Chapter 5 Young Miss

The next day Apollo awoke from his meditation. 'It should be about dawn, I'll go and get ready. I have a long day ahead.' He sighed to himself before exiting the cultivation room and changing into his Elite Guard robes.

They were a deep purple, the symbolic colour of the Burst Clan. 'I guess it has to do with the Clan Head's eye colour. I am surprised neither I nor my father had any information on it.' Apollo shook his head before grabbing a black blade at the side of his room.

This was the weapon he selected from the Burst Clan's treasury, it was an Inferior Grade Mortal weapon. He had selected it due to its rather slim body, and light weight. After all as a guard Apollo viewed bulkier weapons as a bit cumbersome.

"On the other hand if I had an assassination mission, or I was fighting beasts, I'd use a dagger or a spear. Maybe even a bow." Apollo muttered to himself exiting his quarters.

He then made his way into the core area of the Clan. After going through some routine inspections, and identity checks he ended up in front of a courtyard. It was luxurious from the outset, and well maintained. Clearly whoever lived within it was of high status.

Apollo then approached the gate of the courtyard and knocked. After waiting about a minute the gate opened and a teenage girl appeared before Apollo. She looked to be about 16 years old, with short straight black hair and brown eyes.

"Who might you be?" The girl asked gazing questioningly at Apollo. "Elite Guard Apollo, I've been tasked with escorting the Young Miss around Pentaarch." He replied, a look of realisation immediately dawned on the girl's face.

She then shut the gate abruptly. "Young Miss, your guard has arrived!" A shout sounded from inside the courtyard. Then a few seconds later the gate opened once again.

This time a girl about 14 years old appeared. Her hair was straight, jet-black and well kept, and she had bright blue eyes. She was dressed extremely well, to the point Apollo estimated her dress was worth multiple gold coins.

Upon seeing Apollo her expression scrunched up. "Hmph, I wanted a guard around my age, but you look like you're nearing 30! At least you're not a raisin like my other guards." She blurted out before strutting out of the courtyard.

The first girl then followed out and gave Apollo an apologetic look. 'Do I seem that old.' Apollo sighed internally before following after the Young Miss and presumably her servant girl.

"Young Miss where will be heading today? As your guard I need to know to plan appropriately." Apollo asked, but it seemed as though his words fell on deaf ears as she ignored him.

The servant girl then walked beside Apollo and whispered "We'll be going to the Mystic Heaven Tower first, and then the Young Miss mentioned wanting to visit the newly established Full Moon Pavilion to try out their food." 

Hearing this Apollo nodded, and planned out a route in his mind. After all with a figure such as the Burst Clan's princess, alleys were a no go, but simultaneously it was best to avoid crowded streets and venture through more quiet streets.

"Also I don't think I formally introduced myself. I am Grace." The servant girl introduced herself. "Its a pleasure to meet you Grace. It looks like I am going to need your help for much of this journey." Apollo remarked, to which Grace chuckled slightly.

"You know I can hear you two right? We're about to leave the compound don't you think you should, you know, get to guarding." The Young Miss declared, her mood clearly soured.

Seeing this Apollo looked towards Grace, but she merely shook her head. 'Was she maybe hoping for a specific guard to protect her?' That was the only explanation Apollo could come up with, but he put the thought to the back of his mind.

At the end of the day this was a mission, the Young Miss, was well, young. And it wasn't exactly his job to be all buddy buddy with her.

After exiting the compound, Apollo stood exactly a step behind the Young Miss, while Grace stood at her side. The trio then made their way to the Mystic Heaven Tower.

Fortunately the Young Miss followed Apollo's instructions, albeit begrudgingly, and they made it to the tower without a hitch.

When they arrived, the little princess immediately began running around with Grace by her side. Watching this from afar, Apollo simply shook his head. 'At least here I don't need to be on guard.' He thought as he let her go on a shopping spree.

"Grace, Grace, what do you think would be effective for his cultivation. He told me he uses metal attribute Qi." The Young Miss asked Grace. Hearing the older girl could only shake her head.

"Didn't you tell me he's only in the 2nd Layer? At his cultivation Spirit Stones are most important." Grace suggested, to which the Young Miss immediately nodded.

She then headed to the counter, her eyes barely peeking over. "How many Spirit Stones can I buy with this much gold." The girl asked before tossing two pouches atop the counter.

Seeing this Apollo, Grace, and the cashier's eyes all widened like saucers. "Young Miss, you can't spend all of those coins that's your allowance for the month. One Spirit Stone is enough for now." Grace said before taking one of the pouches off the counter.

The Young Miss pouted slightly, but Grace didn't budge. On the other hand Apollo simply looked on in shock. 'So 200 Gold Coins is simply a month's allowance?!' He thought to himself in shock.

On the other hand the cashier was wondering which Clan's Young Miss this was, until she noticed Apollo. At which point she immediately understood, and processed the payment.

"Here you go Madam." The cashier said before handing the Spirit Stone to the young girl. "Thank you very much." She replied before pocketing the Spirit Stone.

"Lets go to the Full Moon Pavilion now."