El Beso Del Final

 "I'll be selling the home and be moving in with Eve and her father by the weekend," Dimitri confirmed, "I apologize for not calling. I've been sleeping with one eye open since your birthday."

 "Sorry," I lied with a devious smile.

 "Are you? Why did you do that?" he demanded, "Don't lie to me."

 "You deserve to be happy like anyone else," I embellished. He did though, "When Zeus and I fucked I saw the love in your eyes for her. You tried to care. Act like you didn't want her. I knew better."

 He looked puzzled, almost confused. That's right. This twenty-five-year-old played you like a fiddle and you had no idea. That evil voice crept into my mind once more.

 "Let me fuck you one last time," he pleaded. Dimitri pleading? This was way too easy.

 He seized me within his grasp without hesitation. I knew what he wanted. What he wanted was me. He needed to forget about everything and lose himself inside of me. I knew this kiss. This was the first kiss we shared when I lost my virginity.

 He easily propped me up on the countertop while hiking up my red dress. Was it really this easy? Is it easy to break such a connection between hatred just with a glance? All he saw was something he already knew. He didn't try to loosen me up before shoving his hard cock inside of me. 

 "Dimitri!" I cried out while digging my nails into his back. That's right. If Eve's you're going to fuck Eve tonight, I'm going to make sure she sees that I've already had you. I continued to dig my nails in deeper and deeper with each of his relentless thrusts.

 Within a matter of moments, Dimitri had finished. I laid there, splayed, flayed, wondering when he'd go away. I was over him. Over this situation. I wanted what I wanted. That's all that matters. When I sat up I discovered he was writing his check. 

 He ripped out the paper and handed it to me with ease. I checked the amount. Five million.

 "Why so much?" I asked.

 "For the abortion and your needs after," he commented.

 "What are you talking about?" I nervously chuckled. 

 He looked at me puzzled. Confused almost. I would know if I was pregnant. Wouldn't I?

 "You can't tell?" he asked, "you've gained weight and I know you haven't had a period in a few months since we've been fucking."

 I froze in fear. Was he right? I don't remember my last period. I've been drinking so much and doing so much blow, that I didn't have a care in the world. My look turned to anxiety along with fear which I knew he saw. He caringly approached me and held me in his warm embrace one final time. 

 "I don't know whose it is," he whispered, "Don't bind yourself to us. We'll only break you."

 Before I could reply, and process what he just told me, Dimitri picked up a duffle bag and made his way out the front door. I was here alone. Possibly pregnant and beyond confused. No. I need to figure out if I really am pregnant first. If I am then I can't keep it. I'm in no shape to be a mother. I would only ruin my child. Beyond that, I don't even know who could be the father of my baby. Is this the woman I've turned into? I don't even know who could be the father of my baby, let alone know I'm pregnant. He walks out with that type of accusation? Fuck this!