
Yuta found himself sitting on a bus, surrounded by friends all around. It was finally happening as they were going towards the Summer training camp they were so excited about. Though this was a vacation it was till training. 

The biggest problem here was that he has very little knowledge about the story. He rememeber All For One and All Might's fight, I mean who will forget the first entry of the main villain? 

But he can't remember anything else. He just knows that Bakugo somehow gets kidnapped and everything happens from there, but nothing more. 

Sighing he just shook his head as he was getting a headache trying to remember everything after this long time. 

It's not like he was preparing for PhD, it was a bloody anime, who can remember all those things after so long?

Yuta and his classmates from Class 1-A, along with students from Class 1-B, were buzzing with excitement as they boarded the bus for their summer training camp. Aizawa had hinted that this camp would be intense, so they came prepare, but the students were eager to push their limits and grow stronger.

Yuta on the other hand was extra prepared. From dumbles to toilet paper, pretty much everything was on his system Storage at this point. 

After a long journey, the bus finally stopped. The students were still a little groggy from the trip, but as they stepped out, they found themselves at the edge of a scenic forest. Aizawa, as always, was calm and collected as he stood before them.

"Listen up," Aizawa began, his tone was lazy as usual. "This is where your real training starts. But before we get to that, I'd like to introduce you to some pro heroes who will be assisting with your training."

With a gesture, Aizawa introduced the Wild Wild Pussycats, a team of heroes known for their prowess and experience in wilderness rescue and combat. Basically, two aunties in a cat costume, sounds actually pretty good when we think about it, as long as Auntie is mommy material. (Remember Yuta is only 15, according to that he is calling another auntie)

And to some extent they were. 

The group consisted of Mandalay, Pixie-Bob, Ragdoll, and Tiger. Only two were currently present and greeted the students with enthusiasm, ready to guide them through the challenges ahead.

"Welcome to the training camp!" Mandalay called out, her voice filled with energy. "We're here to help you become even stronger heroes."

The students cheered, However, their enthusiasm was soon tested when Aizawa dropped a bombshell.

"Your training camp is all the way over there," Aizawa announced, pointing to the dense forest below. "We'll be throwing you down from here. Your task is to reach the camp before sunset. Good luck."

"Huh ?

"What ?

"One minute what?

Before the students could fully process what was happening, Aizawa, with the help of the Wild, Wild Pussycats, used their quirk and pushed them over the edge of the rift.

Yuta, alongside his friends, found himself tumbling down a steep slope, landing in the thick underbrush of the forest below.

"Oh yeah, something like this happened, just great," Yuta muttered, picking himself up and dusting off his clothes. He quickly checked to see if his classmates were okay. Izuku, Bakugo, Todoroki, and the others were already regrouping, assessing the situation.

"I am sure that we got more training to do once we reach the camp, I rather save Hero Time if possible." Yuta purse his lips as he started to make his way ahead with others.

"Alright, let's not waste any time," Tenya said, looking around. "We need to work together and find our way to the camp."

Yuta nodded, suddenly getting an idea. "Agreed. Let's move."

The forest was dense, with towering trees and thick foliage making navigation challenging. The students had to rely on their quirks and teamwork to overcome the obstacles in their path.

Yuta suddenly remembers the forest of death in Naruto. 

His plan was simple, follow others and let others do the work.

As they moved deeper into the forest, they encountered various challenges set by the Pussycats to test their skills. There were landslides, hidden traps, and even simulated villains to keep them on their toes. 

By the time the sun began to set, the students finally emerged from the forest, exhausted and now sure how many new ways they have come up with to curse those damn teachers. The camp was in sight, and the Wild, Wild Pussycats were waiting to greet them.

"Great job, everyone!" Mandalay praised as they arrived. "You all made it. This was just the beginning. Get some rest tonight because the real training starts tomorrow. We made you a delicious meal, though don't get used to it, its just for today, from tomorrow you all have to make your own food."

Sigh, " Why did I fall for that, if only I remember it correctly then I could have sneaked in the bus." Yuta just rolled his eyes. 

Though he refrains from using his HT as much as possible but he just has to. There was no other way otherwise to pass that forest. 

Even relying on others is useless when they are facing artificial monster just to give them a tough time.


"Heads up, Yuta you are up." Aizawa said as he toss a ball to him.

"Throw it just like you did on the first day. Show how much you have improvement you have done." Aizawa said as he had a device on his hand to measure the score. 

"OH, okay." Yuta was quite nonchalant about it. Not sure why he gotta do that but he was up for it.

As he walk up, he also mentally call for his status. 


Hero Time: 2 Hour 


One For All [30% Under Control]

Sharingan [3 Tomoe] 

King's Engine [Increase stats by 1.5x]

Passive Skills:

[Hero Music][Drunken Fist][Prime Time][Navy Six Style][Spider Sense]


It was early morning and the chill in the air was still there as he got refresh when that fresh air entered into his system. Looking at his status there was slight smile on his face. 

'It has improve,' Yuta smile, upon seeing his OFA under control being 30% and not 25% anymore.

He after last time breaking his bones realized someting interesting. That his control of OFA skyrock after he comepletely heal. This also somewhat explain to his question of why he wasn't getting stronger outside of System's awards. 

Not only his base start was better than Izuku but he was also much more well rounded. And the only answer to that come in this regards. Yuta as he wasn't pushing his body enough with OFA for his body to adopt to it. 

In this regards Izuku was much better. 

But no longer, Yuta planed to go plus ultra from now on. 

"Whenever you are ready." Aizawa notice Yuta in a daze, just like how he was when he first time was going to throw the ball. 

"Okay." Yuta reply, feeling like this has happpeded before. 

'Anyways, just focus here. Cause I will be pushing my body from now on.' Yuta smile as he got ready. 


Suddenly this sound came making everyone surprise and stunned. While Yuta himself smirk as he saw his stats improving. 

'That beat, did this kid learn how to do that own his own ?' Aizawa saw this and a little smirk kind of started to appear on his face. 

"OFA 45..." Yuta only mutter to himself as blue lightning started to appear around him with dazzling lightning cracking. 

"haa" Yuta got ready as his normal 30% was further increase to 45% thanks to Kings engine's 1.5x multiplier. 

And then when Yuta throw the ball, it felt like the air pressure shifted as a shockwave followed right after the ball almost disappeared. 

"Woh, that was just wow,"

"What the score." everyone was stunned and now was super curious about the score. Aizawa on the other hand just had an helpless look on his face. The point of doing this was to show the kids that although they have improve but there quirks haven't but now with this result. 

His eye brow twitch. 

Sigh, ' Problem child indeed.'

"3784 meters" Aizawa show his the screen to others earning the reaction he was expecting.

"Woh, that so good. That almost four kilometers." 

"Awesome I can't wait to try how far I can do it."

"TCH," Bakugo hearing this just snorted. 

"Oh really, then how about we have another student doing it. Bakugo you come." Aizawa got the chance to continue his earlier plan. Calling for Bakugo.

"huh let me show you how its done." Bakugo snorted as he took the ball ready to throw it. 

Result !

"907 meter, a whole 3 meter more than your quirk test results." Aizawa said with a nasty smile on his face.

"What... how how is that possible." 

"Its simple actually, though we have been working hard and no doubt that we have gotten stronger but that is more on terms of skill and mindset. 

Your quirks is still the same." Yuta reply knowing the answer.

" What !" Bakugo's eyes shook.

"But then how did your quirk improve that much," Kirishima asked with a stunned expression. 

"Its quiet simple actually. Although I don't use my quirk much but I have been always pushing it to its limit. 

Like fighting with that Nomu, or All Might. Pushing one's limit is the only way to get stronger. 

While another reason why I am suddenly so strong is because I learn how to do this on my own." Yuta said as once again Kings Engine activated. Making others once again stutter internally. Now Kings Engine was much more stronger than earlier.

Bakugo at this just gritted his teeth. 

"I call it Kings Engine. Its technically increases my blood flow. Making me stronger and faster." Yuta explain with calm tone.

"Kings Engine...huh.

That a really good name. Is this also like those leg technique of your." 

"Kind of, this one is a little different." 


The Wild Wild Pussycats, along with Aizawa, had prepared a rigorous regimen designed to push each student to their limits.

Yuta's training was focused on increasing his body's capacity to handle more of One For All's power. Though it didn't started like that. 

It took much effort on Yuta's side to convince Aizawa that just using his quirk more wouldn't help him. He need to improve his body. And there is also the fact that he can only use OFA for 2 hours at best. 

The training itself goes beyond 8 hours, there is no way that he can make it up with that, not to mention he also has to save a little bit of HT just in case something happens.

Took much time before Yuta explained things to Aizawa and he changed his training plan. 

He started his day with gruelling physical exercises that targeted his overall strength and endurance. Focus directly on being able to handle more power of OFA. Currently his body was the limitation which was holding him back from useing more power of OFA. 

So as longs as he put up more muscles, he most likely will be able to do that.

This to some degree also solves the time issue he has. After all time shortage is not an issue as long as one punch knocks your enemies out. 

'I got it Saitama Sensei.' Yuta nodded to an imaginary bald man. 

Under Tiger, he and Izuku both lifted heavy weights, performed high-intensity interval training, and ran long distances through the rough terrain of the forest. Each exercise was designed to build his muscle strength and cardiovascular endurance, crucial for managing the immense power of One For All.

In addition to the physical training, Yuta also practised using One For All at higher percentages. Starting at 35%, he worked on gradually increasing the power output while maintaining control. He practised powerful punches and kicks, trying to distribute the energy evenly throughout his body. Tiger often sparred with him, pushing Yuta to use his quirk more effectively in combat situations.

Meanwhile, the rest of Class 1-A had their own specialized training programs like Bakugo's training revolved around enhancing his explosive power and precision. He practised creating controlled explosions with pinpoint accuracy, training to use his quirk in a variety of scenarios, from offensive attacks to defensive maneuvers.

Todoroki worked on combining his fire and ice abilities more seamlessly. He trained in extreme temperature conditions, alternating between intense heat and freezing cold to improve his adaptability and control over his dual quirks.

Uraraka focused on improving her combat skills and stamina. She practised using her Zero Gravity quirk in more dynamic ways, such as making objects weightless while in motion and using her quirk to enhance her agility in battle.

Iida's training emphasized speed and endurance. He ran long distances with increasing intensity, worked on rapid acceleration and deceleration, and practiced using his Reciproburst in various combat scenarios.

Asui focused on improving her agility and versatility in water-based environments. She trained in swimming with speed and precision, utilizing her frog-like abilities to navigate and fight effectively in aquatic settings.

Kirishima's training involved increasing the hardness and durability of his quirk, Red Riot. He performed resistance training and sparred against tough opponents to test the limits of his hardening ability.

Yaoyorozu worked on quick thinking and efficient use of her Creation quirk. She practiced creating various objects rapidly in high-pressure situations, improving her ability to strategize and adapt in combat.

Kaminari trained to control and direct his electrical discharges with greater precision. He practised target shooting with his electricity and worked on preventing overcharge to avoid incapacitating himself.

Tokoyami focused on improving his control over Dark Shadow, especially in low-light conditions. He trained to maintain a balance between power and control, ensuring Dark Shadow remained an asset in all situations.

The training was intense, but the students were driven by their desire to become stronger heroes. Each day, they pushed themselves harder, supporting and encouraging one another through the challenges. 

And that was when things went downhill. 

At night after doing all the training, a small game was planned for the students from the wild wild pussy cats. 

Its was to roam in the forest while other students tried to scare them. 

As teams started to form, yuta had a feeling that he was forgetting something. Something really important. 

Seeing that he was not team with anyone as he was there alone, he thought of going at the last. 

There was a nervous feeling in him.

But upon seeing that nothing was wrong, all the students and even teachers were happy chatting or eating. Yuta kept his calm, he just checked his Hero time.

[Hero Time: 15 Minutes] 



The camp was peaceful that night, well at least that was what felt, not to Yuta though when his senses were going haywired.

Maybe this was an after effect of Yuta having spider sense, he almost knew that something was wrong, with the students of Class 1-A and 1-B resting after an exhausting day of training. The tranquillity of the forest was broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves and the sounds of nocturnal creatures.

Of course there was also that stupid game which needed students to go in the dangerous forest. Yuta wanted to stop that, but a last he couldn't do anything about it.

And that was when it happened without any warning, a series of explosions echoed through the camp, followed by screams and the sound of rushing footsteps.

A fire broke out in the forest as the night lit up in blue colour. Usually, Yuta likes blue colour but this one was making him nervous. Maybe because he still can't remember anything like this happening in the anime. 

'Was it a side movie or filler chapter.' Yuta pondered but there was no more time for him to waste time on these useless things.

"What's happening?" Yuta shouted, quickly getting to his feet and scanning the area. He saw plumes of smoke rising from a different part of the camp which to his knowledge, it was the place for the recovery extra classes which those who failed the practical test were taking. 

Aizawa was there as he was with those who had to take extra classes who fail the practical exam.

Vanguard Action Squad Invasion This was the group that attacked the camp, but Yuta didn't know this. After such a long time, it was really hard for him to remember everything correctly. 

Among them were group there were characters like Dabi, with his blue flames lighting up the night, and Toga, brandishing her knives with a maniacal grin. Though Yuta might only pinpoint them when those major players come in front of him. 

Currently, though he could only see two villains, who he even if he tries to remember, he can't, considering how small a role they play in the anime.

'I see, so this is when he kidnapped Bakugo !'

Yuta gritted his teeth as he looked around, quickly making a plan.

The wild wild pussy cats fought back but Pixie Bob went down even before the fight begin from a sneak attack. Yuta notice that a man dress a little like Stain, the hero killer, and another man with a big stick on his hands.

Yuta was now torn between where he should go, after Bakugo ? After Dabi ? Help wild wild pussy cat here or go after Toru as she also went inside the forest.

'Think Yuta…think' Yuta questioned himself as chaos was happening around him. All The Students back off and form a group while the Heroes stay to protect them. 

Yuta was taking a little too much time to make a decision. But upon seeing that the heroes are actually losing, he got ready.

"No point, I have to help them before others. Their loss means that all the students here will be in danger.

Now that he made sure what he wanted to do, comes the question of how? Of course, he can use Hero Time but he only got 15 minutes left. He has to use this sparingly, not to mention, he is entering in this arc half-blind. He only knows that they are after Bakugo but nothing more.

Who are the villains? is there is any other motive behind their attack ? is the cannon still going for all the changes he made, change something ? 

There was many things he was unaware of right now. So he rather safe as much HT as Possible until the his HT renews soon. 

With a burst of speed, he darted towards the turtle-like-looking villain aiming to disrupt his attack. Though he wasn't using his powers.

"Take this!" Yuta shouted, landing a powerful punch that sent that ninja turtle stumbling back. But he recovered quickly, his smirk never faltering.

"Ah, well guess I can't save Hero Time here. I rather take this guy down faster than save Hero time. " Yuta's lips purse as he noticed how much others started to struggle against the villains. 

He can't spend more time here, he has to go and save both Bakugo and Toru. 

"Alright, take this then." Yuta suddenly activated OFA and used Soru. Almost vanishing from his place, and appearing immediately beside the turtle ninja, giving him a sharp powerful jab at the abdomen. Not only sending him backwards flying but also completely knocks him out.

The punch was powerful, to attract attention from others. But Yuta was long gone as he instantly appear right next to another villain to handle him.

Using his boxing reflexes, he dodged the attack and countered with a series of quick, powerful blows. With 30% OFA, he could pretty much one-shot most of the enemies as long as they are not someone who will give any kind of fight to All Might. 

By the time he was done with the two villains who came, he noticed that Izuku was gone. 

Thinking where he could have gone, Yuta didn't give too much thought to it. As one of his objectives ended, now he has to three more things to do.

Find Bakugo and protect him, same with Toru and lastly he wants to see what going on in Aizawa's side. 

Internally contemplating that Aizawa and those other kids are most likely be okay, Yuta decided to go after both Toru and Bakugo. 

They are Pro Heroes, it's not that hard to kill anyone under their watch.


After dealing with the two villains who attacked the students at the camp, Yuta's rush inside the forest to find both Toru and Bakugo.

He knew both Toru and Bakugo were somewhere in the forest, and he couldn't rest until he found them. Though technically only Bakugo is the target here, or at least that should be the case but he was just worried about the girl.

On the contrary, Toru might have the best changes to get out of a troublesome situation with her quest. 

The darkness of the night made the forest even more daunting, but Yuta pushed forward, the urge of using his Sharingan for better vision and OFA for more speed was was tempting idea which he was trying to suppress. He only have around 14 minutes of Hero Time left right now. 

Using his quirk to enhance his senses could be very costly for him if things when south later on.

Yuta navigated through the dense trees and underbrush. Every snap of a twig and rustle of leaves heightened his alertness. The light issue was really a problem here, why didn't those pussy cats put some lights here was beyond him. He called out softly, "Toru! Bakugo! Where are you?" hoping to hear a response.

Suddenly, a chilling sound cut through the night – the revving of a chainsaw. Yuta froze, There was a sense of danger which suddenly rose inside him.Yuta knew this sense very well by now. It was his Spider sense. Though its a passive skill but its more useful than even active skills sometimes. 

Emerging from the shadows, a monstrous figure appeared. And though Yuta never see the person as his black colour work at a camoflouge in the dark forest but he could fee the the Nomu.

Yup it was a Nomu and Yuta fully trusted his insticts by now, he acted and jump away, saving him from getting cut into two by a chain saw attach to Namu's hands.

And I say hands literally as the guy had more than two, 8 to be exact. 

Yuta's instincts kicked in. He knew he had to fight this Nomu before he could continue his search. If he was alone int the forest then he could have run away but now if he doesn't take down this Nomu then maybe the next person he encounter could be students who can't handle this level of threat.

Pursing his lips, he got ready. "Damn, I swear if you waste my time. I will rip you apart." Yuta almost grunted in irritation.

Steeling himself, he activated One For All, feeling the familiar surge of power. He was ready as Navy Six style was all under his command at this point. 

The Nomu charged, swinging its chainsaw arm with terrifying speed. Yuta dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the lethal blade. He countered with a powerful punch, landing a blow to the Nomu's torso. The impact pushed the Nomu back, but it quickly recovered, its regenerative abilities making it even more dangerous.

Yuta notice that althought there was no shock absorbtion like the Nomu he fought in the past but this one also can generate. Meaning he have to do massive amount of damage before he take this one down. 

Yuta knew he had to be strategic. He couldn't afford to let the fight drag on, not only its dangerous for Bakugo as the villains are after him but its also dangerous for himself as he only has 14 miutes fo Hero Time Left.

Using his enhanced speed, he maneuvered around the Nomu, delivering quick, precise strikes while avoiding its chainsaw attacks. Despite his efforts, the Nomu's relentless assault made it clear that this would be a tough battle.

Summoning more of One For All's power, at a little cost of hurting his own limbs, Yuta increased his output to 35%. He felt the strain on his body but knew he had to push through. With a burst of energy, he launched himself at the Nomu, landing a series of rapid punches. The force of his blows finally caused the Nomu to stagger, giving Yuta a momentary advantage.

The idea was simple, he need a sure sort hit chance. As long as he can get one sure hit ona vital spot, he can win. And that exactly he did.

Seizing the opportunity, Yuta aimed for the Nomu's head. He further increase his output from 35% to 40%.

And just when the punch was about to connect he activated the King's Engine. 


Instantly gets a 50% stat boost across his powers. Meaning his current 40% became 60%.

Delivering a powerful punch that sent it crashing to the ground. The Nomu struggled to get up, but Yuta didn't let up. He continued his assault, determined to incapacitate the creature.

After a relentless barrage of attacks, the Nomu finally lay still, its chainsaw arm sputtering and falling silent. Yuta stood over it, breathing heavily, but there was no time to rest. He had to find Toru and Bakugo.

[Hero Time 11 Minutes left] 

Yuta grimace at this. He wasted 3 minutes of his hero time on this Nomu. Majorly because King's Engine increases his HT consumption. Technically doubling it.

"I need to think about using HT now." Yuta purses his lips.

He resumed his search, calling out for his friends as he moved deeper into the forest. The sounds of battle still echoed in the distance, but Yuta focused on his mission. Finally, he heard a familiar voice.

"Yuta! Over here!" It was Mina, her pink form partially visible in the moonlight.

Relief washed over him as he hurried to her side. "Toru, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but Bakugo needs help. He's further ahead, fighting off some villains," she replied, her voice urgent.

"Oh, where," Yuta asked hurriedly, getting anxious about Bakugo. 

Mina pointed deeper inside the forest. Yuta seeing this ponder. Should he leave Mina alone there or should he take her with him? This place was not safe. 

While thinking he walks a little further only for his spider-sense to tingling like never before. 

Making his all scape numbs. 
