The Baldwins

 I made my way to the second level of the yacht, where Callista and Eric were talking at separate tables. Callista was talking to a short, blond-haired older woman. Her paid tan was nearly orange, and her teeth were bleached ultra-white. The massive diamonds around her wrist and neck showcased her money and body. The bathing suit she had on must have been from Victoria's Secret. Her Louis Vuitton Heels accentuated her near-perfect physique, which she proudly displayed. I saw Callista caress her forearm with a seductive smile. The same one she gives to me. Was this female someone she'd already been with before me? 

 "What's the plan?" Tanya asked.

 I glanced over at her. A devious smile overtook me, "Go mingle. Get to know them and let me know what they are about. I'm going to get to know the people I'm fucking."

 We cheer once more before going our separate ways. I made my way over to Callista in stride.

 "Hello again," Roy appeared before me.

 "Not such a coincidence. We are on a yacht," I taunted.

 I glance over his shoulder to see Eric looking over at me. His eyes turned to narrowed slits. I pretended to dust something from Roy's arm to get a rise out of him.

 "I suppose not," Roy smirked.

 Before anything else transpired, there was Eric. "There's my favorite partner."

 "Partner?" I repeated while looking back at Roy.

 "For nearly two decades," Roy replied.

 "I was just getting to know your partner," I teased.

 "I'm sorry, Ivy, but I must steal him away. The investors would like to speak with us," Eric replied.

 "By all means," I gave a perfected fake smile.

 Once they left, I finally made my way over to Callista. The blond didn't even look at me before leaving. 

 "Hi, beautiful," Callista greeted me with a peck on the cheek.

 "Beautiful party," I lied. 

 "I'm just making sure things are kept in order, " she assured. Your friend Tanya is a gorgeous girl herself."

 My eyes narrowed slightly, "More than me?"

 A smirk formed upon her lips. She either liked my teasing or was teasing herself. 

 She leaned into me while caressing my forearm, her breath hot on my neck, "Is she the one I'm fucking?"

 A shiver traced its way up my spine. I bit my lip in response, "Is there anything you need me for?"

 "However, do you mean?" she asked.

 "What do you do for work?" I clarified.

 As she leaned away from me, I was uncertain how to respond. Her body language was hard to read. I couldn't tell if I had crossed the line by asking or if it made me look daring in her eyes. 

 "Not here," Callista replied before making her way around the small table, "Follow me down below."

 I opened my mouth but closed it. Grabbing my glass, I followed after her with haste below deck. It was a dark room, tranquil compared to the rest of the party. She closed the door behind me while strolling over to the black leather bench on the opposing wall. 

 "Why so interested in what we do now?" she hinted, "If this is a purely sexual relationship?"

 "I never agreed to those terms," I reminded, "I submitted to you physically because I wanted you. I still do just sitting here next to you."

 She blinked, methodically rubbing her lips together. I need her to take the bait. 

 "Dimitri sells yachts. We have many investors and stocks, along with a partner who needs to remain happy. It's our job to keep them happy. The numbers are always up, but the sharks need a little reassurance now and again," she answered.

 "Is there anything you need help with?" I lowered my voice while taking a sensual sip of champagne from her glass.

 "Our partner-"

 "Roy?" I answered while leaning into her.

 "Yes, he seems to like your friend. If he stays in a good mood, then the party will end well. Whenever he's unhappy, there's always a problem. I don't want to deal with his problems tonight."

 "Maybe I can help you?" I whispered, closing the gap between us. 

 I shifted between her splayed legs.

 "What do you want in return?" she asked.

 "Money," I stated, "I want to own my bar one day, not just work in one." 

 She didn't respond, only gave a heavy-lidded gaze. 

 My lips pressed to hers with intent. Shifting around her bathing suit, I slid a finger inside of her body. She moaned into my mouth, wrapping both her arms around my shoulders.

 "Ivy!" she whimpered, "I have guests."

 I ignored her plea, shoving two fingers relentlessly in and out of her. . She was hot and tight. I felt a leg wrap around me as nails dug into my shoulder blades. I licked her neck up towards the bottom of her chin, enticing her to moan louder. I liked this. Dominating, being in control. 

 "Why is this locked?" a muffled voice echoed in the small deck area, the doorknob juggling with no release. I slipped my fingers out of her as she pushed back and began readjusting herself. 

 "Where's my sunglasses?" she rhetorically asked.

 I seized them off the small table and gestured over to Callista. She took them with a smile.

 "Thanks, beautiful," she slightly nodded before approaching the door. My hand seized her wrist before she could make her exit. 

 "Do you still need my help," I pressed.

 She glanced over her shoulder; the seductive, enticing look in her eyes gave me my answer already, "Let's see how well you do tonight; that'll determine how much you get."