The fight finally started to get interesting. 

All Might swung his fist, finally taking the fight seriously. Seeing that it was exceedingly was getting hard to hit the boy in front of him. He just became completely unpredictable.

Yuta jumps towards right, All Might swings his fist to that directly only for Yuta to initiate Geppo and change direction midair, dodging the upcoming mighty punch and even delivering a punch of his own at All Might Jaw. 

'Damn this weights. They are slowing me down.' All Might curse. He was sure that he could at least react in time to Yuta's completely random movement if he wasn't being held back with these weights. His weight was especially heavier than other teachers for obvious reasons. 

Otherwise maybe the next day UA get a Court summit for illegally bullying kids. 

However, this time All Might was able to grab Yuta before growing him away far enough so that he could regain his balance and face the boy, only for the said boy to use a tempest kick to blow up all the dust to create a makeshift smokes screen when getting toss back. 

As he went back he stopped him pretty quickly by Geppo and then used both Geppo and Soru at the same time (Sky Walk and Shave for those who don't don't know, google is your friend) he once again launched himself at All Might, not giving his teacher even a second to catch a breath. 

All Might didn't take more than a second to regain his balance but the smoke screen made him frown, now he was not sure where Yuta was. 

He was ready to swing his fist to blow all the debris out but just that when Yuta came out of the smoke screen, with such velocity that even for All Might it was hard to react in time. 

Yuta slides down to the ground and aims at Hero's leg. Especially where the toes and pinky were supposed to be. 


The poor Hero grits his teeth in pain as his eyes are bloodshot, only those who have ever had the misfortune of hurting their toe at a table or chair leg will understand his pain at this moment. 

All Might bear with the pain, he knew that acting any way would give the boy an opening. Usually, a kid wouldn't be able to use those openings but right now Yuta a drunken fist master. 

All Might swung his fist at Yuta with full intensity. He wasn't planning to hurt the boy even now but it was apparent that he couldn't hold back. 

Yuta saw the punch coming and grinned, knowing that the alcohol effect had started to wear off, he needed to end the fight soon. He suddenly took out his finger, a particularly dangerous technique in Six Styles. 

As All Might's punch fell, Yuta twisted his body with an unseen angle, another notorious technique from the six style though Yuta usually doesn't use either of them as one is too lethal while the other doesn't go along with his made-up quirk but maybe here he can chuck it up to being drunk. 

Even All Might and others were surprised at how he twisted his body like he did to dodge the upcoming punch. 

"Finger Pistol" Yuta aims right at All Might's elbow, tearing a few muscles and making his right hand lose the majority of his power. Wanted to do the same with their left hand but did not have enough time when he saw All Might throw another punch with his left hand. 

"Detroit Smash." All Might Shouted. Knowing that the boy would be okay, seeing how he handled his earlier punch, he didn't hold back. He also noticed how Yuta almost made his right hand useless. 

He can't seem to put much power into his hands as most likely Yuta has torn muscles near his elbow. 

Yuta on the other hand seeing the unrestraint punch coming with way, immediately used Iron body to block but this time the power of the punch was way too much. 

B...oom. Yuta was thrown back with much intensity.

All Might huffed, he never anticipated that a student would drag him to this point. 

"The future sure is in good hands with them here." All Might was honestly happy from inside but he was a little annoyed seeing how his entire hero suit was in tatters and he suffered many injuries. 

He was about to go check on Yuta but before that. Something collieded with him. 

This was none other than Deku. He was watching Yuta's fight while nursing his hand from afar, he was in awe but upon seeing that Yuta was in danger he quickly acted. 

"Detroit Smash," Izuku shouted as he punched his ideal but this punch was nothing close to what All Might was capable of or even what Yuta delivered to hurt All Might to this degree. 

However, All Might catches the punch mid-air and throws his successor in the same direction at Yuta. 




"Ah... and here I thought they could really do it." 

"Yes, if it was any other hero besides All Might then maybe they would have! sigh."

"Go Yuta, Izuku. You both can do it." 

"They have already surpassed many of us here, especially Yuta. He even cornered All Might for a few minutes there. See the limp right hand, bruises and lastly the hero costume in tatters, This wasn't that easy for All Might either. " 

Many students and even teachers were chatting about both Yuta and All Mights' fight. 

"Hey look, it's Yuta again. He got up." 




Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum Dum dum....

Once again the king's engine started as Yuta slowly came out of the debris and looked at All Might. This time not swaying as much, clearly, the drunken effect was wearing off. 

"Hahahahaha.... that was really a good punch All Might. Seems like small attacks are not enough to take you down. 

Then be hold. My new attack. YOYO Spinning top hahaha." Yuta laughed as he jumped towards All Might and this time he was spinning like a mini tornado, as he rushed at All Might. 




"What ? is that even a technique, I am sure that he just came up with that just now," Kirishima shouted.

"Hhahaha what you expect, the guy is fully high. I'm even surprised that he lasted this much at all." Mineta reply.

"He fought well, but just like he himself said before the match started. He knew that he couldn't win, he fought to get stronger." Todoroki said with a solemn face, he knew very well how powerful All Might was. His father dedicated his life to being better than that man but failed. 

Only Aizawa looked at the screen with a suspicious look. He and Nezu both. Both have a suspicion, that something is up here. 




Both Yuta and All Might went at it again. This time it was quite hard for Yuta to dodge All Might's attacks as he wasn't holding back at all and even his drunken state was wearing off. 

He was rotating around All Might while making all sorts of crazy moves. Making the pro hero confused about how to react. 

He sent many attacks while still spinning to confuse All Might and even a few connected as well but he too was getting hit now. 

After some time, Yuta started to feel his mind rotating and he found himself in disbalance. 

"You shouldn't use attacks which render you defenseless Young Yuta. That is very important if you want to be a Pro Hero." All Might caught the sudden disbalance and said right before delivering a powerful punch to blow the spinning boy away. 

He was about to move again but sensed something. Swinging his hand back he destroyed something coming at him. 

"Young Midoriya. You are here again. Come on if you are confident." All Might laughs, though only after saying this does he notice what Deku threw at him in the first place. 

It was a liquor bottle.

He suddenly felt a deja vu feeling, intently looking at his successor for the sign of any consumption of Alcohol. One student was already making his head hurt, he couldn't handle another especially when this one had parents to sue the school. 

But to his relief Izuku was fine. 

"Yuta get it." Deku then shouted. 

All Might's eyes widen as he snaps his head where he throws Yuta. He saw the boy extend his hand and grab another Liquor bottle from the air. Before even All Might comprehend the situation the boy broke open the seal and gulped down the expensive rum.

"Thanks, Midoriya, this just hit the spot." Yuta in seconds completed the entire bottle. 

"We need to talk after this Young Midoriya." All Might send a stern look at Deku disappointed. He knew that it was pointless talking with Yuta the way he was right now even Izuku. 

"Sorry All Might but this was the only way," Izuku shouted. 

"Do it, YUTA...

"Yeah," Yuta replied, as the plan was to work flawlessly. Knowing that he needed more alcohol to continue fighting and even to dull the pain of what he gonna do next, he asked Izuku to bring him some as he was aware that All Might wouldn't let him go to that bar again. 

Yuta grinned, slowly raising his right leg up. And this was exactly when others noticed a difference in that leg. 

"God, your leg is on fire." All Might shouted. Others also reacted.

"I know, that was the plan. Otherwise, why do you think I am spinning so much for...Huff" Yuta said as he grinned like the devil.

"What you say all might. Let's end this fight, huh?

I would love to play more but I am running out of time, not to mention I got a beautiful girl waiting for me to kick your ass so we can go on a date." Yuta's smile widened.




A certain girl suddenly blushes but no one notices for that her god-gifted powers. While others were awestruck. 

"He got a date...

"He use fiction to set his own leg on fire. What a crazy guy." 

"Damn, he looks cool...

 "That's badass.




"I can't keep a girl waiting you know." 

All Might suddenly felt that he was getting too old to understand how the minds of kids work anymore. How come he set his leg on fire or why he was talking about a date coming? 

"This ain't system rewards so I only hope that it works or I'm screw. 

'OFA 120,' Yuta mutters as his leg burns and the pain quickly makes him sober. That is why he needed more Liquor. 



With that the boy vanished from his place, reaching a speed high enough that he even broke the sound barrier. 

Going supersonic. 

It was like he skipped time, or used a teleportation power. Vanishing from his place and appearing right in front of All Might. 


All Might gritted his teeth, the speed was way too much for even him as Yuta combined OFA at 120% with Soru to achieve that speed, at the expense of breaking one of his legs. 

Even All Might wasn't able to put up a good guard, let alone a counter...

"Let's end this. ALL MIGHT...


Major Quest: Against All Odds, Complete

Main Quest: Beat All Might, Complete

Reward: Passive Skill Update Card

Choose One Passive Skill to Update 

[Hero Music]

[King's Engine]

[Drunken Fist]

[Prime Time]

[Navy Six Style]

[Spider Sense]


Yuta blink, his mind wasn't ready to do complicated thinking at this point so he just click the one he like the most, that being King's Engine.



Hero Time: 2 Hour 


One For All [25% Under Control]

Sharingan [3 Tomoe] 

King's Engine [Increase stats by 1.5x]

Passive Skills:

[Hero Music][Drunken Fist][Prime Time][Navy Six Style][Spider Sense]


Yuta saw this and got confused even more. Seeing King's Engine, not in the passive section but rather in the active section make him frown and happy at the same time. 

This means that he can now use King's Engine whenever he wants to. That alone is a big deal as still now it was very much uncontrollable when his heart started to beat like that, it would have been a disaster if he was sneaking around from a powerful enemy and his heart went 200 miles a second.

This also means that he can now use Kings Engine Whenever he wants to. Making it a really handy skill. This is when combined with the 50% improvement rather than the previous 20%. He got a good deal.

However, there are downsides as well. Using this now will cost him, If using combined with OFA which is most likely he gonna do, his HT consumption will 2x. Making him lose 2 minutes of HT in just one. The ratio is no longer 1:1 but 2:1. 

Earlier he was getting the boost for free, though it wasn't as good as a boost as this one. And there was one more interesting thing he wanted to check out. His mind somehow is screaming at him that what he is thinking doesn't make any sense but his heart making him believe in the idiotic not possible hunch he has.

"Hmm young Yuta, what are you thinking of? You have been staring at that wall for quite a bit by now." A familiar voice broke his trance as Yuta robotically rotated his head to the right. 

There he saw a sickly-looking blond man lying on the bed with his head bandage. 

"Ah sorry, I was just thinking about what happened. My memories are not the best when I am hmm when I do Drunken Fist." Yuta blushed at the last part. 

He actually didn't want to use Drunken Fist in the school. It was supposed to be a hidden car of sorts but there was no other way. All Might is just too much for a student like him. 

"I see, don't think about it much young man. Though I firmly have to scold you later for using intoxicating substances, though the fault also lies with the school as well. So Nezu has decided to pardon you this time around.

But there shouldn't be a next time. You hear me. 

No drinking until you are 20." All Might said with a firm tone, though his being skinny right now didn't make him that serious but rather funny.

"Yes Sir." Yuta agrees nonetheless.

"But at the same time, I have to appaluse you. That last attack really gave me a run for my money." All Might said with a smile. 

"AH sorry about that. I didn't mean to hit you that hard," Yuta said as he looked at All Might's bandage head.

He doesn't remember anything after that kick, he went blank after that. Mostly the alcohol caught up to him, or was it the injury of using OFA at 120 plus forcefully setting his own leg on the figure?

"Don't worry, it was a test after all. 

But that last attack was really impressive. It almost knocked me out. You might not remember because you passed out but you created a giant ditch in the middle of field 21. 

It most likely will be unusable for some time now." All Might said as he recalled how he was blasted out of field 21, breaking don't know how many already broken buildings only to be plastered at the edge of the ring. 

Although he wasn't knocked out as he claimed but even he was unable to move for a few seconds. Izuku used that time very well and put the handcuffs on him. That is why they won the fight. 

"Diable Jambe, was it. I can't say that I approve of setting your own foot on fire but that kick was something else." All Might even wonders what Yuta could do when he masters that power of his. 

When the unconscious Yuta was taken to the infirmary, they realized that the kid had broken both of his legs. Drawing a parallel with Izuku who's hands were broken by then. All Might has no idea how that boy cuffs him with that. 

But this makes them realise that Yuta's Hero Time is also very similar to his own quirk. Just like Midoriya, Yuta too can't use the full power of his quirk. 

He mostly was able to because his mind removed those limitations placed on his body when he was intoxicated. Making him use more power than his body can handle.

"Oh you are up, finally. Your friends are outside. Bothering me for quite some time to let them see you young man. 

I am really tired of you kids breaking yourself like this. First that green hair kid and now you. 

Is this one also your student Toshinori ?

What are you teaching this young man in your free time" The recovery girl barged in and said, the last part, especially in a stern tone to All Might. 

"Ah Sorry, I will make sure that this won't happen again." both Yuta and All Might bow their heads in the same. 

"Oh, by the way, Yuta. You were talking about having a date when you were like that. I just thought that I should rem...

Before All Might Complete his sentence, Yuta's eyes widen, he just now realized that. Toru asked to talk with him today. 

Though now technically speaking it wasn't a date as the girl asked to talk with him rather than ask him out. 

'Gosh, did I say that aloud when everyone was watching? Shit!' 

Gulping he snapped his head at the clock only to see it was 5:20.

Already been 50 minutes since school should have ended, but seeing that the test takes a long time, it should be only past 20 minutes. 

" Sorry, All Might, Thank you Recovery girl. I really need to go. Bye, Sorry and thank you." Yuta said as he hurriedly got up from the bed and moved towards the door. However upon realizing that he might encounter others first they will most likely hold himself back. He forgot about using the door and after checking how much HT he had left, which was still plenty by the way, he jumped out of the window. 

Yuta went around the entire school to find Toru but had no luck, he believed that she had gone home. Sighing at his luck he didn't even plan to go back to the infirmary and headed home. 

"Yuta", but just then he heard this and he knew whose voice this was, he looked around but found no one there. Confused he ponders whether he is hearing things.

"I am here, sorry I didn't change back to my uniform as they won't let me in the infirmary to see you, but when I sneaked in you were gone. I ran all the way here in a hurry. Didn't get a chance to change back. But hey, I found you at last." Toru said with panting, she clearly ran all the way here, and seeing that she was not at all visible, she must have not even wearing shoes. 

As his mind processed the information he finally realised that he was an idiot, though he could have just accepted the same estimation of his mother and sister in past life, but that one hope that there was some hope for him was finally gone today. 

'Idiot, of course, he can't find her, she is freaking invisible. You bloody idiot!, even after being, arguably, the only person who could see her, you made this mistake,' Yuta wanted to slap himself just now but seeing the girl in front of him, well not seeing but yeah... the girl was there and he rather not act more idiotic and he always does. 

"I see," Orion only said this before steeling his mind. He was waiting for this. He had to wait for a long time, but the moment was finally here.

It's now or never... 





'What? you expected me to confess, you insane !' Yuta scoffed internally. 'And no it's still normal Sharingan, I will call it Mangekyo, deal with it.'

"Yuta what happened, your nose is bleeding." Toru finally changes into something so others can actually see her, to utter frustration of Yuta, though that's fine. He himself doesn't have unlimited Hero Time to keep up with Sharingan around her. 

But again he wouldn't mind one bit spending HT on her. It's worth it. 

"Ah, nothing nothing. Just still recovering," Yuta waved his hand as he wiped off the blood trail under his nose, a foolish smile was still plastered on his face, confusing the beautiful invisible girl.

"Anyways, you wanted to talk about something right? I too wanted to but you go first." Yuta said changing the subject not believing himself enough to break out into a completely creepy grin, in front of her if she still stayed on the topic. 

"Ah, that. Well, I meant to ask you about what you Uh-Hm you know you asked me to go out before the internship right." She said with a small voice. 

Yuta had his Sharingan active as he was wearing his contacts today for the exam. He could see the girl had her head down, and unlike many of us, she had zero restraint on her facial features, as he could see a giant blush forming.

'Well she never needed a poker face, so that kind of makes sense, but I have to say that this is very cute, almost like a little girl but much more beautiful than cute.' Yuta smiled as he waited for the girl to complete.

"So I just wanted to ask did you said that like just a spur of the decision or you meant it." It felt like she needed all the ouch of her energy to say that last part as at the last she just closed her eyes and waited for a response. 

"Hmm... I see.

Well, honestly I asked you that on the spot, didn't put much thought about it." Yuta said and intently watched her reaction. He saw the girl's face slowly turning sad, even tears appeared on her eyes, she really had no control over her facial features. But she still laughs.

"Ah, I see it kind of makes sense. Don't worry about it then. I was just thinking too much about it. Sorry to disturb you." Toru said with a fake cheerily tone, it was really amazing how she sounded like that while tears streaming down her face.

Just before she was about to run away from there, Yuta caught her by the arm. 

"Wait, I am not completed yet. Geez you girl come to a conclusion way too quickly.

 It is indeed true that I asked you out like that, but just like I told you before the Internship, I fully intend to date you. 

Though I asked you out of the blue that does not mean that I would have asked just any girl. I ask you because I like your personality. You are optimistic and even help out others when possible. 

Though It's really hard to pinpoint what exactly I like about you I do know that if there is one person I would like to date in our class then it's you." Yuta said, this time being honest. Just removing the fact that she is a complete bombshell.

Well a little too small for that but she will be in a few years. And the best part, only he can see her. Again what more does a man need?

"Really ?" Toru asked with moist eyes, her voice this time had that breaking effect when someone cries. But Yuta tactfully didn't comment on that, he would have never known what really going on behind her cheerful facade if not for his Sharingan. 

"Of course, why else would you think I would run around the entire school just after getting the beating of the lifetime from All Might and getting admitted to Infirmary." Yuta smiled and said. 

"Hmm, it didn't look like you were the one getting beaten though." Toru is deadpan. Yuta blushed a little on this but before he could say anything about it. Toru asked another question. 

"If so, then why did you say anything about the date you asked me for after the internship? I thought that you changed your mind." Toru asked with pursed lips. 

"Ah, well I was honestly waiting for you to reach out as me asking multiple times might sound like I am some sort of creep you know. I didn't want to harass you or anything with that request. I thought you would tell me if you agree to that date. If not then my bad luck." Yuta smiled as he shrugged his shoulders in a helpless smile.

"Huh, but I did agree to that didn't I, didn't that mean that it's your job to ask me again and plan a date ?" Toru who after knowing the truth smiled brightly, thanks to Sharingan that he was able to capture this moment, but then immediately the girl started pouting and asked this question.

"Ah, well I have zero experience when it comes to dating. Sorry, I didn't know that. Once I didn't get any answer from you, I wanted to ask one more time, you know in case you forgot but exams were there so I decided to ask it after those. In fact, I wanted to ask you today itself." Yuta came out clean, this is exactly what happened. 

"Hmm, that's kind of ironic. I ended up asking before you did. You sure know how to make a girl wait" Toru huffed in fake anger. Yuta could tell becuase she just acted angry with her voice, her face was like a blooming flower at that moment. 

"Hahaha, what can I say? I like to take my time. Believe me, it is a good trait, eventually, you will come to love it." Yuta smiles with a knowing smile. 

No matter whether it's love or war. The motto remains.

