
 Once we were all seated and Roy and Dimitri ordered for us, Tanya and I went to the bar to get a bottle of champagne and orange juice. I needed a drink. 

 "So that was wild," Tanya commented. 

 We glance over at one another, sharing the same glance. We erupted into laughter. How the hell did we get here? At some rich brunch place with two billionaires? Partners nonetheless? It was so thrilling, but it was also hard to take in. Laughter seemed like the best alternative. 

 "Seems like Roy likes you," I hinted.

 "Dimitri likes you," she teased with a slight nudge of her shoulder, "I heard what happened in your room earlier."

 I blushed a shade of red so bright on my face that I felt like the entire room could see me. She was smiling happily and unaffected.

 "Come on," she giggled, "You've known me how long? Would I do as I'm told? Let alone by some guy you're fucking?"

 I pressed my tongue to the side of my cheek. She had a point, "What all did you hear?"

 She leaned closer to me in a devious whisper, "Is it on now?"

 "No!" I exasperated, "I was nervous because I'd think you could hear it vibrating inside me."

 "Two bottles of Crystal," Tanya told the bartender. He left with a slight note. Damn, he was fine himself. This vibrator was making me horny just from being inside of me.

 "I'm jealous," she hinted.

 "Don't be," I gleamed, "If you play your cards right, you'll be in the same positions soon yourself.

 "What do you mean?" she looked confused, "If anything, you take after me."

 "Not true," I denied.

 "How so?" she asked.

 "Your son, Cameron," I reminded him, " is so good, well-mannered, and a very respectful young man—more respectful than any other teenager I've encountered."

 "Really?" she looked at me doe-eyed.

 I looked at her in confusion, "Of course. You did a great job in raising him. Considering his dad isn't around, and your mom was there to support you, he's an amazing young man."

 A genuine smile came across Tanya's face, "Thank you. He's with her right now. At least until he has his room. Homes in Monterey are costly."

 "Yeah," I agreed, "I got lucky with the loft and my parents leaving me some money when I lost them."

 She looked over at me caringly.

 "But if you play your cards right," I continued, pulling the check from my purse. I revealed it to Tanya, her eyes widening in shock. She tried to hide her expression the best she could. 

 "You're with Mr. Baldwin and Mr Prescott, right?" the bartender interjected, stopping our conversation.

 "Yes," Tanya confirmed with an alluring grin.

 "Follow me, ladies," he stated with a charming grin.

 As we returned to the table and settled into our respective chairs, the food was brought shortly after.

Oysters, Crab legs, Sides of different veggies, and plain omelets to create to your heart's content—it was all so beautiful and luxurious. The only problem was I wasn't hungry. Cocaine will do that to you. It gives you excessive amounts of energy, gives you a fantastic sex drive, and makes you have zero appetite. Numbing your throat to the point where drinking was easy, but eating was difficult. 

 "Am I the only one not hungry?" I teased.

 "That's why we order small sides of a few items," Roy answered, "Since it's brunch and all, you don't think twice about the lack of food consumption to alcohol intake." 

 "Nice," I concurred, "A bartender knows better."

 Tanya let out a chuckle, almost choking on her champagne. 

 A stronger vibration radiated inside of me. My mouth dropped. Could they hear it? I looked at Roy and Tanya, but they seemed none the wiser. I looked over at him, my breath quickening in my chest. His victorious grin left a taste of frustration in my mouth. He turned it off, to my dismay, moments later. 

 "Anything else?" the waiter offered.

 "No, we'll be on our way," Roy stated while handing the waiter a black card.

 "Where are we going now?" I asked.

 "We have investors to meet," Dimitri answered, "Domonique will take you ladies back to my place, and we'll be there later tonight."