After the academic test, it was time for the practical exams. Probably the best kind of test according to some students as long as few broken ribs and bones are not a issue. 

This test was taken on different days as many UA teachers have to be present there, though it's not usually the case like that as last year the test was done with robots but after seeing how the villain activities have improved and the threat from League of Villains, UA decided to up the challenge for the little Heroes. 

Now all of them will be facing their own teachers as Villains. According to how Nezu explains, the students will be paired in groups of 2 and will face one of the teachers as part of their final test.

Heroes like All Might, Eraser Head, Midnight, Present Mic, 13 and more were present there. 

Yuta though didn't care as long as he didn't face someone like All Might or Aizawa. 

The last one was someone he has no idea whether he can beat or not, he doesn't use a quirk after all but there is a possibility that his quirk stop his Hero Time.


"Hmm Yuta, may I talk with you a sec..." came a sweet sound when Yuta noticed no one in particular calling for him.

But only after seeing the floating gloves in front that he realise who this person was. 

"Toru," Yuta stiffened, there was the girl in her full glory. All he had to do was activate his Sharingan. 


"I wanted to talk to you about something. Would you mind waiting for me after the exam?" Toru said slowly, Yuta could practically sense her being nervous. 

'What is it, is she want to reject my date request?

Maybe...' Yuta for a second stiffened before animatedly answering to her question. 

"Yeah sure." he smile.

" Great, I will meet you outside the school after the exam. Do your best ..." She suddenly got cheerful and waved her hand.

Seeing the gloves waving around in the air, Yuta too just waved back. 


"Idiot what are you doing? That was such a good chance. All you had to do was open Sharingan," Suddenly a sound came, starting Yuta. 

He looks around only to find a mini version of him in devil uniform berating him while standing on his shoulders. 

"What are you looking at, don't tell me you don't know what's going on here. I am you but the bad boy version. The kind who actually got girls," 

*Eye twitch.

Yuta held back and a burst of profound language from coming out of his mouth as he saw the Mini Devil scold him. 

"You are such a disappointment, when I was your age I had three wife and four children,"

'What ???

Yuta suddenly felt like someone was joking with him. 

He shifted his head to the other side expecting the angel version of him in miniature form standing there. But...

There was no one. 

"What DA HAIL... what are you doing, can't you even listen properly?" Mini Yuta bearted. 

Yuta blinked and was about to ask why his left should which should technically have another mini him with white wings and Halo standing there, but before that, the devil Yuta spoke up. 

"What you searching for that bastard, he was so disappointed in you that he didn't even bother coming. 

There is no light for you, Failure...

"What the F***.

Yuta all but shouted in the ridiculousness of the situation. 




The so call comedic phase went out pretty quick however as the exams finally started. 

"Deku and Yuta, you will be facing," Nezu started but before the bastard mouse, who Yuta swear to gut him one day or other, completed his sentence, a dark shadow covered the sun before jumping down.

In all his glory, in front of thme was standing the Number One Hero and the Symbol of Peace All Might. 


And I will be the obstacle which both of you two has to overcome. Young Yuta and Midoriya." 

All Might said but this nearly gave a heart attack to both Yuta and Izuku. Others were giving them both a pitied look while Bakugo on the side snorted. He honestly wanted to fight All Might himself.

"howthatispossibletherewillbeaproblemwiththatallmighthowwearegonnabeatyouhowthatissuupposetoworkYutawhatarewegonnado." Izuku retreated back to his mumbling self, trying to over analyse the situation.

"Dont worry young Midoriya. Look at this." All Might grinned as he saw the weights he was wearing in both his hands and legs.

"They are highly compressed weights which will slow us down. So it's not like you don't have a chance. 

Not to mention, its not all about direct combat either. There are in fact two ways for students to pass the exam. 

One is of course to beat their respective teacher who will be taking their exam while the other is to escape the exam here while Villains, your teachers in this case will try to stop you. 

As long as any one of the students can escape the area of the test, both of you will pass." All Might said with his trade mark smile though the man suddenly started to look much more sadistic in Yuta's eyes. 

"All Right then let the the exam begin." Present Mic shouted.

"Here are the matches," 

"Momo and Todoroki vs Aizawa".

"Kaminari and Mina vs Nezu".

"Aoyama and Ochaco vs Thirteen".

"Rikido and Kyoka vs Present Mic".

"Asui and Tokoyami vs Ectoplasm".

"Hanta and Mineta vs Midnight".

"Mezo and Toru vs Sniper".

"Bakugo and Kirishima vs Cementoss".

"Tenya and Mashirao vs Power Loader".

and lastly...

"Izuku and Yuta vs All Might."


Present Mic shouted and Yuta felt like his head buzzing from inside.

Yuta and Izuku found themselves sweating awefully a lot as there turn to fight was nearing. Yuta had no idea how many different strategies Deku came up with to beat All Might there was nothing. 

Not even a single strategy gave any hope of them beating the current symbol of Peace. The man's power was just on a different level altogether. 

'Good thing that he bastard is on the good side,' Yuta couldn't help but smile after thinking this. 

He himself wasn't sure, he was sure that he could win the match as along as its escaping is concerned, with his Soru his own speed was very close to All Might's speed. That and him having more chances thanks to Deku being there and him being more Agile, he was sure that he could win the match.

But since when any plan has gone to his favour. And the majority of the time he has to leave the plan mid-way are the quest. 

He was sure that today too he gonna get some kind of quirk, his only grimace was why the system can't give them quest in advance so that he can plan a little.

But no, the system will only announce the quest when All MIght's fist are inches apart from his face.


Knowing that there was no other way but to wait, Yuta focus on other matches. Maybe he can get some idea how to deal with All Might from them.

Other matches themselves were pretty good. The first Match was between Cementoss vs Kirishima and Bakugo. 

Students won just because Bakugo was there, though Cementoss was holding back, no matter how good a student after all is still a student. 

Bakugo too would have easily subdued if Cementoss had gone all out. After all just like Aizawa said in the third season, most of the students have never improved their quirk at all, what they were learning in fact was more strategic thinking and skills.

Technically they are still just as strong as they were when he joined the UA. 

Of course, this line is Invalid for both Izuku and himself. Both have made massive strides towards improving their powers.

Yuta didn't have much recollection of season three and almost no recollection of what happened after that. 

So soon he will be just as blind about the future as the rest of the people here. Thus is was the right time to get as strong as possible. 

Anyway back to the topic, both Kirishima and Bakugo pass though a major part of this was because Bakugo was there.

Second Match was between Asui and Tokoyami vs Ectoplasm. 

This went much like the anime where the Students won but only by a hairs length. They were able to capture the teacher in time. 

Third match was between Ida and Mashirao vs Power Loader. This was too a pretty interesting match up, though Yuta himself wasn't much interested at this point. Power Loader is strong in his own right but pales in comparison of heroes who fight in front line. 

Fourth match was a banger. 

Aiwaza vs Momo and Todoroki. Gonna say much strategic thinking was involved in this match than Yuta liked. 

Though none of them were able to land a good smack at Aizawa's face, Yuta honestly was disappointed.

But ultimately what matters is that students won.

The fifth match between Thirteen vs Ayoyama and Ochaco. Good match but not interested. 

They failed by the way.

The sixth match was between Nezu vs Kiminari and Mina. This was kind of fun as that intellectual rodden planned everything out beforehand.

The sadistic bastard was playing with them. 


Seventh match Rikido and Kyoka vs Present Mic. This was an interesting fight.

Present Mic was immediately was bad matchup for Kyoka but surprisingly wasn't that big of a problem for Sato.


The Eighth Match was between Hanta and Mineta vs Midnight. Surprisingly wasn't the pervert ball head which lost first but the duck tape. 

In fact Mineta, somehow became the MVP of the match, outsmarting Mid Night and winning that match as he escaped from the testing ground. 

Pass. However, I still am not sure how and why.

The second last match was something which Yuta was personally interested in as it was between Mezo and Toru vs Sniper.

However he was more interested on whether to peek at Toru while the match was on or not. 

It was a kind of internal struggle which was hard to describe. 

Its was line both his heart and mind shouting at him to do it, have some daring in life like the last time he show but his ideals stop him. 

"Ahaaa, fuck it. 

A little daring in life, that was the moto right. I can handle the guild but not the regret for not taking the blessing god has bestowed upon me" Yuta for a second forgets everything about his pending fight with All Might and opens his eyes wide.

"Mangekyo Sharingan....

Just to realize that Sharingan won't work on video footage. He has to see the girl in person to actually be able to see her. 

All he now sees in the video is floating gloves. 


Damn you shouji, it should have been me there.....



Students Pass.

In the end, the time when both Deku and Izuku had to face All Might came. Both of them arrive at a vast area filled with many destroyed buildings and another artificial city area purely built so that heroes can destroy them.

'I might have said this before but what the hell, this school got way too much money to burn,' 

But all the joking mood in his mind when All Might appears with his hero Costume. He was wearing his silver costume today.

"I am here, are you ready Young Midoriya and Young Yuta ?" All Might ask as the pressure chance around them. 

"Yuta, we can't win against All Might. We have have to run," Izuku said for not sure how many times already. 

Yuta till now was just avoiding Deku on his topic. Because he himself wasn't sure about his own actions. It fully depends on whether he runs or fights on what kind of quest he gets or doesn't get. 

"Yuta ! What are you thinking? Run." Izuku shouted.

Yuta purses his lips. Still waiting for the question window to pop up, good thing that All Might was not immediately charging at them. He was giving them the first attack chance. 

In fact, it was kind of unfair to both Deku and Yuta here. For the two, beating almost any other teacher would have been easy. At least they knew that they would win, even against someone like Aizawa. But All Might is...

So it was at least given for the man to give the youths the first chance to attack.

"Yuta, COME ON," Deku shouted.

Yuta almost gritted his teeth. Seeing no notification he was really about to run with Deku but that was the time when finally the quest which he was waiting for came.


Major Quest: Against All Odds

Main Quest: Beat All Might

Reward: ???


"Well, I can't say I wasn't expecting this. The system seems to enjoy giving me stupidly hard tasks for some reason," Yuta cursed under his breath as he also found Deku shaking him and bringing him out of his daze. 

"I won't run," Yuta shouted at a sudden jolt, making both Izuku and All Might take a back. 

"What! Yuta think about it a little. There is no winning against All Might." Deku Panic and tries to convince Yuta. 

He had a feeling something like this would happen when Yuta hadn't given him any clear answer earlier about his plan to escape the area. 

"Hahahah are you sure young Yuta. It's totally fine to escape. There are fights when a hero must retreat. 

Don't be ashamed of retreating Young Man.

A tactical retreat is also a part of Hero's learning." All Might said trying to teach the young Hero an important lesson. 

But Yuta didn't give two shit about what the big man had to say. 

"Midoriya," Yuta shouted. 

"Huh ?" Hearing Yuta calling out to him all of a sudden, he was stunned but immediately asked. 

"Tell me what is more important. Passing the exam or becoming a Hero," Yuta asked. Hearing him asking this question, even All Might got interested. 

"Huh ? of course it becoming a Hero," Izuku still stunned, pondering only a little to understand the question before firmly replying. 

"I see, 

Then tell me what is stopping you from becoming the Hero you want to." Yuta asks again.

Deku has no idea what Yuta was saying but he has felt like this before. Yuta did something similar with Hero Killer. 

"I...I am not strong enough. I need to get stronger. Strong enough that I can save everyone with a smile." Deku really gives Yuta's question a thought and then reply.

"I see...

Now tell me Izuku, will you find any villain stronger outside besides All Might acting as one? 

Don't you thing that this is a chance that you should take." Yuta said as he looked directly at All Might. 

Deku after hearing this was stunned. Even All Might was taken a back. 

"Look at the man in front of you Midoriya. 

He currently stands at the top. Someone even like All For One who can use multiple quirks, as All Might himself said that day, ended up beaten by him in the end. 

Do you understand what that means Midoriya?" Yuta asked making Izuku's mind stop as he started to understand what Yuta was saying. And as Yuta continue to speak, Deku's eyes widen. 

"Don't you think that if you want to get strong then you have to face stronger opponents? 

Who will be better than him? 

And even if we can't beat him which most likely is the case I assume. It is still better than running away. 

Running away from an opponent who won't even kill you just to pass a damn exam. 

How will we stand our ground when a villain as strong as him or stronger will stand in front of us, ready to kill us? 

Will we run, leaving behind all the innocent and helpful civilians?" Yuta shouted the last part.

This practically shook Deku. He who had the absolute idea of running away suddenly felt that he was running away from his own dream. 

"Don't you think that its better to fail than remain weak? 

Don't you also want to face the strongest out there? 

Don't you think that if today we run away, then maybe, maybe we can't face a similar situation which might come up in future? 

I am not sure about your Midoriya. But I can't run or escape. It's better to fail and get stronger for me than pass but remain weak. 

And even if I don't get stronger. I will at least know what real strong is after this." Yuta said and started to walk forward. 

Seeing and hearing this monologue not only Deku and Izuku were surprised but even other students and teachers listening to Yuta's speech, which he conveniently forgotten, broke out with stupid grin.




"Man, thats manly," Kirishima said. 

"That's our class rep for you," Momo added. 

"That kid got spunk." Present Mic said. 

"Damnit that bastard." Bakugo on his side just gritted his teeth. 

"You think that you are better than me. All Might fight me right now." Bakugo shouted. 

Unfortunately for him, that wasn't happening.




Deku clenched his fist hard, strengthened his resolve, he shouted. 

"All Might. I will not back down. Yuta is right. How I call myself a Hero if I run away from a fight I know I will come out alive. I will get stronger." Deku shouted. 

All Might hearing this was trouble. He wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry at this situation. 

'Just a few words and this boy change young Midoriya's mind around. 

What would have happened if this boy was really a villain ?' All Might ponder and a chill ran through his spine. 

'Maybe Young Yuta really didn't tell everything about his quirk. I am now highly suspicious that that his speech is also some kind of quirk.' All Might thought before getting ready to face the two young Heroes.