
Jiraiya couldn't understand why the young man in front of him possessed so many mysterious and unpredictable Jutsus.

The Genjutsu displayed by Ryujiro was something he had never seen before, and he didn't even see the hand seals Ryujiro used during the Genjutsu.

Despite both of them being from the same village, there was something unsettling about Ryujiro that Jiraiya couldn't shake.

Jiraiya sighed silently in his heart.

It seemed like a genius like Ryujiro, residing in Konoha, was akin to a double-edged sword. If someone understood Ryujiro better, perhaps the current situation wouldn't be as it was.

Recalling everything that had just happened, Jiraiya couldn't help but feel a bit anxious.

It appeared that the Akatsuki had set their sights on Ryujiro.

Jiraiya had some knowledge of the Akatsuki; after all, Orochimaru had joined the organization after defecting.

During his investigation, Jiraiya had also discovered that the organization was far from simple.

Especially after encountering members of the Akatsuki, who were all S-ranked missing-nin from various major shinobi villages, it seemed like there might be some hidden conspiracy threatening the shinobi world.

What a headache!

First, the instability in the shinobi world, and now the emergence of a powerful organization of unknown origin.

And then there was this kid.

Jiraiya glanced at Ryujiro beside him.

Tsunade mentioned that this kid had awakened a Kekkei Genkai that could affect souls, but why did Jiraiya feel like it wasn't as simple as that?

Just being able to affect the soul Kekkei Genkai... What about that mysterious black substance? Was it some unregistered jutsu developed by Ryujiro?

Ryujiro harbored too many secrets.

The journey from Konoha to Mount Myoboku was still far. If they wanted to reach Mount Myoboku quickly, they would have to use the Reverse Summoning Jutsu.

If they used the Reverse Summoning Jutsu, as Ryujiro wasn't contracted with the toads, only Jiraiya alone could reach Mount Myoboku.

"Kid, I have a way to quickly reach Mount Myoboku, but it requires you to make contract with the toads of Mount Myoboku," Jiraiya said slowly, stopping in his tracks.

Quickly reach Mount Myoboku, with the Reverse Summoning Jutsu?

Ryujiro was aware of the Reverse Summoning Jutsu, but he wasn't particularly keen on contracting with the toads, to be honest.

He felt a bit uncomfortable with a creature like a toad.

Well, the journey to Mount Myoboku from here would still take more than ten days. It was just a matter of making a contract with the toads of Mount Myoboku.

After all, he didn't need the summoning Jutsu himself.

Ryujiro nodded.

Jiraiya's reason for wanting to use the Reverse Summoning Jutsu at this time was because the Akatsuki had already set their sights on them. 

There were many unstable factors along the way, so it was better to use the Reverse Summoning Jutsu to travel to Mount Myoboku.

With a "bang," a plume of smoke rose, and a large scroll appeared in Jiraiya's hand.

"This is the summoning contract of Mount Myoboku. Once you sign the contract, you'll be able to summon the toads of Mount Myoboku," Jiraiya explained. 

"Of course, the Reverse Summoning Jutsu only works for the contracted individual."

Ryujiro glanced at the names on the contract.

Several names caught Ryujiro's attention: Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage.

Ryujiro then wrote his name on the contract.

Jiraiya clasped his hands together. Since Jiraiya himself didn't know the Reverse Summoning Jutsu, he needed to summon the Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku.

In fact, Jiraiya couldn't activate Sage Mode on his own. He needed the power of the two Sage Toads of Mount Myoboku to enter Sage Mode.

With a "pop," two toads, one green and one purple, appeared on Jiraiya's shoulders.

Fukasaku and Shima had already gathered natural energy in Mount Myoboku upon sensing Jiraiya's call. And now, Jiraiya had already entered Sage Mode.

Initially, the two Sage Toads thought Jiraiya was in some danger, but upon seeing that there was no battle occurring in the vicinity, they relaxed slightly.

"Jiraiya, what did you summon us for?" Shima asked, looking displeased. Even though she found the young Jiraiya adorable, interrupting her cooking for her husband was unforgivable, even if it was Jiraiya.

Especially since it seemed like there was no urgent matter.

Jiraiya scratched his head awkwardly and smiled, "I need to trouble you two with something."

Only when they heard that Jiraiya had something to discuss did the expressions of Fukasaku and Shima Improve slightly.

"Go on."

"I want you two to summon me and him to Mount Myoboku," Jiraiya said, gesturing towards Ryujiro.

Both Fukasaku and Shima glanced at Ryujiro in confusion.

"Is he the new name added to the summoning contract just now?" Fukasaku asked.

Jiraiya nodded.

Fukasaku leaned in close to Jiraiya and whispered, "Young Jiraiya, you should know the rules of Mount Myoboku. Even if he signed the contract, he can't be taken to Mount Myoboku at will."

How could Jiraiya not know this?

That was precisely why he summoned the two Sage Toads.

Seeing Jiraiya walk away, Ryujiro didn't pay much attention. He leaned against a tree, waiting leisurely.

Upon learning about Ryujiro from Jiraiya, the expressions of Fukasaku and Shima became serious. 

Although he was a shinobi of Konoha, the words spoken by Jiraiya gave them a strange feeling about Ryujiro.

Even though they were worried, there was no malice emanating from Ryujiro, and besides...

Young Jiraiya wouldn't have misjudged a person.

"Well then, Young Jiraiya, this time I'll grant your request, but it won't set a precedent," Fukasaku said solemnly.

Jiraiya nodded.

"Kid, your name is Ryujiro, right?" Fukasaku said with a smile.

Ryujiro nodded.

Once everything was prepared, Fukasaku took out a scroll.

Reverse Summoning Jutsu!

With a "pop," they all turned into smoke and disappeared.

The next moment, Jiraiya and Ryujiro arrived at Mount Myoboku. Instantly, Ryujiro felt the difference between Mount Myoboku and the outside world.

The abundant natural energy of Mount Myoboku startled Ryujiro, and his previously drowsy mind instantly sharpened.

"Ryujiro, welcome to Mount Myoboku."

Ryujiro furrowed his brows slightly at the peculiar plants of Mount Myoboku and the numerous toad statues scattered around.

It seemed he needed some time to get used to a place so full of toads everywhere.

"Before you practice Sage Mode, Jiraiya, take Ryujiro to meet the Great Toad Sage," Fukasaku instructed.

Jiraiya was somewhat surprised.

Did the Great Toad Sage already know they had arrived in Mount Myoboku?

Truly worthy of being a toad sage who had lived for thousands of years.

Jiraiya glanced at Ryujiro.

Ryujiro nodded silently, indicating he had no objections.

Guided by Fukasaku and Shima, Ryujiro followed them to meet a large orange toad wearing a necklace with a Buddhist bead.



The oldest toad of Mount Myoboku, Gamamaru, who has survived for over a thousand years since the era of Kaguya, was revered as the "Great Toad Sage" and possesses extremely accurate prophetic abilities.

Together with the White Snake Sage of Ryuchi Cave and the Slug Sage of Shikkotsu Forest, they oversee the three major places of the Shinobi World.

In fact, in his dreams, the Great Toad Sage had already dreamt that Jiraiya would bring a young boy.

But when the Great Toad Sage saw the boy, his cloudy, aged eyes couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Can't see through.

After looking at him for a while, the Great Toad Sage sighed softly and said to Fukasaku, who was sitting deep.

"Fukasaku, guide the young one in practicing Senjutsu."

"Jiraiya, stay."

Fukasaku was a little surprised, but since it was the Great Toad Sage's command, he wouldn't inquire further.

However, he was curious why the Great Toad Sage didn't say anything more to Ryujiro after just looking at him. He originally thought the Great Toad Sage would say something to him.

Under Fukasaku's guidance, Ryujiro passed through a strange terrain. 

The scenery of the three most sacred places of this world was quite different from the outside world, or it seemed that these three sacred places were not in the same world as the Shinobi World.

"Before practicing Senjutsu, do you want to eat something?"

Fukasaku kindly offered.

Ryujiro shook his head, "Thank you, Fukasaku-sama, but I have food in my bag."

Ryujiro was prepared before coming to Mount Myoboku. The food on Mount Myoboku is all bugs. 

Ryujiro couldn't accept eating bugs; he would never eat such unpalatable food in his lifetime.

"Oh, alright then. I wanted you to taste my wife's cooking." Fukasaku said somewhat regretfully.

After hearing Fukasaku's words, even Ryujiro's mouth couldn't help twitching. He would rather let Fukasaku enjoy that delicious meal himself.

After passing through a strange path, Ryujiro saw many toad statues in front of him, like a strange waterfall formed by the convergence of turbid oil.

Fukasaku brought Ryujiro to this place and explained in detail how to practice Senjutsu. To practice Senjutsu, one must first feel the natural energy.

Since Ryujiro had never felt natural energy before, he naturally couldn't grasp the feeling of absorbing natural energy.

Fukasaku smeared a drop of toad oil on Ryujiro's arm. Toad oil can absorb natural energy on its own.

However, if one cannot control the balance well, they will suffer from the invasion of natural energy and turn into a stone statue.

To control natural energy well, one must maintain a balance between natural energy, spiritual energy, and physical energy, so as to grasp the mystery of mastering Senjutsu chakra.

At this moment, Ryujiro's right hand had undergone some changes.

This feeling.

Is it Natural energy?

In an instant, Ryujiro grasped the feeling of natural energy entering his body. At this moment, he felt the surging natural energy spreading throughout Mount Myoboku.

So this is natural energy.

As long as the three energies are balanced everything would be fine and Ryujiro controlled the three energies in his body to maintain balance.

Suddenly, Fukasaku, who was beside him, felt the change in Ryujiro's breath and looked at Ryujiro in shock.

This guy has just encountered natural energy for the first time, yet he has mastered the method of controlling balance so quickly.

Back then, just controlling the balance of the three energies took Jiraiya more than a month to accomplish in order to practice Sage Mode.

This kid's talent is even more terrifying than what Jiraiya said.

Even Minato, when he came to Mount Myoboku, took half a month to control the balance of the three energies.


Fukasaku's eyes contracted into needle-like shapes.

Not only did Ryujiro master the balance of the three energies, but he even began to gradually master Senjutsu chakra.

Looking at the faint orange eyeshadow at the corner of Ryujiro's eyes, Fukasaku couldn't help but inhale sharply.

It hasn't even been a cup of tea's time since the beginning and Ryujiro had only mastered the balance of three energies.

If Ryujiro hadn't never sensed natural energy before, Fukasaku would have doubted whether this was truly Ryujiro's first time practicing Sage Mode.

Meanwhile, Jiraiya, who had just left the Great Toad Sage, was heading towards Ryujiro's training spot.

He was still pondering the Great Toad Sage's words.

"I can't see through him; I can't see his future."

Even the Great Toad Sage couldn't see through Ryujiro. It was really intriguing.


Already started?

Jiraiya noticed Ryujiro meditating in the clearing. He just glanced at him.

But when he looked closely, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, staring at Ryujiro in shock.

Ryujiro's aura had changed from before. The ethereal, otherworldly aura was like that of a seated sage.

The natural energy of all Mount Myōboku seemed to be rushing into Ryujiro's body.


"He's already entered Sage Mode, hasn't he?"

Jiraiya already knew the answer but was unwilling to believe that Ryujiro had mastered Sage Mode in such a short time.

Fukasaku sighed, "Jiraiya boy, you're right."

"This kid has already entered Sage Mode and is gradually mastering Sage Chakra."


Jiraiya was shocked to his core.

He could only persuade himself thinking that Ryujiro was a genius.

Perhaps this was the talent of a genius.

But entering Sage Mode? What the heck is that? Back then, it took him so much effort to practice Sage Mode. This kid is not a genius; he's a monster!

At the next moment, Ryujiro's body suddenly trembled, and the faint orange eyes at the corners of his eyes slowly faded away. 

When Fukasaku thought Ryujiro was about to exit the Sage Mode.

Suddenly, a strong and terrifying wave of Senjutsu chakra burst out from Ryujiro's body.

The terrifying storm made all the natural energy of Mount Myoboku become restless, and the pool of toad oil stirred up layer by layer of waves.

What shocked Fukasaku was not the chakra energy erupting from Ryujiro's body but the fact that he felt the abundant natural energy of Mount Myoboku madly pouring into Ryujiro's body.

An immense amount of natural energy flooded into Ryujiro's body.

"Fukasaku, something seems off about Ryujiro's condition."

"Such a massive amount of natural energy entering his body will cause an imbalance!"

Jiraiya shouted in horror.



Once the natural energy completely invaded Ryujiro's body, he would turn into a stone statue!

However, at this moment, Jiraiya and Fukasaku couldn't do anything. If they were to disturb Ryujiro rashly, the consequences might be even more unpredictable.

The eyes of the Toad Sage narrowed. "Jiraiya boy, carefully observe the aura on Ryujiro's body."

Jiraiya, in a panic, was first stunned, then carefully observed Ryujiro. The next moment, his expression changed drastically, and his breathing became rapid.

"Sage Mode, Ryujiro's Sage Mode hasn't been released!"

"What on earth is happening?"

Fukasaku looked at Ryujiro in shock. Even he didn't know what was going on in this situation.

"I don't know either."

Jiraiya stiffened in place.

Even Fukasaku didn't know what was happening. What exactly was this kid Ryujiro doing?

He could feel the entire Mount Myoboku's natural energy crazily converging towards Ryujiro's position. It was as if Ryujiro was an invisible vortex, drawing all the natural energy into his body.

Wasn't he afraid of any accidents?

His courage was too great.

Normally, entering Sage Mode would have some characteristics, such as the orange eye shadow appearing at the corners of the eyes for Mount Myoboku's inherited Sage Mode. 

However, immediately after Ryujiro's features disappeared, there was no such thing on Ryujiro.

And Ryujiro hadn't released his Sage Mode.

The overflowing Senjutsu Chakra, even just a bit, made Jiraiya extremely fearful.

That strong Chakra was completely different from when he entered Sage Mode.

It was as if the entire Mount Myoboku's natural energy was being drained.

Even Shima, who was cooking at home, noticed something unusual. 

When she arrived at the place where Sage Jutsus were practiced, she looked at Ryujiro and also showed a shocked expression.

The vast natural energy poured into his body, yet there were no signs of petrification.

They didn't know that it wasn't Ryujiro absorbing the natural energy. 

Although there was natural energy and abundant Sage Chakra in Ryujiro's body, it was not Ryujiro who was engulfing the natural energy, but rather the Hogyoku, which ruthlessly absorbed every time the natural energy was converted into Sage Chakra.

Moreover, Ryujiro's body was not an ordinary body. Even though Hogyoku had not recognized anyone as its owner yet, it had already merged into Ryujiro's body.

Moreover, Hogyoku was now activated.

The huge amount of natural energy continued to pour into Ryujiro's body.

Fukasaku, Shima, and Jiraiya used their hands to protect themselves from the Sage Chakra storm erupting from Ryujiro's body.

"Jiraiya boy, could Ryujiro be the Child of Prophecy mentioned by the Great Toad Sage?"

Fukasaku asked suspiciously.

With such talent and the unprecedented situation before them, Fukasaku somewhat suspected that Ryujiro was the Child of Prophecy mentioned by the Great Toad Sage, who would save the ninja world in the future.

Jiraiya shook his head.

When the Great Toad Sage talked to him just now, he had already confirmed to the Great Toad Sage that Ryujiro was not the so-called Child of Prophecy.

On the contrary, Ryujiro's destiny was elusive and mysterious. Even the Great Toad Sage did not know what path Ryujiro would take in the future.


A terrifying Sage Chakra storm erupted again, and cracks of varying sizes appeared on the surface of the toad stones surrounding them.

Such pressure from Sage Chakra, even Fukasaku and Fukasaku, had never felt before.

When the dust settled, Ryujiro emitted a unique aura. This feeling was as if it belonged to a different level of life.

Although Ryujiro didn't seem to have changed much, Fukasaku and Shima were already gaping.

The Ryujiro in front of them was undoubtedly still in Sage Mode.

What on earth was going on?

Ryujiro clenched his fist, feeling the immense power brought by Sage Chakra inside his body.

Is this Sage Chakra?

His state indeed seemed to be in Sage Mode, but this Sage Mode didn't bring Ryujiro many of the typical features of Sage Mode.

"A perfect Sage Mode."

A high-concentration Sage Chakra gathered at Ryujiro's fingertips, forming a curved blade made of Chakra.

Jiraiya widened his eyes suddenly.

Could Sage Chakra be manipulated like this?

Moreover, with such a dense Sage Chakra, if it were to erupt, Jiraiya didn't dare to imagine it's terrifying power.


Ryujiro cut open a gash on his arm.

"What are you doing, Ryujiro!" Shima exclaimed, but then her eyes widened suddenly.

The wound on Ryujiro's arm was gradually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in no time, the wound on Ryujiro's hand disappeared.

There wasn't even a trace of the scratch.

Such recovery power!

Jiraiya opened his mouth wide.

It was like the recovery ability possessed by the First Hokage.

Fukasaku and Shima looked at the healed wound on Ryujiro's arm in shock.

Sage Body?!

Did Sage Chakra transform Ryujiro's body into a Sage Body?!

This was absolutely impossible!

This was not a transformation of Sage Body caused by Sage Chakra, but an evolution brought to Ryujiro's body by Hogyoku.

It was an evolution of Ryujiro's body to another level of life by Hogyoku.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ryujiro's mouth.

He could already feel the power of Hogyoku.

It seemed that Hogyoku was gradually acknowledging him as its master.

"Ryujiro, do you feel any discomfort?" Fukasaku and Shima were somewhat worried after Ryujiro's body was infused with so much natural energy just now.

Ryujiro shook his head.

"There's nothing unusual. But it seems that I am already in Sage Mode now."

And this Sage Mode didn't have a time limit, which meant it was eternal.

Fukasaku and Shima glanced at each other, showing a bitter smile on their lips.

They were truly witnessing the birth of a monster.



Perfect Sage Mode.

Although Ryujiro appeared no different from before, the terrifying aura emanating from him made both Fukasaku and Shima break out in a cold sweat.

Jiraiya was completely dumbfounded.

Sage Mode.

Ryujiro in this state was already in Sage Mode?

The Sage Mode of Mount Myoboku should have distinct characteristics, even the eye shadow at the corners of the eyes was absent.

Could it be that Ryujiro had even erased the characteristics of Sage Mode?

Ryujiro felt the changes happening within his body, with chakra circulating through every vein endlessly, filling every part of him.

If he were to open the Eight Gates in this state, the power would be terrifying.

"I didn't expect Ryujiro would master Sage Mode so quickly."

"Have you ever seen Sage Mode in this state, Sensei?"

Fukasaku shook his head.

Sage Mode in this state, even with the innate talent like Minato's, it's impossible to be like Ryujiro.

And although the natural energy around wasn't pouring into Ryujiro's body as crazily as before, his body was still absorbing natural energy like a toad oil.

That meant even if Ryujiro wanted to maintain this state for a long time, it was possible.

Fukasaku couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Can this be called Eternal Sage Mode?

Ryujiro, he's too terrifying.

When Ryujiro appeared in front of the Great Toad Sage again, even the thousand-year-old Great Toad Sage was moved.

Being in Sage Mode as a norm, and even automatically absorbing natural energy.

Even when Hagoromo practiced Senjutsu, he wasn't as terrifying as Ryujiro.

The future was so uncertain; this kid's future was quite bewildering.

For the shinobi world, it's hard to say whether it's good or bad.

The fact that such a person wasn't the Child of Prophecy was indeed worrying.

After meeting the Great Toad Sage, Fukasaku and Shima warmly invited Jiraiya and Ryujiro to their place for dinner.

Jiraiya immediately shivered at the thought of those hard-to-swallow bugs and quickly declined. 

Even if he could eat them, he didn't want to experience that taste again.

The disappointed Fukasaku and Shima, after being rejected, wore regretful expressions.

Next time, when Jiraiya and little Ryujiro are free, they will make them taste the "delicacies" of Mount Myoboku.


In the Hidden Rain Village, various peculiar buildings stood tall.

And surprisingly, all members of the Akatsuki were recalled.

"Even with your combined power, you all have failed. It seems that this Ryujiro is truly formidable."

The person with a serious and cold expression spoke in a deep voice.

Especially with those purple eyes with concentric ripples, they gave off tremendous intimidation.


After impersonating as Uchiha Madara and finding Nagato, Obito informed Nagato about Ryujiro's information in Konoha. 

Obito believed Ryujiro was a potential threat, so he manipulated Nagato to mobilize the Akatsuki members to assassinate Ryujiro.

But the outcome was unexpected for Nagato.

Even if the mission failed, Nagato thought at least it could severely injure Ryujiro, but here the members of the Akatsuki themselves were injured?

They mistook their own comrades for Ryujiro and Jiraiya and fought each other.

Nagato, who controlled Pain, looked at Itachi.

It is said that the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan can see through any Genjutsu, right?

Even Itachi's eyes didn't notice when he was under Genjutsu.

But the key reason was that Obito didn't tell him about Ryujiro's ability to use Genjutsu. 

Nagato was a disciple of Jiraiya, so he naturally knew his teacher couldn't use Genjutsu of such a high level.

Even with his Mangekyo Sharingan Itachi couldn't break free from it, this Ryujiro was indeed troublesome.

Now that the Akatsuki has attracted the attention of the major shinobi villages, their actions must speed up.

The plan to capture all the Tailed Beasts...

A dark light flashed in Pain's eyes.


Even if the people of the Hidden Sand Village were dissatisfied with Konoha, it was useless now. Go to war with Konoha?

They didn't have that strength.

They only had a single Kage level ninja, Chiyo.

Starting a war with Konoha is just giving other major villages an opportunity. 

It's even possible for other major villages to launch a surprise attack on the Hidden Sand Village during this empty period, and by then, everything would be irreparable.

After Chiyo strongly suppressed the dissatisfaction among the higher-ups, the Hidden Sand Village also returned to its former peace.

The position of the Kazekage couldn't be vacant for long, but now, even if the Hidden Sand Village wanted to elect a new Kazekage, there's no good candidate.

Someone approached Chiyo and asked her to take up the position of the Fifth Kazekage, but Chiyo flatly refused.

Originally, Chiyo's plan to live in seclusion meant not getting involved in the affairs of the Land of Wind and the village. Now, she had no choice but to come out.

Besides, even if she became Kazekage at her age, she wouldn't have many good years left to live, and there are many things to deal with as the leader of a village.

And for a while, because the position of Kazekage was temporarily vacant, the people of the Hidden Sand Village didn't have a candidate to recommend.

After a long time, Chiyo finally summoned the higher-ups and elected Gaara as the Fifth Kazekage, of course not immediately to the position of Kazekage as Gaara was now only twelve years old. 

He needed at least another two or three years before he could take up the position of Kazekage.

And during this time, they should help grow Gaara as the future Kazekage.

The current Gaara no longer has the paranoid personality he used to have, and as a Jinchuriki, Gaara was also qualified to become the Kazekage.

At first, the higher-ups in the village disagreed, but eventually, due to the lack of candidates who could take up the position of Kazekage, they reluctantly accepted the proposal.

Gaara looked out over the entire Hidden Sand Village on the yellow soil, his eyes shining with a strange light.

"Shukaku, the village intends to elect me as the next Kazekage. What do you think?"

Since being defeated by Ryujiro, Gaara has been able to communicate normally with Shukaku sealed within him.

"Tch, what's good about being Kazekage?"

"Kid, don't forget how they treated you. In their eyes, you're nothing more than a tool."

"If it were up to me, I'd just slip out of the village and become a rogue ninja."

"After all, you have no emotional attachment to this place, right?"

Shukaku's disdainful voice echoed in Gaara's mind.

Become a rogue ninja?

Now Gaara, unlike before, wasn't influenced by Naruto's talk no jutsu and didn't have the desire to be accepted by everyone. 

On the contrary, he already felt a sense of boredom staying in the village.

Being a rogue ninja didn't sound bad at all.

