
Chapter 66: The System Takes Action! Sign a Contract

Kamar-Taj, Central Hall.

In the heart of Kamar-Taj stands the Bronze Hall, the core of the entire place. It is here that all major and important events are held, such as the initiation ceremonies for sorcerer apprentices held every quarter.

The core of Kamar-Taj's magic system involves using the power of Vishanti to practice and perform magic. Therefore, at the beginning of their training, apprentices must sign a contract with Vishanti. Without this contract, they cannot contact Vishanti or use his power.

There are many ways to gain power, including making contracts with evil gods from hell or dimensional demons from other malevolent realms. These beings love to deceive ordinary people or sorcerers into exchanging their souls for power or even bringing these demons to Earth. According to the records Lockhart had seen in Kamar-Taj's library, the hell demon Mephisto is particularly fond of this tactic, as is Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension, who established his initial following through contracts.

Thus, any contract must be taken very seriously to avoid being tricked by malicious dimensional demons. Kamar-Taj is particularly strict about this. The contract between a sorcerer apprentice and Vishanti, relying on power and feedback, must be witnessed by the Eye of Agamotto. This ensures the contract's fairness and leaves no hidden dangers. This is why the Eye of Agamotto is considered Kamar-Taj's most important treasure, guarded by every Sorcerer Supreme until death. As long as the Eye of Agamotto exists, Kamar-Taj's sorcerer power will never be cut off.

The last sorcerer promotion took place a month ago, and the next one would be held in three months. Held four times a year, about 500 people participate annually, with roughly 100 successfully promoted each year, sometimes more. According to Lockhart's analysis, Kamar-Taj's magic requires extremely high qualifications for sorcerers due to Vishanti's high standards. Vishanti does not do business at a loss. Therefore, even with Kamar-Taj selecting the best candidates, the success rate is only about 20%.

However, once they become sorcerers, their strength increases rapidly, enabling them to join Kamar-Taj's efforts to resist dimensional invasions. Lockhart suspected that Kamar-Taj sorcerers' lifespans, often limited to a few hundred years or even less, were restricted by Vishanti to ensure timely rewards. This was another factor that made Lockhart wary. He feared that when he could live for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, Vishanti might claim their due early.

Therefore, Lockhart would rather pay a large price in advance to be able to terminate the contract than risk being tricked by a god later.

As Lockhart followed the Ancient One into the Bronze Hall, his mood became more excited. According to the Ancient One, with Vishanti's power, his magic would be further transformed, undergoing a second transformation after integrating into the prototype of Thor's power. This would undoubtedly further improve his strength.

Lockhart walked into the center of the Bronze Hall, watching the Ancient One ascend the high platform. In a somewhat urgent mood, mixed with a trace of doubt, he asked, "Sorcerer Supreme, what do I need to do next to sign the contract?"

The Ancient One, standing on the high platform, looked down at Lockhart and said gently, "Lockhart, you don't have to do much. When the contract appears, check it, and if there are no problems, sign it. Later, you can ask Morin or Kaecilius for advice, or learn from the books in the library."

Lockhart nodded nervously. At that moment, the Ancient One put her hands on her chest, assuming a strange posture. The Eye of Agamotto, a necklace resembling an eye, slowly opened. Lockhart could see a flash of green light emerge, followed by an immense surge of energy that quickly disappeared.

As the Ancient One stood on the high platform casting a spell to awaken the Eye of Agamotto, a multitude of golden threads appeared on the ground in the center of the hall, forming an intricate and mysterious pattern. Lockhart, standing in the center, felt a tremor in his heart as he perceived the powerful energy fluctuations and strange aura emitted by the magic circle.

Lockhart guessed that this might have something to do with summoning Vishanti. Suddenly, a vast and powerful aura emerged, nearly causing him to lose his footing. An extremely powerful mental force enveloped the surroundings, scanning continuously, seemingly judging something.

The Ancient One on the high platform was bathed in the dazzling emerald green light of the Eye of Agamotto, appearing to be in communication with Vishanti. Soon, a message came to Lockhart's mind:

"Master Gilderoy Lockhart, the contract is as follows:

Article 1: Vishanti will use his power to provide the magic of the sorcerer, but after the sorcerer dies, all his power will return to Vishanti.

Article 2: The contractor is obligated to take part in fighting dimensional invasions and killing evil entities and gods trying to invade.

Article 3: ...

Article 9: The contractor must ensure that Kamar-Taj's magic is spread."

Lockhart frowned slightly, wondering why the contract information he most wanted to see had not yet appeared.

Soon, with the emergence of another powerful spiritual power, the 10th contract rule appeared in Lockhart's mind:

Article 10: The contractor can terminate the contract by paying ten times the energy consumption or by contributing a satisfactory sacrifice."

Lockhart's face lit up with relief. Ten times the energy consumption seemed a reasonable price to pay. But then, something unexpected happened.

"Ding, it is detected that the host's soul is contaminated with another aura. Automatic scanning is performed."

"The scan is complete. This behavior is voluntarily undertaken by the host and has an excellent promotion effect on the host. The system is making a judgment."

"In order to maintain the purity of the host's soul and ensure the smooth execution of the contract, a soul shell is being constructed."

"Constructed successfully by consuming energy!"

"The effect of the soul shell is as follows: transfer the contract payment object and retain the contract effect."

Lockhart was naturally surprised by the information that came to his mind. He had almost forgotten about the system due to his focus on self-study and magic research. But now, the system had suddenly appeared, offering to protect the purity of his soul and help him avoid the contract's punishment.

With this in mind, Lockhart immediately transferred the contract to the soul shell constructed by the system.

Chapter 67: Fighting Kaecilius

"Gilderoy Lockhart, the contract was signed successfully. According to the contract, the first power is about to be instilled to help lay the foundation. Please be prepared."

Lockhart, who had just signed the contract, smiled at the information that emerged in his mind. Suddenly, he felt a surge of extremely high-quality energy gushing through his body. This force, though majestic and imposing, was unusually gentle. Under its guidance, it quickly merged with the magic power within him, transforming it.

The whole process left Lockhart speechless. He had heard Morin mention that sorcerers who had just signed the contract would receive their first infusion of power directly from Vishanti. This high-quality energy was specifically designed to help sorcerers complete their initial foundation laying. Now, experiencing it firsthand, he felt the transformation of his magic power.

After a while, the pure energy in his body suddenly disappeared. Lockhart felt a pang of melancholy. The magical transformation was extremely wonderful, as if he could feel himself becoming stronger step by step. It was a pity the experience was so brief.

"Lockhart, the ceremony is over. How do you feel now?" The Ancient One's voice brought Lockhart back to his senses.

"Sorcerer Supreme, I feel great," Lockhart replied quickly.

The Ancient One nodded slightly. "Since you feel well, let's start learning the magic of Kamar-Taj."

Before Lockhart could react, she waved her hand lightly. Instantly, the space shifted, and Lockhart found himself in front of Kaecilius at the New York Sanctuary. He couldn't help but be impressed by the Ancient One's power.

"Lockhart, are you finished?" Kaecilius asked in surprise.

"Of course, with the help of the Sorcerer Supreme, I have now signed the contract and can use Vishanti's power to practice," Lockhart replied with a smile. Unfortunately, due to the new contract's limitations, relying on Vishanti's power for extended combat wouldn't be feasible. But he wasn't too worried. His magic power had undergone two transformations—first by the power of Thor and now by the power of Vishanti. Whether in quantity or quality, it was more than sufficient for him.

"Kaecilius, is there a place to practice in the New York Sanctuary? I want to feel the effect of my transformation," Lockhart asked.

Kaecilius nodded and led him to a training room on the left side of the Sanctuary. Upon entering, Lockhart noticed the room was much larger than expected, likely enchanted with space extension.

"Lockhart, let's have a fight and see how your magical power has changed after the transformation," Kaecilius suggested.

Lockhart pondered for a moment, then nodded. He also wanted to know how much the transformed magic power would enhance his combat abilities. He reached out and took out his wand. For ordinary spellcasting, he would use the Sling Ring to become proficient in new spellcasting methods, but in combat, he relied on his wand to ensure smooth casting and peak performance.

Kaecilius took out a short stick weapon from his waist, infused it with energy, and assumed a fighting stance. Lockhart couldn't help but feel a bit apprehensive. He was a long-range wizard facing a close-combat sorcerer. Stepping back a few paces, he held his wand and looked at Kaecilius seriously.

"Kaecilius, you can start."

The moment Lockhart finished speaking, Kaecilius charged at him with his magic weapon. Lockhart quickly waved his wand and cast three spells in rapid succession: "Incarcerous! Expulso! Expelliarmus!"

The magical rope from the confinement spell was interrupted by Kaecilius's weapon, but it caused him to hesitate. He was then hit by the Expulso spell, which weakened him, and before he could react, the Expelliarmus spell disarmed him, sending his weapon flying.

Lockhart showed no joy at his quick victory. Instead, he sighed. The victory was too easy. The transformed magic power, coupled with the Marvel world's enhancement to spells, made them more powerful than in the Harry Potter world. Moreover, Kaecilius's unfamiliarity with Harry Potter magic left him vulnerable.

Kaecilius, looking a bit dejected, picked up his weapon. Lockhart smiled and comforted him, "Let's have another round. The victory here was entirely due to your lack of understanding of my world's magic. In the next round, I think I will lose 80% of the time."

Kaecilius said nothing but raised his weapon, his expression much more cautious.

Chapter 68: System Lottery

"Lockhart, I suggest you strengthen your physical training in the future. Your melee combat ability is too poor," Kaecilius said teasingly after their battle. Despite losing the first round, he had successfully won the second, making it a tie overall.

Lockhart looked around at the numerous battle traces and nodded with a wry smile. He had used many spells like Body-Bind, Confringo, and Transfiguration, but Kaecilius, now on guard, dodged most of them. Occasionally, a few spells hit their mark, but Kaecilius's defenses held firm. Despite Lockhart's efforts to maintain distance, Kaecilius eventually closed in, overpowering him in close combat.

Lockhart took Kaecilius's advice to heart. This failure highlighted a common weakness among wizards from the Harry Potter world: poor physical combat skills. Strengthening his physical fitness would make him more resilient in future battles, even if he couldn't match Kaecilius. Most wizards would struggle to resist him.

Reflecting on this, Lockhart considered ways to improve his physical training. Kamar-Taj's sorcerers had stringent physical fitness requirements, necessary for wielding Vishanti's power without being overwhelmed. Only those with exceptional talent and strong energy control could handle large amounts of Vishanti's power without risk.

Then, Lockhart decided to use the system's lottery. "System, give me a lottery draw," he called softly, eyeing Kaecilius. Over time, Kaecilius's approval rating had reached 60, meeting the criteria for the lottery.

With his thoughts focused, Lockhart consumed a large amount of reputation points, conducting 20 consecutive draws and consuming 20,000 points.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining - a pure spiritual power."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining portal magic."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining soul projection magic."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining enhanced physical power."


Lockhart was pleasantly surprised by the results. Whether it was because this was his first draw in a while or the system understood his needs, the quality of the draw was very high. However, the magic he most desired was still missing.

"Draw again, consume 20,000 reputation points, and draw 20 more times," Lockhart instructed.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining - mirror dimension magic!" "Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining portal magic!" "Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining pure spiritual power." "…"

In this new round of draws, the rewards were still impressive, despite some repetitions. At least, the magic Lockhart was most interested in had been acquired.

"Receive the portal magic."

"Receive soul projection magic."

"Receive the mirror dimension magic." "…"

With a slight mental command, Lockhart received all the rewards he needed one by one. At this moment, Kaecilius watched Lockhart with interest, assuming he was reviewing their recent battle. Combat experience requires constant review and summary to improve efficiently.

Lockhart returned to his senses and looked at Kaecilius. "Kaecilius, thank you," he said sincerely. Lockhart owed much of his Kamar-Taj magical knowledge to Kaecilius.

Glancing at the battle-damaged training room, Lockhart flicked his wand and said urgently, "Reparo!"

In an instant, the room was restored to its original, pristine state. Kaecilius, impressed, admired the unique magic of Lockhart's world.

"Sure enough, the magic in each world has its own uniqueness," Kaecilius remarked.

Lockhart smiled modestly. "Our life magic has indeed developed uniquely over thousands of years, but we lack in close combat."

Kaecilius nodded. Through their battle and conversation, he had learned that the physical fitness of wizards in Lockhart's world was only slightly better than that of ordinary people. They didn't specialize in close combat like Kamar-Taj sorcerers. However, Kaecilius was puzzled by Lockhart's combat experience, which was not weak despite his physical limitations. He didn't dwell on it, assuming that a skilled mage would compensate for their shortcomings.

"Lockhart, after our battle, how do you feel about your magic? What's changed?" Kaecilius asked curiously.

Lockhart considered his response. "The transformation of my magic power has significantly increased its strength and control. I feel more confident in my abilities, especially with the integration of Kamar-Taj magic."

Kaecilius nodded thoughtfully. "That's good to hear. It's important to continue refining and integrating your magic. Our battles will help you identify areas for improvement."

Lockhart agreed. "Absolutely. I appreciate your guidance and look forward to more training sessions."

With a mutual understanding, the two prepared for further practice, both eager to refine their skills and strengthen their bond.

Chapter 69: Kaecilius' Desire

Kaecilius was quite curious about Lockhart's magic power after the transformation. On one hand, this was the first time he had witnessed such a phenomenon. The sorcerers of Kamar-Taj all practiced with the help of Vishanti and had never experienced magic transformation. On the other hand, and more importantly, he wanted to see what impact the transformed magic power would have on the body or lifespan. He was eager to seek opportunities for transformation if it could help, as the desire for a longer life was strong. Although sorcerers could extend their lives, who wouldn't want to live for thousands of years like the Sorcerer Supreme?

Hearing Kaecilius's question, Lockhart pondered for a moment and said slowly, "After the transformation of magic, I feel that the magic power has improved significantly in both quantity and quality. Moreover, the transformed magic power is smoother and consumes less when casting space-type magic."

Kaecilius was a little disappointed but continued to ask, "Are there any other changes? For example, lifespan or something like that."

Lockhart was taken aback by Kaecilius's question. He hadn't forgotten that Kaecilius would become a disciple of Dormammu, the Lord of the Dark Dimension, in the future. One of the most important factors was the desire for longevity. It seemed that Kaecilius was already showing signs of this inclination.

Lockhart's expression remained unchanged as he replied with a gentle smile, "There hasn't been much change in terms of lifespan. Or if there is, it might be too subtle for me to notice. However, my body has been strengthened to a certain extent, though it's still no match for you."

Kaecilius nodded with some disappointment and said nothing more.

Lockhart then asked tentatively, "Kaecilius, if you're interested in extending your life, I have some methods."

Kaecilius raised his head suddenly, a hint of surprise flashing across his face, but his expression quickly returned to calmness. He replied with a hint of caution, "A master's practice pays attention to the nature of heaven and earth and follows its laws. If you extend your life, you need to pay a corresponding price. If the price is too high, the gains may outweigh the losses."

Lockhart nodded, seemingly in agreement or hinting at something. "Indeed, in the balance of all things, if you gain one part, you must lose another part."

Kaecilius was silent for a moment, contemplating Lockhart's words. Soon, he changed the subject with a smile, "Okay, let's end the fight. I believe you are tired. Have you eaten? How about I treat you today? The food you treated Morin and me to last time was quite good."

Lockhart followed Kaecilius out of the training room and watched him walk out of the New York Sanctuary, hail a taxi, and hurriedly followed. He had expected magical delicacies, but it seemed they were just going to a regular restaurant.

New York City, Queens, Jazz Steak Western Restaurant.

Lockhart sat by the window, watching Kaecilius across from him cut a piece of steak. A trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes. He had to admit that people's tastes differed from his own. He preferred the oriental style of frying, stir-frying, boiling, and deep-frying. Although steak was okay, it didn't bring him the same joy.

"The steak tastes really good, very delicious," Lockhart said, forking a small piece of steak and putting it in his mouth.

"Haha, this is my favorite restaurant. The steak is very tender," Kaecilius responded, smiling at Lockhart's compliment.

"I have eaten steak before, but this one does taste pretty good," Lockhart admitted. The steak at Hogwarts was average, but this one was better.

As they continued eating, Kaecilius noticed that Lockhart's attitude towards the steak wasn't as enthusiastic as his words suggested. They finished their steaks in silence. After eating, Kaecilius ordered a bottle of red wine and poured half a glass for each of them.

"Lockhart, if you practice Kamar-Taj's magic, you must strengthen your body as much as possible. If you are not good at it, I can teach you some practical skills. A strong body helps retain vitality and prolong our lifespan," Kaecilius advised.

Lockhart smiled and nodded. "Thank you. I am indeed not very good at physical strengthening. This has allowed me to see some of the weaknesses in our magic system, and we should work on it more in the future."

Kaecilius was a bit disappointed by Lockhart's evasive reply but didn't press further.

Lockhart added, "We have achieved certain results in terms of life extension and vitality. This field covers a wide range, and we can talk about it later when we have more time."

Kaecilius's eyes flashed with surprise. He smiled and nodded, understanding that discussing life extension couldn't be done in one meal. He believed that with their current relationship, he could eventually get the information he desired.

Chapter 70: Peter's Excitement, May's Pride

Auburn Apartments, Queens, New York. Auburn Apartments is a typical, ordinary apartment building in Queens. There are very few tenants, and most of them are the owners themselves. Therefore, the overall living atmosphere of the apartment is quite good, and many residents on neighboring floors have become friends.

May bought a unit on the seventh floor a long time ago and has been living there with her nephew, Peter Parker.

Today, after work, May closed the door of the bookstore café she manages and returned home happily. What happened today still felt like a dream to her.

Billionaire Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, had unexpectedly visited her bookstore café. Even more amazingly, after being initially turned away by her boss, he was willing to wait until the next day. It was the kind of scenario no novel would dare to write.

But that was her boss's business. All May needed to do was provide good service and hospitality the next day. Thinking about the autograph in her hand, along with Tony Stark's verbal promise of publicity, a bright smile appeared on May's face. She had only been working for a few days and already encountered such a big surprise. It was simply amazing.

Before arriving home, May started thinking about today's dinner. She had noticed recently that her nephew had developed a huge appetite. No matter how much she cooked, he would eat everything. It was good that he liked her cooking, but he ate a little too much, which seemed a bit strange. However, she didn't think too much about it. Maybe he was growing, she thought. Growing kids do eat more and grow taller, after all.

After unlocking and opening the door, May stepped into the house. Suddenly, she heard Peter's voice.

"Hi Aunt May, you're back. How was work today?" Peter Parker asked, poking his head out from his room.

Aunt May was startled, subconsciously placing a hand on her chest. She smiled and said, "Peter, you scared me." She then put her bag on the nearby table.

As she walked toward the kitchen, she casually answered Peter's question, "Today's work was quite surprising. You'll never guess what happened."

Aunt May's words piqued Peter's interest, and he quickly asked, "Aunt May, what happened?"

Peter trotted into the kitchen, following May and starting to wash vegetables. May lit the stove, added oil, and grabbed two eggs.

Seeing that May didn't reply, Peter pretended to be pitiful and asked, "Aunt May, just tell me."

A faint smile appeared on May's face. In a surprised and showy tone, she said, "Peter, guess who I saw today."

"Who was it? Could it be Mr. Lockhart?" Peter asked. "Probably not. You wouldn't be so happy to see your boss. I remember you complained about him a lot these past few days."

Watching Peter talk to himself, speculating and even imitating her complaints about her boss, May said helplessly, "It's not Lockhart. It's your idol, the one with a poster hanging in your room."

"Oh my God, Tony Stark!" Peter exclaimed. "Really? Aunt May, you actually met Mr. Stark?"

Hearing Peter's surprised tone, May smiled happily and said with a smirk, "Not only did I meet Iron Man today, but I also got his autograph. It's in my bag."

After hearing this, Peter immediately put down the dishes, turned around quickly, and walked toward the table where May had put her bag.

Seeing this, a proud smile appeared on May's face. She knew her nephew would never refuse this gift.

Within seconds, she watched Peter run back to the kitchen holding her bag. "Aunt May, where did you put it? Why can't I find it?" he asked urgently.

"Of course, you can't find it because it's in my pocket," May joked with a smile.

"I looked everywhere and couldn't find it," Peter complained, opening the bag towards May. "All I found were some of your cosmetics and business cards. Where's the autograph, Aunt May? Show me."

May put down the spatula, tapped her head lightly, and said, "Oh, I must have forgotten. It's in my pocket."

She took out the signed paper from her trouser pocket, unfolded it, and showed it to Peter. "Look, what is this!"

Peter immediately reached out and took the autograph from her hand, then ran towards his room, shouting, "Aunt May, let me take a look, and I'll return it to you later."

Seeing this, May smiled happily and called after him, "Don't worry, Peter. This is a gift for you. Keep it safe."

Peter replied loudly, "Thank you, Aunt May."

When May had asked Tony for his autograph, she specifically mentioned it was for her nephew, Peter Parker. Her nephew admired Tony, and May wanted Tony Stark to write some words of encouragement for him. Tony gladly accepted and wrote a few words.

A bright smile appeared on May's face at Peter's excitement. Her nephew was a genius and always did well in school, something she was always proud of and often bragged about to her coworkers.

Without thinking too much, she continued cooking dinner. Meanwhile, Peter excitedly looked at the autograph, which contained Tony Stark's signature and a word of encouragement: "To my fan Peter Parker, I hope you get into MIT and become my fellow alumnus - Tony Stark!"

Looking at it several times, Peter couldn't help but feel excited. He took out his phone, snapped several photos, and sent them to some of his good friends, eager to share this happy news with them.

After a while, May's voice called out, "Peter, come over for dinner."

Peter replied quickly, then took the autograph and walked toward the dining room, curious about how May had met his idol, Tony Stark.

