Chapter 3 The Burst Clan

Waking up from his sleep, Apollo immediately got ready for the day before leaving his house. Rest was important, and while cultivation could be used as a substitute for sleep at times, after such a strenuous breakthrough the mental relaxation was necessary.

The young man walked down the main road towards the center of Pentaarch, where the 5 Great Powers were situated. Here the goal of his mission lied, the Burst Clan of the 4 Clans.

He had naturally came to this decision after weighing every factor. From the Clan's mentality, to their number of personnel and positioning within Pentaarch, while none were flawless their combination of factors promised to provide Apollo with the most benefits.

Arriving before their compound, a grand gate stood with the words "Burst Clan" engraved on an imposing sign hanging atop it. While grand, it was well known that their compound wasn't as impressive as the other clans due to their younger heritage.

"What business do you have at the Burst Clan?" One of the guards dressed in purple questioned, pointing his blade at Apollo.

"I am Apollo a 4th Layer Qi Gatherer, I'd like to join the Burst Clan." The young man replied. Immediately the guard retracted his blade and looked at him with respect.

"If that's the case follow me." An aged voice sounded from beyond the gate. A wizened old man appeared, dressed in lavish robes. Immediately the guards bowed towards him.

"Grand Elder!"

The guards bellowed. Hearing this Apollo was shocked, before he too bowed in respect. 'An Elder is almost always at the 6th Layer or beyond, and he's a Grand Elder!' He analysed, paying his respects to the aged man before him.

"That's enough formalities. You barely look 20, and you're already at the 4th Layer, our Clan would never deny a talent such as yourself. Follow me." The Grand Elder beckoned before turning and entering the Clan.

Hearing this Apollo quietly followed the Grand Elder into the compound. Following along Apollo was shocked. Despite being in the city center the land occupied by the Burst Clan was not only immense, but the buildings were lavish and the pathways clean.

Looking back, the Grand Elder noticed this and merely smiled calmly. "Your name was Apollo wasn't it? Tell me about yourself young man." The Grand Elder said trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Yes it is Grand Elder, sir. I turned 18 this year, and I've lived in Pentaarch for almost 3 years and lived in a small town called Greenhaven for most of my life. Besides that I dabble in many weapons, with no particular preference, and my Qi has a fire attribute." Apollo explained, giving a concise description of himself and his abilities.

Hearing this the Grand Elder nodded, and didn't ask anymore questions, it seemed as though Apollo had answered everything he wanted to know with a few words.

About a minute later, the two arrived at the registration hall. Taking Apollo inside, the man sitting behind the desk was dozing off, but upon seeing the Grand Elder he immediately bowed in reverence.

"Little Blue, I have a prospective Elite Guard that needs registration. Handle it swiftly." The Grand Elder commanded the man who immediately rummaged through his desk trying to find the required documents.

After a few seconds Little Blue found the documents, his blue eyes displaying his relief upon finding them. He then handed the documents to Apollo who then swiftly read over them.

'Its about what I expected. I must stay with the Burst Clan for at least a period of 3 years, during which I'll have to guard the compound assuming there's an incident, but I do not need to partake in daily patrols. Otherwise the Clan will at times send me on missions, whether to protect convoys or be a representative of the Clan.' He glossed over his duties, and then looked towards the payment.

'A Spirit Stone a year, plus food and accommodation within the compound for free. Additionally, they'll provide me a weapon of my choice along with healing herbs should I need any. Lastly there'll be extra rewards for completing special missions.'

Reading all this Apollo was more than satisfied. As he had heard, the Burst Clan had great conditions for their Elite Guards, and while he'd have to commit to 3 years minimum, it was well worth the time.

"Where do I sign?" Apollo asked reaching for a pen. "Here, here and there." Little Blue replied as he pointed towards various sections of the documents. Once he signed, Little Blue took the documents and filed them.

"All right seeing as the process has been completed I'll take my leave. If you ever need anything come look for me young man. Little Blue assign a servant to show him around." The Grand Elder said before swiftly departing.

 'What a unique Elder, no airs, very respectful and straight to the point. Another positive of this clan.' Apollo thought to himself. Little Blue then excused himself to go fetch a servant.

After about a minute he reappeared with a boy around 14 years old. "This a new Elite Guard, show him around. After you're done with the tour you can come back here for the key to your residence." Little Blue explained, motioning the boy to guide Apollo.

The two then left and the boy showed the various building to Apollo. From the restricted zones which he shouldn't enter, such as the Elder Hall and the Ancestral Temple, to the kitchens and training grounds. Practically every common building there was to see he had seen.

"That's everything there is to see in the Burst Clan. According to Sir Brim you should back to the Registration Hall to get your key. As I had shown you earlier the guard quarters are to the east of the compound." The boy explained making sure that Apollo understood.

Hearing this the young man simply nodded with a smile before parting ways with the servant boy, and heading towards the Registration Hall. 'What a nice young man, he seems well educated and knowledgeable. No wonder the Burst Clan is one of the Great Powers if they can spare so many resources to educate their servants.'

Apollo soon arrived back at the Registration Hall, after a brief exchange Little Blue handed him his key, some guards robes, and a badge to identify himself. He then left to go check out his new residence.

Upon arriving Apollo was pleased. It was a relatively large house, definitely larger than his current one. It had a spacious bedroom, a comfortable living room, and a well made cultivation room. Over all he had no complaints.

'I should go back and move my things here, from now on, I Apollo am the Burst Clan's Elite Guard!'