
 After I got some much-needed sleep, I deposited the check into my bank account and received about thirty missed calls from my boss. I have to admit I haven't been in to work late—like a month, I'll admit—but you won't tell anyone, so it's okay.

 "Damn it, Ivy!" Ripley hollered, "Just because I knew your parents doesn't mean you can act like a poor child! I rolled my eyes.  Then stop treating me like one.

  "Look," I sighed, "I've been busy with this other job, and I was wondering if you could put me on call."

 "On call?" he scoffed.

 "Yeah, this other job keeps me busy," I lied. I can quit if you want."

 "No, no," he declined. I'll put you on-call like you asked. The girl you hired is doing pretty well in your place."

 "I did train her," I bragged. 

 "Okay," he concluded, "Bye, Ivy."

 "Bye, boss," I chuckled before hanging up the phone.

 If I keep getting money from Dimitri and Callista, I won't have to worry about work anymore. After depositing the check, I have around eighty thousand dollars in my savings. Still, much money is needed to buy a bar in Monterey. I wanted to leave this part of the state and go to the California Coast. If I was being honest, I wanted to own several bars worldwide, but I wanted to put my roots down there. 

 My phone began vibrating across the countertop. I glanced down from my daze to see Callista's name on the caller ID.

 I swiped in surprise, "Hi, Callista."

 "Hello there, beautiful," she sensually greeted, "Have you been doing what I asked?"

 I just woke up from a fourteen-hour sleep. My mind is blanking on a quick, quirky reply. Help, "What do you mean?"

 "Keeping an eye on Dimitri?" she clarified.

 "Yes," I confirmed. I came home last night to get some rest, but once I get some coffee, I'll head back over."

 "Why didn't you sleep at my home?" she asked.

 Because I was proving a point to two hot, dominant men.

 "A friend of his showed up," I deviated, "Since he was occupied, I figured I would get some rest."

 "Sounds like Dimitri," she sighed.

 "Did you need me to do anything else?" I asked.

 "No," she said, "I'll be back in about three weeks. I'll call to stay updated on everything happening there."

 "Okay," I exhaled in annoyance, "Talk to you later, gorgeous."

 She hung up without saying goodbye. I swore I heard a male voice in the background, and she hung up on me.  I'll take what I need from you.

 "I looked down at my phone vibrating again. I instantly felt joy.

 "Hi, Tanya!" I gleamed.

 "Hey, hun!" she exclaimed, "My son is away at football camp for the break. We need to do something!"

 "Of course we do. Hey, how are things with Roy?"

 "I'll tell you all about it when we meet up."


 "I like, where at?"

 "How about at Dimitri's? I was headed over there anyhow."

 "Sounds good, beautiful! Grab me on your way over?"

 "Yeah, I'm going to call the driver to get me. I'll let you know when he's on the way here."

 Knock Knock Knock

 Who could that be?

 "Who is it?" I asked.

 "Dimitri," he answered.

 Surprised, I opened my front door to see Dimitri in a button-down shirt. His sleeves rolled up to his elbows, tucked into black trousers with black Oxfords.

 "Get dressed in this," he demanded while placing a hanger in my hands. I tilted my head in confusion while unzipping the black bag. My eyes widened in surprise. It was an emerald green bandage dress. This must have been expensive.

 "What's the occasion?" I asked while discarding my towel.

 "Zeus wanted us to attend one of his parties tonight," he answered.

 "We need to grab Tanya," I added.

 He froze. Confusion washed over him, "I thought she'd be going with Roy."

 "We just made plans to meet up," I replied.

 "Roy just got off the phone with her and is taking her shopping now, " he verified by showing me a text from Roy.

 "Okay," I sighed while slinking into the sexy dress, "Can you zip me up?"

 "No underwear?" he commented.

 "Do I need it?" I teased.

 I felt his hot breath trickle along my neck, sending a quiver of pleasure down my spine. He bit down with dominance, followed by a growl in my ear. Unwillingly, I turned away, almost cowering,

 "Don't ever try my patience again," he warned.

 I tried being sassy, but his hand seized my hips firmly within his grasp. I was unable to move. If he was trying to scare me, he was doing the opposite. 

 "How much is my wife paying you?" he asked before licking my neck in the place he bit down moments before.

 "I don't-" I moaned, heaving forward. I knocked my glass of champagne off the countertop, shattering upon the wooden floor.

 "I'll ask you again," he ferociously growled, pressing me harder into the counter.

 "Ugh!" I cried as he pressed a fingertip into a nerve on my lower back. I don't know the answer, but he didn't.

 "$100,000," I lied.

 He stopped his punishment and stepped back, "I'll double it."

 My eyes narrowed. What? Double it? I turned around to see him looking back sternly. He was being serious. What is wrong with this couple? Pitting their little sex bunny to mess with one another? While adjusting myself, I tried my best to remain composed about the situation.

 "What did you want me to do?" I asked. 

 He began fidgeting with his cufflinks as if searching for an answer. I slowly reached the bar top to lean onto my elbow. My breasts were perfectly propped between my arms up and on display. I gave an alluring expression.

 "What do you want me to do, Dimitri?" I firmly repeated.

 He leaned in at eye level with me, "You tell my wife nothing. Nothing of what we do without her. The places we go. The people we meet. Nothing. All we do is fuck when I'm not working and spend time with Roy and Tanya. "

 I narrowed my eyes. That's it? I keep my mouth shut and get paid $300,000 in a month? I didn't even need to think about it, but I didn't need him to know. I pretended to think about it momentarily before giving a slight smirk.

 "Okay," I agreed, "I keep my mouth closed, and you double what she's already giving me."

 "Done." he extended his hand in agreement.

 I took it. He pulled me across the table and into his arm. My legs wrapped around him as our lips intertwined. 

Knock Knock Knock

Ugh. Not again!

 "Be right out Domonique," Dimitri hollerd.

 I couldn't help but pout as we approached the front door.

 "By the way, keep Zeus entertained, will you?" Dimitri asked.

 "Why?" I asked.

 "Because I'm asking you to," he stated before opening my front door, "After you, beautiful."