Chapter 1668 - Because There Will Be A Future (3)

"Do not retreat! You foolish...!"




They fall like autumn leaves.


Normally, such words would seem out of place on this pine-covered mountain, but at this moment, they couldn't be more fitting.


Those navigating around the cliff along the steep slope are tumbling and falling like leaves before the wind.


The most delicate and elegant swordsmanship of Wudang, now combined with a ruthlessness absent in the past, was something no ordinary practitioner of the Evil Sect could withstand.




It's not swift, yet it's swift; not sharp, yet it's sharp.


The sword of Wudang, embodying two incompatible concepts at its tip, mercilessly tore through and cut down the enemies climbing the slope.




Another scream burst out, and a practitioner from the Evil Sect, impaled through the neck, plummeted. Those following behind were swept along, tumbling down the slope.


"This, this...."


At that moment,.




The Wudang swordsmen, who had been subduing the enemy as gently as flowing water, transformed like a waterfall and engulfed the practitioners of the Evil Sect on the slope.


"You dog!"


Facing enemies below while leaping down without spinning—wasn't that a foolish act, exposing one's lower body entirely to the enemy?


No matter how strong Wudang might be, there were no scarecrows here to fall for such a reckless charge. The enraged practitioners of the Evil Sect lunged with their blades and spears, aiming for the lower bodies of the descending Wudang swordsmen, determined to pierce them through.


But at that moment,.




Just as the thrusting spear was about to reach the leg, the body of the descending Wudang swordsman stopped in mid-air. No, it rather floated upwards.






The twisting movement of the sword in mid-air gently deflected the spear. Through the created space, a sudden sword thrust shot forward like a swift swallow.


Swish! Schwing!


A chilling sensation of one's chest being split open was felt. The one who had extended the spear stared with wide eyes and an open mouth at the softly landing Wudang swordsman.


Seeing his expressionless face, the name of a martial art flashed in his mind.


"Je, Jeon...."


Before he could finish his words, blood, redder than the sunset, spurted out. His eyes rolled back. In his final moment, he saw the Wudang disciples who had been descending the slope rise up like clouds.





(T/N, I tried, but this is what is translated too.) (If I find the name of the move Ill change it.)


The Wudang's supreme martial art seems to ride the clouds up and down the sky. In matters of ascent and descent, only the Kunlun's Yoonryong Daepalsik could compare.


In the steep terrain of Wudang, its power was fully displayed.


"Uh, uhh...."


Even the practitioners of the Evil Sect, who had climbed the mountain without fear while witnessing countless deaths, began to feel despair in their eyes.


That swordsmanship was beyond their level.


Moreover, how could they possibly confront those who wielded such swords and climbed and descended the mountain at will?


Wudang is strong. Just witnessing this scene was enough to understand why Wudang, alongside Shaolin, was a pillar of the world.


And how foolish it was to try to confront them!


"This, this...."


As the hot blood in their heads cooled, the surrounding scene came into focus. Those who tried to ascend the slope were blocked by Wudang's swordsmen and couldn't advance at all. Those scaling the cliff were only screaming as they were obstructed by falling rocks and stones.


Could they really break through? Perhaps it was better to retreat now and circle around to the opposite ridge.




Then, an ear-piercing scream echoed.


In a battlefield where screams were common, the reason this particular scream grabbed attention was because it came not from the front but from the rear.


Instinctively looking back, they saw a practitioner collapsing with blood spraying from his back. Hesitating for a moment, he was killed as an example.


"Keep climbing."






Gritting their teeth!


Everyone clenched their teeth, suddenly reminded.


There is no retreat anyway. The only thing waiting for those who choose to flee and descend this mountain is a fate far more miserable than death on the mountain.






Screaming until their throats were hoarse, they charged forward. They already knew. They knew how to face strong opponents. They knew how to deal with those they couldn't defeat with skill alone.




A fierce Taoist wind swept towards the swordsman of Wudang. Not just one, but three blades. No, even at that moment, another blade followed, targeting the same spot.




The Wudang swordsman was not easily flustered. A sword that has reached the extreme of softness does not fear the opponent's strength. The stronger the opponent's force, the more opportunities arise for this side.




The sword moved smoothly, lightly pushing away the tip of the blade. The blade, which had been flying in, twisted as it collided with the air. The blades, which had charged all at once, got entangled in the air. In that gap, the Wudang swordsman swiftly launched his sword.


But at that moment, the members of the Evil Tyrant Alliance abandoned their lost blades and pounced on him with their entire bodies.




The extended sword pierced through the heart of one of the Evil Tyrant Alliance members. It was a merciless and precise strike, giving no room for the opponent to cling to the sword or grab at his legs. However, what the Wudang swordsman didn't anticipate happened next.


Blood flowed along the Songmun ancient sword that had pierced the heart. Generally, a wound from a sword gets constricted by muscle, reducing blood flow until the sword is withdrawn. But life doesn't always go as planned, and blood might not be something to be concerned about.


Nevertheless, the reason the blood caught his eye was...


'Isn't the blood... a bit thin?'


Just then, the person he thought was dead grabbed the Wudang swordsman's hand. It was a futile, desperate act filled with lingering attachments.


As the Wudang swordsman tried to shake off the hand, the person with a pierced heart barely managed to speak.




The face looked somehow grotesque. It was hard to describe, but the Wudang swordsman could instinctively feel that the expression was one of 'fear.'


The Wudang swordsman hurriedly tried to push him away.




Suddenly, crimson flames erupted from the body of the dying Evil Tyrant Alliance member. The flames quickly spread along the sword, reaching the Wudang swordsman in an instant.




He needed to drop the sword and retreat. That was the obvious response. But the renowned teachings of his sect, which did not allow him to let go of his sword even for a moment, made him hesitate briefly. The consequence of that hesitation had to be borne with his body.




The flames that spread along the sword engulfed his arm rapidly. If it were an ordinary fire, it wouldn't have spread so quickly. He tried to extinguish the fire on his arm, but before he could, something flew towards him. It was a small ball, the size of a child's fist. Seeing the liquid inside slosh, the swordsman, despite the burning pain in his arm, opened his eyes wide.


Pop! Pop!


The balls burst upon contact, and a thin blue liquid splashed around him. As soon as the blue liquid touched the flames, it ignited into a large fire.




The swordsman's entire body was engulfed in flames. Desperately, he swung his sword, but it was pointless. He threw the sword away and covered his face with both hands. He tried using his inner energy and rolling on the ground, but the flames covering his body showed no sign of dying down.




A blade flew and lodged in his neck.


"Ugh... ugh."


One more death was added to the battlefield, but this death was distinctly different from the countless others that had occurred here.


"Can softness overcome strength?"


One of the squad leaders of the Evil Tyrant Alliance, holding a long spear, smirked as he watched the burning corpse of the Wudang swordsman.


He wrapped an unknown cloth around the tip of his spear and brought it close to a firestarter. His spear, like a long torch, lit up the darkening Mount Wudang.


"Do you want to engage in a duel?"


As if his words were a signal, other members of the Evil Tyrant Alliance wrapped their weapons in stained cloth and lit them. The steep slope, not yet touched by flames, gradually began to brighten.


Jo Jang thrust a long spear into a pine tree situated on the mountainside. The dry bark began to burn, emitting white smoke.


"Make no mistake. This is war. And there's no place for lofty Taoists in a war."


When it comes to a battle of swords and blades, the outcome is already determined. But the current Mount Wudang is not a place for such noble fights.


"Throw it!"






At the command, thin leather pouches filled with oil were hurled forward.




The Wudang swordsmen, who had seen the scene unfold before their eyes, hurriedly deflected the oil pouches. However, no matter how much they tried to fend them off, the pouches inevitably landed close to them.






Countless flaming arrows started to rain down on them from below.


These arrows were not shot by trained professionals, so their killing power was limited. However, if ten arrows were shot, at least one would land near the feet of the Wudang swordsmen, achieving the desired effect.




Sure enough, the oil spread to the ground and quickly ignited.


"Fall back!"


"Here, over here!"


"Damn it, what are you doing? Put out the fire! No, cut it off! Cut off your clothes!"


The Wudang swordsmen, whose pants caught fire, retreated in panic. They swung their swords frantically, but for some reason, the fire, once ignited, would not easily go out.


"What kind of trickery is this?"


It wasn't just fire; it was like glue. They've never heard of such a fire in the world!


This is no ordinary oil! Absolutely not!


And that wasn't the only problem.






Another oil pouch hit some of the Wudang disciples, exploding on contact.


"Re... retreat... Aaaaagh!"


Those who hadn't yet caught fire retreated in fear, but those already ablaze faced a horrendous fate.




The flames engulfed them in an instant. The mountain echoed with their agonized screams and the stench of burning flesh. The sight was even more vivid against the backdrop of the darkened mountain, searing itself into the eyes of the Wudang swordsmen.




"What are you doing? Help them! Put out the fire! Hurry! Jin Myung! Jin Myungaaa!"


Death did not come easily. The trained internal energy kept them conscious even as their bodies burned. They had to endure the agony of their flesh slowly roasting with full awareness.


While the Wudang disciples were in disarray, trying to help their burning comrades, another warning came.


"They're coming again!"




Mu Jin hastily looked down. His eyes widened in shock.


'Who are they?'


Below, an entirely different group had gathered. They were densely packed at the bottom of the slope.


Their attire was different from that of the Evil Trant Alliance people; their features were slightly exotic, and their skin was a shade darker. Their chests bore a sun-shaped emblem.


Cold sweat trickled down Mu Jin's back as he realized who they were.


'The... the Sun...'






A barrage of oil pouches and flaming arrows soared upwards, filling the sky.


'The Yangtze...'


The sight they hoped to forget, the scene they believed could be erased, now reappeared vividly in the minds of the Wudang swordsmen, merging with the present.