he had never fought Lockhart, he could sense that Lockhart's strength was considerable. Additionally, he was quite curious about Lockhart's identity from another world, so his attitude was naturally more welcoming.

After briefly looking at the books Lockhart had borrowed, Kaecilius said, "Alright, Master Lockhart, now that you have the books, is there anything else you want to do? If not, we can return to the New York Sanctuary. I remember you lived in New York before, right? You can come back whenever you have time."

Lockhart pondered for a moment and then nodded. "Okay, thank you!"

He had come to Kamar Taj, met the Ancient One, gained her recognition, and borrowed some books. His original goal was achieved, so there was nothing left to do. Although Lockhart was a bit greedy, he could control his desires. Future plans surrounding Kamar Taj could be developed slowly over time.

Lockhart watched as Kaecilius used the Sling Ring to open a circular portal with sparks. Looking at the portal, Lockhart sighed softly. It was practical magic, but a pity.

Following Kaecilius through the portal, Lockhart returned to the New York Sanctuary. He glanced at the gate in the distance and observed the scattered sorcerers around, some communicating and others practicing magic. Then he focused on Kaecilius next to him.

"What's the matter, Master Lockhart?" Kaecilius asked, noticing Lockhart's gaze.

"It's nothing serious. I just want to learn about a sorcerer from you," Lockhart replied. Seeing Kaecilius's somewhat surprised look, he added, "It's the librarian—Master Morin. I want to know what kind of person he is so that I can communicate more easily when I borrow books later."

Kaecilius pondered for a moment before slowly saying, "I am not very familiar with Master Morin. But I know that he is a typical ascetic, and his love for magic is deeply ingrained in him."

Seeing Lockhart's thoughtful expression, Kaecilius added, "Although Master Morin is a bit cold, he is a good person. As long as you don't make any big mistakes, he will overlook them."

Lockhart nodded in agreement. An ascetic, like-minded friends, and likely interested in the Dream Soul Potion. Improving their mental strength, even with some side effects, was not hard to accept. Lockhart thanked Kaecilius and gave him a carefully prepared gift, then walked towards the New York Sanctuary door.

Queens, New York City

Queens, though not as prosperous as Manhattan, is a very beautiful part of New York City. Its name suggests nobility and beauty, and it is the most diverse district.

Lockhart knew New York well from his previous life. Before the 20th century, Queens and Brooklyn were known as poor areas. But in the 21st century, Queens developed and became prosperous, even one of the richest districts in New York. The environment was much better than other districts, so Lockhart chose Queens as his settlement location early on.

As for the famous Hell's Kitchen in the Marvel universe, Lockhart didn't even consider it. As a professor and researcher, he prioritized quietness and privacy, followed by a good environment. Hell's Kitchen had poor environmental quality and high crime rates.

Lockhart had previously purchased a villa on Queens Street in Queens. The funds for the villa largely came from S.H.I.E.L.D. support. His potions, aside from their practical value to S.H.I.E.L.D., had considerable research value.

He hailed a taxi and directed the driver to his villa. After a short ride, he saw the villa he bought. After paying the fare and tip, Lockhart walked towards his villa.

Walking through the streets of Queens, Lockhart observed the surrounding shops and pedestrians, sighing softly. With his keen mental powers, he detected the abnormal behavior of some pedestrians and salespeople nearby. These S.H.I.E.L.D. agents really cared for him.

Although he had told them he cast a spell that they couldn't get close to, they chose to watch from the side. Lockhart didn't mind, but he was a bit unhappy. Deciding not to bother about these agents, he walked directly into the villa that they could not approach.

Trident Building, S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters

Coulson sat in his office, carefully reviewing the recent mission records. As a confidant of S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury, he had the authority to review these records. Every month, he compiled the information into a document for Nick Fury's desk.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Coulson frowned slightly but picked it up. Generally, ordinary calls didn't go directly to his office, only important matters did.

"Is something wrong?"

"Report, sir. We found that the target went out and returned to the maze. What are the next instructions?"

The maze referred to the villa where Lockhart cast the spell. Agents sent to enter found themselves unable to get close, as if stepping into a fog. It earned the name "The Maze."

After hearing the agent's report, Coulson pondered for a moment and asked, "Keep monitoring. Also, what did the target do before? How is your investigation going?"

An apologetic voice replied, "Sorry, sir. We tried to follow him before, but we couldn't find him. If he hadn't returned, we would have thought the target was still in the maze."

"Check where the target came from," Coulson instructed. "What kind of transportation was used? When and where? Check the surrounding cameras and trace his steps back."

"Okay, sir!" Coulson hung up and began to think again. The director had ordered an investigation into the wizard forces or civilization behind Lockhart. With a sigh, Coulson returned to the mission report in his hand. There was still work to be done. It was almost the end of the month, and he needed to compile the latest task report for the director.

Time passed slowly, and Coulson finally completed the latest mission report. He stretched out in his chair when suddenly the phone rang again, snapping him back to attention.

"The wizard professor is calling!! The wizard professor is calling!!"

Chapter 52: Book Cafe and Revenue Channels

The ringtone on Coulson's phone was specially set by him. Anyone who knew his number was an important person—either a superior, colleagues like Natasha and Barton, or a special target like Professor Lockhart. Each person had a different ringtone to alert him promptly without delays.

"Professor Lockhart, how can I help?"

"Don't forget what I reminded you in the cafe last time. I like silence the most. Also, I plan to find a good book cafe to purchase. Could you please help me find a location?"

Lockhart's tone was cold, but the content of the call made Coulson feel ecstatic. He quickly responded, "Don't worry, Professor Lockhart. I will find the best location for you. I guarantee there won't be any problems."

"Okay, try to hurry up. I need some peace and quiet now."

Before Coulson could reply, he heard the beeping sound of the call being disconnected. Coulson wasn't surprised. Instead, he called his director with a smile on his face. Once connected, Coulson spoke immediately.

"Director, the Professor Wizard project has made some progress. The other party is showing his goodwill."

Queens Street, Lockhart's Study

The study room of Lockhart's villa was his favorite place. Not only was it beautiful, but the space was also ample. Deep in the study, numerous bookshelves were filled with Muggle books. Lockhart sat at a desk made of brown solid wood and put down his phone. He had just had a call with Coulson from S.H.I.E.L.D., warning him not to keep surveillance near his house and asking him to find a book cafe.

Essentially, he was telling Coulson to keep the surveillance away from his house and instead focus on the book cafe. Future discussions would happen there. The book cafe would serve as his public contact place. Even if spies were involved, they should keep an eye on the bookstore and not his house. If they ignored this, Lockhart wouldn't hesitate to take action.

Lockhart didn't want to trouble himself with finding a suitable book cafe. Considering all factors would take too much effort. Besides, letting S.H.I.E.L.D. choose the location would be more practical, showing goodwill and establishing a boundary.

Lockhart continued reading the book he had borrowed from Kamar Taj. He had already read the previous batch of books he brought from the Kamar Taj Library to the Harry Potter world. The more he learned about Kamar Taj's mage system, the more envious he felt. With the help of dimensional power, they could easily cast powerful magic and had significant advantages in time, space, and soul.

Thinking of how they could use the Sling Ring to create portals and access the mirror dimension at will, Lockhart couldn't help but feel envious.

Two Days Later, New York Sanctuary

In a room deep in the New York Sanctuary, Master Morin and Lockhart sat cross-legged around a table with a pot of tea and teacups. Master Morin poured tea into their cups, took a sip, and spoke.

"Mr. Lockhart, your Dream Soul Potion is very effective. I tried it, and it improved my mental power by nearly 10%, allowing me to break through my current bottleneck."

Seeing the faint smile on Master Morin's face, Lockhart also smiled. "If it works, that's good. The first time you use Dream Soul Potion, the effect is the best. If you use it later, you may develop resistance, and the effect will gradually decrease. But don't worry, I have other potions that can improve your mental power. You can try them when the time comes."

Master Morin's eyes lit up. He thought for a moment and said, "Master Lockhart, I have already told some of my friends about the Dream Soul Potion. They decided to buy a batch and give it a try. The first batch is 5 bottles of Dream Soul Potion. Later, the quantity may be increased. There is no problem with the supply, right?"

"Of course, there's absolutely no problem," Lockhart replied, nodding with a smile. "I still have 19 bottles of Dream Soul Potion now, and I can produce more next month. I also have Wiggenweld for injuries, blood replenishing potion, and calming draught for meditation. The sorcerers of Kamar Taj are always welcome to purchase."

Master Morin nodded, somewhat reserved, and said, "As long as your potions are effective, we will definitely purchase them. But what do you need? Magical weapons, potions, magic metals, medicinal materials, etc.?"

Hearing this, Lockhart's eyes flashed with joy. He handed a piece of parchment to Master Morin.

"I made a list of what I need. You can take a look."

Master Morin glanced at the list, his mouth twitching slightly as he read:

Golden CloverMagic Ginseng RootMithrilRunesLight Boots (magic weapon)

After a brief look, Master Morin raised his head and stared at Lockhart with a strange expression.

Lockhart quickly said, "This is just a list. Everything on it is what I need. If you have it, great. If not, that's okay. Right now, I need golden clovers, divine flowers, ginseng, and mithril."

Master Morin pondered for a moment and nodded. "I have golden clover and divine flower. I can give you some. As for mithril, I'll ask my friends if they have any."

He looked down at the parchment list again, the corners of his eyes twitching, and said, "Regarding the other materials and items on the list, I'll check and trade if I have them. However, a lot of magic potions will be needed, so you have to prepare in advance."

Lockhart nodded quickly and said, "Thank you, Master Morin."

He handed Master Morin another bottle of Dream Soul Potion. "This is another bottle of Dream Soul Potion. Master Morin can try it again to see the effect of the second bottle."

Master Morin took the dark blue Dream Soul Potion, looked at Lockhart, and after a moment, nodded and put it away without saying anything else. Seeing this, the smile on Lockhart's face grew wider. He felt he had found a way to gain recognition from people like Master Morin.

It seemed that the first revenue channel was successfully opened.

Chapter 53: The Magic of Kamar Taj

"Mr. Lockhart, let's stop here. I still have things to deal with in the library."

"Okay, Master Morin. Let's discuss Kamar Taj's magic next time."

"Alright, we'll talk next time."

Soon, Lockhart watched Master Morin use the Sling Ring to create a spark portal to Kamar Taj. Master Morin stepped through, and the portal flickered slightly before disappearing. Lockhart gazed at the spot where Morin had vanished, a trace of envy flashing in his eyes.

Kamar Taj's portal magic was incredibly convenient—safe to use and capable of covering long distances. While Apparition in the Harry Potter world was also impressive, its distance was limited but it was very flexible. Unfortunately, Lockhart hadn't mastered either magic. The original Lockhart never learned Apparition, and he himself had only studied it for less than half a month. Using it would require more training. In the early stages, improper use of Apparition could result in severe injuries or even death.

Lockhart decided it would be better to wait until he returned to the Harry Potter world to learn from a professional or perhaps obtain it through other means. A thoughtful look crossed his face as he recalled his recent conversation with Master Morin about Kamar Taj's magic. He was extremely interested in their magical practices and had borrowed many books. However, he found that most of the spells were closely tied to the power of Vishanti. Techniques like out-of-body experiences, portals, and mirror spaces required this power.

Without the power of Vishanti, it felt like a key piece of the puzzle was missing. He always failed when trying to substitute his own magic power. For a moment, Lockhart felt frustrated but quickly adjusted his mindset. If he was missing the power of Vishanti, he would just have to supplement it. Despite his reservations about relying on external forces, he was not one to give up easily.

Kamar Taj had been using the power of Vishanti for thousands of years. Surely, others had considered the risks. Understanding Vishanti would undoubtedly help him practice Kamar Taj's magic. From his conversation with Master Morin, Lockhart learned that borrowing power from other dimensions was common and accepted. The only consequence mentioned was that, after death, the user's body would return to the dimension as the price for their lifelong use of the power.

This notion made Lockhart hesitant. If paying the price after death was the only risk, he might accept it, given the many ways to extend life in both the Harry Potter and Marvel worlds. However, he feared there might be greater risks. Lockhart decided to leave the New York Sanctuary and head to his next appointment.

Vientiane Book Cafe

Vientiane Book Cafe, a combination library and coffee shop, was located in Queens. The owner had decorated it meticulously and hired a specialized designer. The cafe perfectly blended the intellectual charm of books with the casual atmosphere of a coffee shop, resulting in substantial daily profits. However, due to urgent financial needs, the owner had to sell the book cafe.

Coulson had arranged for Lockhart to consider it at 4 o'clock that afternoon. If everything was satisfactory, they could sign the contract and transfer ownership. Despite making a reservation, Coulson arrived early, wearing a suit and chatting with the shop owner like a realtor.

As it neared 4 o'clock, Coulson spotted Lockhart approaching and quickly greeted him. "Good afternoon, Professor Lockhart. The bookstore is right in front. You can go in and have a look. If everything is fine, S.H.I.E.L.D. will handle the rest."

Feeling Coulson's enthusiasm, Lockhart nodded slightly and said gently, "Mr. Coulson, I'm sorry for troubling you. After everything is settled, I have prepared a gift. I hope you will accept it."

Hearing about the gift, Coulson smiled and led Lockhart towards the book cafe's entrance. The shop owner, waiting for the buyer, greeted them. As Coulson introduced him, Lockhart quietly surveyed the Vientiane Book Cafe.

The overall feel of the cafe was excellent, with a simple yet elegant design. The scattered desks and pre-placed coffee, combined with the carefully arranged bookshelves, created a peaceful atmosphere that Lockhart appreciated.

He had already envisioned the role of this book cafe. First, it would serve as a public contact point. Future meetings would take place there instead of at his home, providing a layer of isolation from unnecessary troubles. This choice stemmed from a habit in his previous life, where he enjoyed visiting book cafes to relax with tea and a good book.

Secondly, the cafe would host guests, including sorcerers from Kamar Taj. Lockhart needed a better environment to receive these guests. Visiting the New York Sanctuary once or twice was fine, but frequent visits made him uncomfortable. Communicating and trading on his own turf felt more natural.

As he toured the book cafe with the owner, Lockhart grew more satisfied with the exquisite environment. He turned to Coulson and said, "Coulson, I am very satisfied with this book cafe. Please handle the rest. Just let me know the final cost, and I'll transfer the money."

Lockhart didn't want S.H.I.E.L.D. to pay for it. If they did, the cafe would belong to S.H.I.E.L.D., not him. He wanted to avoid entanglements and believed that any trouble solvable with money should be handled with money. This way, everything would remain neat and tidy without future complications.

Chapter 54: Question: How Can I Break the Debt I Owe to a Future Demon?

Lockhart sat at a desk near the glass window in Vientiane Book Cafe, leisurely flipping through a book. Occasionally, he glanced at Coulson, who was busy talking with the store manager. Lockhart wanted to complain about Coulson. Honestly, if he had sent one of his agents, they could have solved this easily. But Coulson had to stage this scene in front of him, as if it were a negotiation.

Lockhart understood this tactic well. It was a show to demonstrate how dedicated and hardworking S.H.I.E.L.D. was, aimed at gaining his favor. In his previous life, he had played this trick smoothly. Now, looking at the slight beads of sweat on Coulson's forehead as he walked toward him with a contract in hand, Lockhart could hear the tiredness in his tone.

"Professor Lockhart, I managed to secure this book cafe for you. You just need to sign your name on this contract."

"Okay, thank you," Lockhart replied. He picked up the contract from the desk and quickly scanned it. After confirming there were no issues, he signed his name: Gilderoy Lockhart.

Even if there were problems, Lockhart was not afraid. He handed the signed contract to Coulson, who briefly read it and then stood up to finalize the details with the shop owner. Seeing this, Lockhart remained silent. Free labor, why not take advantage of it? The gift he had prepared in advance was enough to offset this favor.

Lockhart sighed softly, recalling when Kaecilius took him to see the Ancient One. Regardless, for gaining access to Kamar Taj's magic, he owed Kaecilius a favor, which a few bottles of magic potion couldn't repay. He pondered, How should I break the debt I owe to a future demon?

After a while, Lockhart saw Coulson returning with the shop owner. After a brief communication, the shop owner left, and Coulson sat in front of him.

"Professor Lockhart, you can transfer $3.85 million to this bank account." Coulson handed Lockhart a piece of paper with a series of numbers written on it.

Lockhart recalled the price information in the contract, checked it, and found no errors. He nodded. "Okay." He handed over a small wooden box to Coulson. "Coulson, I'm sorry to trouble you this time. This is a magic amulet I made. It should be very helpful to you as an agent."

Lockhart opened the wooden box to reveal a small brown wood chip with intricate and mysterious patterns carved on it. "This magic amulet has a warning function. If you encounter a fatal attack, it will automatically release a shield spell to resist the attack. It should be very helpful for agents like you."

Coulson showed a hint of surprise. They had previously obtained potions and now a magic item. It was simply amazing. His eyes lit up as he looked at the mysterious patterns on the wood chip, thinking they might be deciphered with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s technology. Whatever the outcome, they needed to research it.

Lockhart had no idea what Coulson was thinking, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care. The magic amulet he gave was different from the ones given to the little wizards at Hogwarts. The Hogwarts amulets had three clear runes to spark interest and pave the way for promoting the magic system. The amulet given to S.H.I.E.L.D. had runes integrated into the talisman, and the surface patterns were just imitations from an ancient book. If S.H.I.E.L.D. managed to produce results by studying them, Lockhart would express his admiration.

As a researcher, Lockhart took patents seriously, especially after suffering losses in his previous life. Unless he was willing to share, it was impossible to obtain his technology without paying a hefty price. The patterns were a means of preventing theft.

Watching Coulson carefully put away the gift, Lockhart spoke again. "Mr. Coulson, there's something I want to entrust S.H.I.E.L.D. with. Can S.H.I.E.L.D. find a metal I need?" He handed over a gold Galleon.

Coulson examined the gold-like currency, especially noting the dragon pattern, and various guesses flashed in his mind. But he maintained a gentle smile. "Okay, Professor Lockhart. I will notify you as soon as I find it."

Feeling Coulson's affirmative tone, Lockhart continued, "It is a magic metal, similar to gold, but not gold. If enough similar metals can be provided, I'm willing to trade more potions and magic items."

Coulson's eyes lit up. He had been worrying about how to maintain a trading relationship with Lockhart. Due to their relationship with Thor, the prince of Asgard, and Lockhart's powerful strength, S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't want a direct confrontation but rather to break through from the side.

However, they found that S.H.I.E.L.D. and Lockhart didn't seem to have common interests. Despite being rich and powerful, Lockhart wasn't money-grubbing and couldn't be easily controlled. If he hadn't needed a normal identity, perhaps they wouldn't even have communicated. Like parallel lines, they existed but never intersected.

Now, Lockhart's needs were finally clear. Even a small need was enough for S.H.I.E.L.D. to find a breakthrough, tear it apart, and expand it. S.H.I.E.L.D. excelled at this.

Looking at the gold Galleon and considering Lockhart's request, Coulson's mind filled with various guesses.

Chapter 55: How to Get a Lot of Cash Quickly

In his previous life, Lockhart had joked with colleagues about ways to make money. Some suggested exploiting information differences, others resource differences, or building a platform like a certain online marketplace. Some even joked about robbing a bank. Lockhart had once quipped that the fastest way to make money was to open a banknote printing factory—if other factors weren't considered, all the money printed would be his. Of course, it was just a joke, but in the Harry Potter world, Lockhart's need for gold Galleons had become more pressing.

He remembered those jokes as his demand for gold Galleons grew. Future plans and ambitions all hinged on having enough money. Without it, everything was just talk, like clouds in the sky—beautiful but ephemeral. Talking about promoting magic and researching truths required substantial funding. In his previous life, he often had to act to gain favor, just like Coulson was doing now. He had spent a lot to buy magic items for safety and given away money, snacks, magic potions, and items to ensure his safety and build relationships.

He even gave gifts to the Ancient One, which slowly opened the doors to Kamar Taj's magic. All this was possible because the original Lockhart left him a significant amount of wealth in the form of gold Galleons. But as he continued to spend, his resources were being depleted. Lockhart realized he needed to find a way to quickly acquire more gold Galleons to sustain his plans.

Having enough gold Galleons would allow him to establish his own power and expand his influence in the Harry Potter world. Success there would benefit his endeavors in the Marvel world, creating a mutually beneficial cycle. However, acquiring Galleons or magical resources was crucial for his plans.

If he followed the idea of exploiting resource differences—purchasing goods in the Harry Potter world and selling them in the Marvel world—the process would be slow and inefficient. He could only travel between worlds once a month, making it impractical for quick gains. He was a wizard-scholar, not a businessman, and wanted a more efficient solution.

Then he thought of printing his own money. In his previous life, this idea seemed like a joke. But in the Harry Potter world, it wasn't entirely impossible. The value of gold Galleons lay in their material—rare magical metal—similar to gold and silver in ancient times. If he could obtain the raw materials, he could potentially mint his own Galleons.

In the Harry Potter world, the goblins controlled monetary sovereignty, a situation Lockhart found absurd. As a wizard, he would eventually confront the goblins to reclaim monetary sovereignty for wizards. To do this, he first needed to master the magic of casting gold Galleons. All other plans depended on having a substantial number of Galleons.

Finding the raw materials for gold Galleons in the Harry Potter world was challenging, but the Marvel world, with its vast resources and advanced technology, might offer substitutes. That's why he enlisted S.H.I.E.L.D. to help find these materials. The Marvel world was full of possibilities, and perhaps someone there could even synthesize the necessary materials.

After chatting briefly with Coulson, who then carefully excused himself, Lockhart began to inspect his book cafe. This was now his territory, a stronghold in the Marvel world. Until he could mint gold Galleons in large quantities, his income would come from this book cafe. He would need to act like a businessman to earn enough Galleons to support his endeavors.

Lockhart thought about the book cafe's potential and remembered the previous owner's words. After a moment's reflection, he took out his mobile phone and posted a job advertisement on New York's largest recruitment website:

"Vientiane Book Cafe is recruiting a store manager. Male or female, no age limit, but a master degree or above is required. The probationary period is three months, with a salary of $8,000/month. The salary will be negotiated upon becoming a regular employee. Recruitment address: Vientiane Book Cafe, 165 Westin Street, Queens."

Lockhart hoped this step would help him manage the book cafe effectively while he pursued his larger goals.